UK Newswire Archive
An American “Terrorist” in London
11-07-2010 17:26

No Free Press for BP Oil Disaster
11-07-2010 16:39
"Last week's new media restrictions imposed by the Coast Guard subject journalists and photographers to as much as a 40,000-dollar fine, and from one to five years in jail as a class-D felon if they violate the 20-metre rule, that Unified Command calls a "safety zone.""There have also been restrictions placed on the airspace above areas where clean-up and containment operations are occurring. The Federal Aviation Administration has placed restrictions prohibiting media flights below 900 metres over oil-affected areas."
Picket the Johnny Rotten Gig
11-07-2010 16:22
Palestine campaigners will picket the Johnny Rotten gigto persuade him to cancel a visit to Israel planned for August
Meet 6.30 onwards outside the O2 Academy, Frogmore Street, (off the Centre) Bristol BS1 5NA
There is now a growing national campaign seeking to dissuade artists from supporting Israel
Artists who have already cancelled gigs in Israel include:-
Carlos Santana
Elvis Costello
The Pixies
The Klaxons
The Gorillas
and Gil Scott-Heron
Dustin Hoffman & Meg Ryan are boycotting the Israeli film festival
Here in Bristol Palestine campaigners plan to picket the concert
we will be handing out fliers and as an eye-catching stunt aim to have a couple of stilt-walkers helping us
Organised by the Bristol Palestine Solidarity Campaign
All welcome. FFI
Eco-anarchist talk in West Sussex
11-07-2010 12:07
ECO-ANARCHIST philosophy will be the topic of a talk staged in Worthing, West Sussex, this month. Local writer Paul Cudenec will be explaining the ideas behind his new booklet, ‘Antibodies – Life, Death and Resistance in the Psyche of the Superorganism’.Bristol bookfair organising meet
11-07-2010 11:22
getting ready for 11/9/10Regular organising meeting for the 2010 Bristol anarchist bookfair.
From 7 to 9pm at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton BS5 6JY.
On the agenda tonight:
- posters, flyers & publicity
- stall and workshops update
- finances
- venue update incl. link up with Bristol Rad History and Bristol Indymedia
We welcome more anarchists getting involved in helping put on this annual event. If you have the time and energy to get involved and help spread anarchist ideas & practices, please come along or get in touch.
Anti-execution and anti-stoning protest outside Iran embassy London
11-07-2010 09:34

UG#507 - Breaking Rankism & Violent Male Stereotypes
11-07-2010 08:40

Sustainable schooling in Kirklees
11-07-2010 00:23
Members of northern based solar/bike powered PA collective Yorkshire Solar Sound
yesterday (july 9th) demonstrated the possibility of running a modern ICT
(information and computing technology) classroom powered only by the sun and pedal
power as a contribution to a local high schools 'Big Green Day'.
Armed Police Outside Village Primary School
11-07-2010 00:23
Earlier this week, armed police from the West Yorkshire firearms unit were
reportedly stationed outside a primary school in the small village of Drighlington,
West Yorkshire and were seen on patrol around the nearby streets.
Cambridge Uni Day of Action Against Animal Tests!
10-07-2010 17:29

Leeds AF Report on the Antifascist Meeting
10-07-2010 17:23
Leeds AF have published a report on their Antifascist Coalition Meeting on their website:
Open Art exhibit outside the Occupied Foundry
10-07-2010 17:22
Open Access Art exhibit outside the Occupied Foundry - Artists Needed ASAP
The front of the foundry is to be covered in the artwork of anyone who wishes in a visual protest against the Hackney councils betrayal of all things golden. Pieces are encouraged to be put up from July 10th onwards and left until... Lets give the old girl one last hurrah and give people something to look at that is not subject to corporate art pimps!
The foundry will no longer be a canvas for London's artistic talent. The Hackney council has bitten the hand that feeds their borough. Please bring down some pieces (preferably prints as their will be left outside - the people inside cannot take responsibility for the work) and show people what the foundry was about - ART!! MUSIC!! and a beer afterwork of course... MORE ARTISTS NEEDED - COME DOWN AND AUTONOMOUSLY EXHIBIT WHEN YOU CAN - sooner rather than later. thank you
London Antifascist Benefit Tonight!
10-07-2010 16:21

Time could running out for the imperial mission in Afghanistan?
10-07-2010 16:13
"Six U.S. service members were among nine people killed in Afghanistan on Saturday, the latest casualties in a bloody summer for coalition soldiers."Your Bookfair Needs You
10-07-2010 13:22
2nd Callout for stalls and workshopsDear Bristol Activists,
Your Bookfair needs you.
The third annual Bristol Anarchist Bookfair will happen on Saturday
September 11th at Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol. From 10.30am
to 6.00pm and the bookfair collective wants you there.
The date of the event draws near, just nine weeks to go now. And the
deadline for applications for stalls and workshops is the 9th of August if
you want to appear in the program as it needs to go off to the printers.
(That's one month away guys!)
The sooner we get those applications landing on the doorstep of Bookfair
HQ or arriving in our inbox the sooner we can put time into those little
details that make Bristol Anarchist Bookfair stand out as a major event in
the radical diary of the South-West.
This event will not happen without radical groups and publishers in
Bristol and beyond holding stalls and workshops so it's over to you guys
Please put it high up the agenda of your next meeting, hopefully you will
agree to doing something and ideally both a stall and a workshop (or even
a film/slideshow/talk/debate/recital).
The original full call out and the booking form is available on the
website and click on Stalls & Workshops
in the top right hand corner.
For help or info e-mail us at
Love & Rage,
The Bookfair Collective
Open Access Art exhibit outside the Occupied Foundry - Artists Needed ASAP
10-07-2010 13:10
The front of the foundry is to be covered in the artwork of anyone who wishes in a visual protest against the Hackney councils betrayal of all things golden. Pieces are encouraged to be put up from July 10th onwards and left until... Lets give the old girl one last hurrah and give people something to look at that is not subject to corporate art pimps!Global day against Sakine Ashtiani's stoning in Iran
10-07-2010 12:26
Many gathered in front of Iranian embassy to protest against the death penalty, torture and other cruel and inhuman punishments. They opposed the criminalization of consensual sexual relations and also demanded the release of all political prisoners.Radical Wales
10-07-2010 10:22
New WebsiteRadical Wales exists as a platform for considered radical political commentary and discussion in Wales. We hope to attract a wide range of submissions from across the spectrum of anarchists, communists, greens, left-republicans and socialists.
In our first week we've published the following articles:
• Do you believe in the Welsh Defence League? -
• Don’t Hate the Media, Be the Media! Why the Welsh public sphere needs radical voices -
• The human face of welfare reform -
• South Wales Police pick a side -
More will appear soon, if you'd like to submit an article -"
Please get in touch -
Parliament Square hunger strike
10-07-2010 10:13