UK Newswire Archive
'NY-Lon' - Republican Nation Convention coverage
26-08-2004 09:42
The Republican National Committee has, for the first time in its 150 year history, selected New York for their Convention from August 29-September 2, 2004. In a shallow attempt at exploiting the lives lost at the World Trade Center, the RNC has pushed the Convention date to September. Having witnessed two unjust wars in the name of freedom and democracy (plus at least one American life lost each day overseas, a depressed economy, the collapse of the dollar, $87 billion to boost war profiteering, the closing of our firehouses, a health-care crisis, millions of children being left behind, and now this), Americans are gathering to say, ENOUGH!Big Brother is Watching You!
26-08-2004 08:36
This is the beginning of end for our freedom inthe UK. Under the disguise of protecting our
children. Please read.
DNC2RNC + Miami Model + international videos
26-08-2004 01:26
Somewhat short notice as usual but...Tonight (thursday 26th)
- a screening of bits of The Miami Model ( the film the NYPD shut down a few days ago...
- a screening of resistance to eviction of the 10 year old squatted EUSKAL JAI AURRERA social centre in the basque country (see
- a screening of the video journals from zapatista style DNC2RNC democracy uprising march that arrives in New York this evening for the Republican National Convention (see for details)
- plus a workshop on subtitling and translating video...
Eviction Venue Change: Thurs Autonomous Spaces ESF Meeting
25-08-2004 22:46
Due to the eviction of the Ex Grand Bank Occupied Social Centre this morning, Thursday's Autonomous / Self Organised Spaces meeting for the ESF has been moved to LARC:Lower Nazeing Roma Memorial Park
25-08-2004 20:15

The semantics of Israeli occupation
25-08-2004 19:48
Every few months, an Israeli official creates a public-relations nightmare for government spokesmen by simply pointing out the obvious.DEMONSTRATE FOR TRAVELLERS!
25-08-2004 18:55
(Tuesday) at 2pm.
Iraqi Resistance Report 08/ 19-22 /04
25-08-2004 17:58
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 19 August 2004 throughSunday, 22 August 2004. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu
Nasr, member editorial board The Free Arab Voice.
Iron Age hill fort faces destruction in Cornwall
25-08-2004 17:13
Iron Age hill fort faces destruction in St. Austell, CornwallNuclear Energy Belongs in the Technology Museum
25-08-2004 16:38
Nuclear energy is still too expensive and too dangerous. Huge amounts of water are needed in a time of increasing water shortage. Uranium supplies are limited. In Europe $1 trillion was spent on nuclear research and development while renewable energy received only $50 billion. Hermann Scheer is the winner of an Alternative Nobel Prize and honorary president of Eurosolar.The ''War on Drugs and Terror'' in Colombia haunting the imperial liers
25-08-2004 16:16
Like all things, the truth comes out eventually, although slowly. Uncle Sam’s leading exponent of the ''War on Drugs and Terror'' in the Western hemisphere is a blood thirsty fascist drug trafficker repressing political opposition in Colombia.Pavilion Housing Association in Crisis
25-08-2004 15:45
Following a damning report on Pavilion by the Audit Commission and his forced appearance before a committee of Rushmoor Borough Council, Pavilion chief executive Mervyn Jones tried to pull a fast one by inviting the committee back to his place where he could brief them away from public gaze. Only problem was, it all backfired and Jones was left humiliated wondering if by the end of the week he would still have his job left.Coca Cola & Colombia- ' Not Us Guv'.
25-08-2004 14:50
Reply from Coca Cola to recent emails to the company regarding the violence in Colombia.
Basically doing a whitewash of themesleves.
Workers Without Bosses: Solidarity With Argentina's Self-Managed Factories
25-08-2004 14:18

Party Funding
25-08-2004 13:53
Did UKIP buy 12 MEPs in the last European elections?The Fourth World War: Interview with Rick Rowley of Big Noise Films
25-08-2004 13:41

From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq, comes a feature-length documentary from Big Noise Films. The product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on five continents, "The Fourth World War" is a film that would have been unimaginable at any other moment in history. Directed by the makers of "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista" , produced through a global network of independent media and activist groups, it is a truly global film from and for our global movement.
A.R.M.O.R.Y - Animal Rights Media Online Repository Launched
25-08-2004 12:44
A new website has been launched for individuals and groups to post their images/videos.