UK Newswire Archive
Progressive Theatre Plays to Pentagon
13-01-2011 18:22
Reported in London Evening Standard and on BBC Radio 4 newsKilburn's Tricycle Theatre will give an extra special performance of their highly acclaimed The Great Game series of plays.
Husky Dog Racing
13-01-2011 18:22
Husky Dogs Against the Sell Off of our ForestWye-Dean Mushing
Beechenhurst Sun 15/16 Jan. Forest of Dean
There will be a H.O.O.F. information and letter writing station at the annual husky sled dog rally on Sunday 16th January at Beechenhurst Lodge between 9 .00am and 4pm.
Why not come along to experience some great racing and see the dogs that will be supporting H.O.O.F. by wearing yellow ribbons.
The organisers of the rally said:
I think we can safely say that as organisers of sled dog rallies we'd be dead against anything that might affect the access we've been given to use the forest, it is a great example of how the Forestry Commission has worked with a local group to improve access
LOCATION: Beechenhurst Lodge Picnic Site & Sculpture Trail, B4226 between Cinderford & Coleford, Forest of Dean, Glos. OS Grid Ref: SO614120
Come along to support HOOF and enjoy watching the Husky racing as well.
Competition starts 5pm Saturday, 8.30am Sunday. HOOF will be there from 8.30 - 4 on Sunday
Protesting against tuition fees - beyond Clegg's lies
13-01-2011 18:05
In the discussions about Nick Clegg's lies in the run-up to the election, the real problems of tuition fees haven't always been discussed.Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Undercover and over-the-top: The collapse of the Ratcliffe trial
13-01-2011 17:33
Sent from New Internationalist magazine ( NI contributor Danny Chivers was one of six defendants whose charges were dropped in Nottingham Crown Court this week, following revelations about an undercover police officer who had infiltrated the UK’s environmental protest movement. Here, Danny explains the extraordinary events that led to the collapse of his trial, and what they tell us about the policing of protest in Britain today.From De Sidi Bouzid to Bab-el-Oued. Against the reign of the State, power and mo
13-01-2011 16:53

undercover cop Newsnight report online
13-01-2011 16:46
It's available for the moment on YouTube, as well as iPlayer, if you want to see it after this week, or send it to your friends abroadDissident Island - Jan. 7 show ready for download
13-01-2011 16:23
Back from our holiday break us dissidents were still a little fuzzy headed but we managed to pull our heads out of our asses long enough to have functioning conversations with a fair few people. Ben, from UK Uncut, came into the studio and had a good long chat with us about ideas behind the campaign as well as looking at what the year ahead might have in store.
One of the defendants in the recent Ratcliffe coal power plant trial came down to tell us about the outcome of the trial and where things can go from here. We had words from London's newest social space, Off Market - long may it last. In a slight change to our advertised schedule we had a How To guide on digital music mastering, very much worth a listen!
After all this we had Lung Collapser pop by the studio and play us out with some beefy dubstep.
Download or stream and enjoy - Don't forget to check our next show on January 21st, more info on our site soon...
Palestine Today 11 13 2010
13-01-2011 15:23

Saving Iceland statement on Mark Stone
13-01-2011 15:10
The following is a statement from the Saving Iceland campaign released today in response to various request from media to talk about Mark Stone / KennedyRage Against the Bankers !
13-01-2011 14:22
Protest in Bristol on Saturday Jan 15th against Bankers outrageous bonusesThe Right to Work Campaign is calling for a wave of protests against the Tories’ surrender to the bankers and the outrageous awards of huge bonuses to some of Britain ’s richest men.
Bob Diamond’s £8 million bonus at Barclays and Stephen Hester’s £2.5 million at RBS are an insult to every ordinary person in Britain . But we know they are just the tip of the iceberg.
Meet Castle Park, top of Union Street, Bristol. Saturday January 15th. 1 pm. March on a bank !
The Right to Work Campaign is calling for a wave of protests against the Tories’ surrender to the bankers and the outrageous awards of huge bonuses to some of Britain ’s richest men.
Paul Brandon Chair of the Right to Work Campaign said “Millions of ordinary people will be outraged by the sight of wealthy bankers getting even richer while the workers who keep our hospitals, councils and schools running are made redundant in drove...s.
“It comes as no surprise that Cameron and Co have made it clear that they will let the bankers pay themselves unlimited bonuses, despite the trillion pound state bailout of the banks.
“While hundreds of thousands are being thrown onto the dole queues and public services are being slashed the very men who got us into this mess have their snouts back in the trough.”
Bob Diamond’s £8 million bonus at Barclays and Stephen Hester’s £2.5 million at RBS are an insult to every ordinary person in Britain . But we know they are just the tip of the iceberg.
Chris Bambery the National Secretary of Right to Work said: “We can’t sit back and take this latest outrage without a fight. We need to take a lead from the student protests against tuition fees and the end of EMA. We need a wave of protests against the bankers. Right to Work is calling for protests at Barclays and RBS branches across the country”.
Meet Castle Park, top of Union Street, Bristol. Saturday January 15th. 1 pm. March to a bank !
Save Liebig 14! - Demo This Friday
13-01-2011 13:51

Demo outside the German embassy
This friday - 14th January - 12 midday
23 Belgrave Square, sw1x
Underground: Knightsbridge / Hyde Park Corner
Danish arms-trafficking ship hijacked by pirates
13-01-2011 12:44
The Danish arms-trafficking ship "Leopard" has been hijacked by pirates.Barclays cash machine sabotaged in Solidarity with the victims of EDO/ITT
13-01-2011 12:44
Barclay Capital is the market maker for ITT Corporation on the New York Stock Exchange - see
Uranium Contamination of Proposed Site at Hinkley Point
13-01-2011 12:22
EDF data suggests up to 10t of enriched uranium in topsoilIn a report by Chris Busby and Cecily Collingridge for Green Audit, analysis is presented showing the presence of enriched uranium contamination on the site proposed for the new nuclear reactors at Hinkley C.
The authors draw attention to the importance of this discovery for human health. Earlier studies found increased rates of child and adult leukemia, breast and other cancers, and infant mortality in Burnham-on-Sea downwind of the Hinkley Point site. Studies worldwide have found excess child leukemia near many nuclear sites. Prof Busby, who is Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR) said "These data are a revelation. Maybe it is Enriched Uranium that is the source of these health effects. Curiously, Uranium is not routinely measured near nuclear power station despite the fact that it is the fuel. We know from United Nations publications that these power stations release large amounts of radionuclides, including uranium, to the environment. What this shows is that it does not harmlessly disperse, but it is in the air nearby to be inhaled by people who live there." Cecily Collingridge, who lives nearby, and whose curiosity lead to the study, said "The first thing we must do is stop all work on the site. If this contamination becomes airborne, workers and local people can inhale atomic reactor fuel particles. the origin of the enriched urnaium must be independently investigated with more sampling and proper analysis."
Examining gamma spectroscopy radioactivity data tables that formed part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) supplied by developers EDF Energy, it was possible to show that the 2 km-squared site cotained approximately 10 tonnes of enriched uranium reactor fuel. Uranium levels in soil were up to 4 times higher that average levels expected in the area as defined by Environment Agency reports. Isotopic ratios for the two key components, U238 and U235, which should not naturally deviate from the value of 21.3, were found to be as low as 12.5, signalling enriched uranium reactor fuel. Both the concentration and the activity ratio trends with sample depth were significant, showing that the excess enriched uranium was on the surface and had been deposited from the air. Deep samples showed only much lower concentrations of natural uranium. There also appeared to be a trend with distance from the sea; Hinkley Point is built on the coast.
Oberhausen on Tour: Best of 2010
13-01-2011 11:22
The only UK screening of a selection of best films from one of the world's most exciting film festivals27 January 8 pm £4/3
The Cube is proud to be screening a BEST OF selection of films from the 56th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen.
In the course of more than five decades, the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen has become one of the world's most respected film events - a place where filmmakers and artists ranging from Roman Polanski to Cate Shortland, from George Lucas to Pipilotti Rist have presented their first films.
Tonight’s programme will show five award-winning and outstanding shorts, ranging in genre from documentary, experimental film, to comedy. And more delights in the bar - short songs and irreverent covers musing about love, drugs and lost tents by Pip Taylor.
Entrevista con la Tierra
Interview with the Earth
Mexico 2008 18 min
by Nicolás Pereda
A little boy died climbing a mountain with his friend. This short gripping documentary shows how differently his mother and his friend cope with his death. A film about superstition, guilt and atonement in a village somewhere in Mexico.
Ketamin – Hinter dem Licht
Ketamine – Behind the Light
Germany 2009 21 min
by Carsten Aschmann
Driving through the mountains. The sounds of chords, beauty, art and death echo through the places and elements. The trip ends in the city of Venice which appears exhausted and deserted.
Bensberg September 2009
Germany 2010 , 11min 30sec
by Lea Hartlaub
A detached house on a mountain by Cologne, a station. The earth’s movement is monitored and recorded. An archive in the basement, 54 years stored away in this room. A dial gauge ticking through the old tubes.
Electric Light Wonderland
UK 2009 12 min
by Susanna Wallin
A mobile disco promising to give you the night of your life.
Estonia 2010 21 min
by Jaan Toomik
25 years after his discharge from the Soviet army, a former soldier embarks on a ritual journey to a faraway village graveyard to free himself from haunting memories related to a tragic accident in the army.
Right to Work has called for a protest this Friday at the Royal Bank of Scotland
13-01-2011 11:03
In London, Right to Work has called for a protest this Friday at the Royal Bank of Scotland building, 280 Bishopsgate EC2M 4RB from 4pm.Swindon Anti-Cuts events
13-01-2011 10:22
Last night, a very large meeting saw the birth of Swindon-Anti-Cuts Campaign. We already have several events in the pipeline -*Sat Jan 22nd (although some of us will be watching Rovers get a pasting at the hands of the Mighty Reds that day!) and sat Jan 29th, both at 11pm, by the water feature where Canal walk meets Bridge street - Leafleting to advertise demos/the campaign
*Weds 26th Jan, 7.30pm, Alexander House, Fleming Way, Swindon - Next organising meeting for Swindon Anti-Cuts Campaign
*Early Feb, date TBC, - Council buildings, Euclid Street, Swindon - Evening demo to protest the next full council meeting. The last one got 75 people out, which ain't bad for Swindon, but we want to make the next one bigger, noisier and angrier!
*March 5th (Sat), midday, Wharf Green, Swindon - Protest against the cuts.
*March 8th (provisional date) - Pilgrim Centre, Swindon - Public meeting against the cuts.
We will also be running transport from Swindon to the big March 26th demo in London.
To get involved in the campaign, drop us an email at
Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, Talk in Bristol
13-01-2011 10:22
Jimmy Wales, the founder of the free, non-commercial and open source Wikipedia is here in Bristol today to give a talk. This year is the 10 year anniversary of Wikipedia, so he'll be talking about this milestone and the future of the project.The talk is sold out (well it was free to go, but you need a ticket) but having been to such free events before there are always a few seats left at the end as a few people don't turn up. It's at 12.00-13.00 at Victoria Rooms, University of Bristol.
However there is also going to be a live stream of the event you can watch for free too:
If you are on twitter, the hashtag for this is #wp10
Strike laws may be tightened
13-01-2011 10:07
Seems Cameron & Co are considering tightening the strike laws in the wake of threats of a general strike. Hardly a surprise but worth reporting.
Full article | 2 additions | 38 comments
Officer A
13-01-2011 09:32
Last night's guardian article about another undercover officer below - sorry to repost but this seems like useful information to me. So are we keeping to the guardian's 'gentlemen's agreement' with the police not to be open about who this officer A is? Is it just for those that 'need to know'? Please just post her name and face someone.