UK Newswire Archive
Funding taken away for opposing EDL?
24-03-2010 18:35
Nottingham City Council have decided to end funding for the Council for Equality and Human Rights Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (CEHRNN). Reports in local rag the Evening Post suggest that this decision may have been motivated, at least in part, by the organisation's role in last December's demonstration against the English Defence League (EDL).Support for Black Wood Solidarity Camp needed - ancient woodland being felled
24-03-2010 17:20

Our right to protest: Support the London-Gaza Protesters at court, Fri. 26 March
24-03-2010 15:49

Following these protests in front of the Israeli Embassy in London, 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.
The next hearing is scheduled for the 26th March, at 9.30 at Isleworth Crown Court. It is important that as many people as possible come out to show that they support the young people and recognise the unfairness of these convictions and will not stand for it.
Mel Broughtons conviction overturned but he will have a third trial
24-03-2010 15:24
the trial wll be the third over the same allegation!Budget Day Civil Service Strike
24-03-2010 13:46

UK MPs accuse US military of Fallujah human rights atrocities
24-03-2010 13:24
The suffering of innocent IraqisBristol Eco Village - the Urban Centre for Alternative Technology.
24-03-2010 13:12
Within the next few months, an Urban Eco Village will be setup in Bristol. Have you got the courage to move off-grid and help make it a monumental success? It doesn't matter if you have no skills or experience - this time last year I didn't.Support the Decommissioners - on Trial - May 17th
24-03-2010 13:11

Postponed from last autumn, the trial of the six people charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage at the ITT/EDO MBM offices in Brighton in January 2009 now begins on May 17th.
On 17th January 2009, as the bombs rained down on Gaza, the six defendants entered the EDO factory. They threw computers and filing cabinets out of the first floor window and took hammers to machinery used for weapons production. Their aim was to disable the war machine and to take action against those who profit from the aerial bombardment of Gaza. The offices were out of action for a month.
Sodexo's Lake side Cafe targeted
24-03-2010 12:41
On Sunday night the doors of Sodexo's Lakeside Cafe were locked and windows covered with graffiti. Sodexo are amongst those who profiteer from the boarder regime and industrial prison complex.Sanctuary for Ali Hili - Action alert: Iraqi LGBT need your help
24-03-2010 10:24
The UK government through its Border Agency has decided not to give priority to the asylum application of Iraqi, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) leader Ali Hili, in exile in London. The application has been outstanding for nearly three years and while it is outstanding, Ali cannot travel.Their crime was to be black at the wrong time in the US
24-03-2010 01:35

EDL Planning Deadly Race Riots
24-03-2010 00:28

“Produce of Israel”: British Company Mislabelling Settlement Goods
23-03-2010 23:36

Mike Ruppert's Q&A will be livestreamed on Friday evening
23-03-2010 21:54
Michael Ruppert: the man who broke the story of the CIA dealing cocaine, predicted the 'credit crunch' of 2008 and connected the dots between 'The War on Terror" and Peak Oil ... just some of his many achievements in 30 years of political activismWhy is there popular protest in Venezuela?
23-03-2010 21:34

Unique Global Event - Glastonbury UK & Webcast - "the kitchen Table"
23-03-2010 19:40

is no audience as such as everyone is welcome to be involved.
For those unable to attend the event in Glastonbury in person. the discussions
will be webcast through the website
Deportation of Patrick Mitonga Masengo
23-03-2010 19:11

he is pictured here taking part in a Congolese Protest in Manchester on 13th March, against just this sort of happening.
He was arrested on March 19th 2010.
Police Monitoring and Legal Observation Training
23-03-2010 17:06
Are you worried about abuse of police powers at protests and in your community?Ever moaned about an ever increasing police state but haven't known what to do?
Come to the Network for Police Monitoring training and start holding them to account for their actions.
Protest against Nick Griffin in New Malden (22nd March)
23-03-2010 16:36
Fascist Nick Griffin was in New Malden debating with the Barking general election candidate for the Christian Party. About 25 people held a protest outside the venue. Most were local and most were young.