Bristol Indymedia Presents: Viral Xmas Fun & FOSBR Celebration!
imcvol | 04.12.2010 13:22
8pm at the Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Entry £3/£4 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.)

Monday 6th December
8pm, at the Cube Cinema, Dove St South, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Entry £3/£4 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.) Come and join Bristol Indymedia as we come to the end of 2010 to have a light hearted look at the year and celebrate 15 years of campaign group Friends of Bristol Suburban Railways (FOSBR). Looking back, we’ll be showing some clips from the best talks of the past couple of years, bringing along our favourite interesting (funny/amazing/powerful/shocking) viral videos (not including cats falling off things or dogs wearing sunglasses, honest).
Find The Cube at : Dove Street South, Bristol BS2 8JD
Come and join Bristol Indymedia as we come to the end of 2010 to
have a light hearted look at the year and celebrate 15 years of
campaign group Friends of Bristol Suburban Railways (FOSBR).
Looking back, we’ll be showing some clips from the best talks of
the past couple of years, bringing along our favourite interesting
(funny/amazing/powerful/shocking) viral videos (not including cats
falling off things or dogs wearing sunglasses, honest).
We're also going to be celebrating a campaign that after 15 years
is still going strong. After decades of dominance by car-culture,
join the Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways as we celebrate their
impressive record of victories that have secured the survival of
local railways. Join us in celebrating this achievement with
films, songs and poems and a look at what Thomas Cook (the man not
the company!) considered the most scenic railway in Europe.
An informative and entertaining night is promised!
Directions to Cube:
Original article on IMC Bristol: