UK Newswire Archive
27-02-2003 11:46
Two Anti-War activists were arrested in Plymouth after a protest in the city. They have been released on bail. Does the government think that sending police to arrest protester will silenced the Anti-war movement? They are wrong!Short audio of very funny White House press briefing
27-02-2003 10:55

We really are losing the argument against war!!!!
27-02-2003 10:23
Op-inion polls in America have put support for war at around 70 per cent and in Britain opinion polls have found that two thirds of people would support a war against Iraq with UN backing.Rebels confirm: 3 CIA agents captured
27-02-2003 10:08
Colombia's main leftist rebel army confirms to have downed a CIA plane and captured 3 US intelligence agents. The guerrillas are demanding the US and Colombian armies to hold their fire in order to be able to guarantee the safety of the prisoners.FRIDAY: ON YER BIKE! London Critical Mass!
27-02-2003 09:56
London Critical Mass! FRIDAY! The ultimate response to oil wars!Trainstopping call in fron italian embassy at 1 pm
27-02-2003 09:29
The italian government from tonight is moving across italy several death train toward Pisa us military base camp darby.Activists are being arrested and after one hour released.
People is tring to block different station in different city all over north,north est italy.We call a demo to protest against Berlusconi government and to stop the war.
Blair and Commons Indict Themselves
27-02-2003 07:44
Let's increase the rhetorical volume: Stop the GenocideWhy Bush's preemption policy will fail
27-02-2003 02:03
Great article explaining why the idea of preemption will fail. The author uses North Korea as an example to prove his point.Life in a Barrel of Oil
27-02-2003 00:26
US and Europe need oil and natural gas. Inogate and US and European military will do what it takes to get it.MONDAY 3/3/03 ACTION IN PARLIAMENT SQUARE
27-02-2003 00:13
Demos are not allowed in Parliament Square, but organisers have got a permit to do a "performance" on Monday morning, so please send this message out far and wide and let's see how many people we can get down there :)Executive of Egunkaria freed, denounce tortures
26-02-2003 21:42
Executive of Egunkaria freed, denounce torturesCASE WILL CHALLENGE THE MORALITY OF COERCIVE PSYCHIATRY
26-02-2003 21:27
NATION'S MOST CONTROVERSIAL IVC CASE WILL CHALLENGE THE MORALITY OF COERCIVE PSYCHIATRYChester, Illinois - February 26, 2003 - The nation's most controversial case of involuntary psychiatric commitment (IVC), which has kept Illinoisan C. Rodney Yoder in maximum security for twelve years for no crime, will occasion an unprecedented challenge to the institution of coercive psychiatry.
Blair suffers big parliament revolt
26-02-2003 20:13
LONDON (Reuters) - Nearly 200 members of parliament have defied Prime Minister Tony Blair's hawkish Iraq stance, saying that the case for war has not been provenSIGN ON - Int'l call Boycott US war Iraq
26-02-2003 18:00

Army Forced to Retreat
26-02-2003 17:07
Army have problems recruiting. Link to local corporate media could become broken by thurs/27/feb - sorry3000 Protest in Galway / March 1st Direct Action Day @ Shannon
26-02-2003 17:05
Irish Peace Movement Continues as 3,000 March in Galway+
Day of Action March 1st @ Shannon
Strategic Analysis of Iraq situation
26-02-2003 16:50
Free analysis from Stratfor Strategic forecasting.