UK Newswire Archive
Flottilla massacre protest outside Guildhall
31-05-2010 13:31
More than 40 people have spontaneously converged outside the Cambridge Guild hall protesting the massacre of at least 15 flotilla protesters. Placards read "End the Siege of Gaza", "Free Palestine", "Stop the massacre". A bunch of random teenagers busking in the background provide a soundtrack...Colombian Oil Workers Have Occupied BP Plant despite threats
31-05-2010 13:10
The workers resumed the protest on 21 May with a peaceful occupation of the installations at the Cusiana CPF (Central Processing Facility) in the face of frustrated efforts to reach agreement with BP on the labour negotiating commission.EMERGENCY SOLIDARITY PICKET, called by Colombia Solidarity Campaign
4 – 6 pm Wednesday 2 June, outside BP HQ
PHILIPPINES: Marcoses come close to full circle
31-05-2010 12:59

Birmingham emergency protest for the 19 murdered flotilla peace activists
31-05-2010 12:40

Statement of the Second Palestinian BDS Conference on the attack on the Flotilla
31-05-2010 12:23
Israel cannot be allowed to act with impunityBrighton Vigil against the Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla
31-05-2010 12:18
In response to the massacre of members of the Gaza Aid ConvoyHOW TO piss off Nokia without leaving your chair
31-05-2010 12:06
The Nokia corporation just launched a new online marketing campaign. It is an alternate reality game named "Conspiracy for good".Updates from Flotilla solidarity demo
31-05-2010 11:49
Last Hours will be sending 'from the street updates' from outside Downing Street today.Fried Clegg: Will Lib Dem deputy Prime Minister speak out over Gaza peace killin
31-05-2010 11:40
Pressure is mounting on deputy prime minister Nick Clegg to speak out against the killing of 19 protesters on the Freedom Flotilla - following his own demands for tougher action against the Israeli blockade of Palestine.The Liberal Democrat has not yet spoken out to condemn the raiding of the boats and death of unarmed civilian peace protesters. Today's events could cause a serious rift in the coalition Government with the pro-Israeli Conservatives.
Israeli troops storm Gaza flotilla
31-05-2010 11:33

Pro ZIONIST Greek Politicians.. (the names)
31-05-2010 11:28
The following names have been given by a distinctive member of the Greek Israel community Zan Choen. Are the names of the Greek Politicians (by party) that have helped Israel .. when it was asked from them .. here they are :Locations of gaza demos today
31-05-2010 11:28
More demos seem to be being called every minute - please post them up here so people know where to go.solidarity to italian squatters
31-05-2010 11:28
urgent solidarity with italian squatters , once again italian terror state showing is crueltyProtests called in response to Free Gaza massacre
31-05-2010 11:23
This morning Israeli Defense Forces boarded boats carrying prohibited humanitarian aid to Gaza and killed at least 10 people on board. Protests have been called for this evening in Scotland. Israeli Arabs have called for a general strike there on Tuesday, while in Turkey the Israeli embassy has been the target of fierce protests.
Strawberry Fair Fight Back
31-05-2010 11:10

National Israeli Embassy Demo This Saturday!
31-05-2010 11:10
MET IN HYDE PARK 1-2PM THEN MARCH ON THE EMBASSYflotilla attack: downing street demo already begun
31-05-2010 10:30
there was a call-out for an 11am demo at the foreign office in response to the israeli lethal attack on the freedom flotilla in international waters. however as those offices are all closed, activists have already moved to downing street and are calling out for support before the '(couldn't) stop the war coalition' protest called for 2pmBristol Protest Against Israeli Marderous Attacks On Freedom Flotilla En Route To Gaza
31-05-2010 10:22
News reports this morning state:- Israeli forces have attacked the international aid convoy Freedom Flotilla en route to the besieged Gaza Strip, killing 10 or more people and leaving many more injured. The attack happened at about 4am Monday morning after was stormed by commandos descending from helicopters. The interception reportedly took place in international waters, more than 150km (90 miles) off the coast of Gaza. Apparently the ships are being towed into ports in Israel and injured people evacuated by helicopter to hospitals in Israel. The al Jazeera reporter on board has confirmed there was absolutely no violence from the activists.
Two Bristol people, Sakir Yildirim from Fishponds and Cliff Hanley from Southville, both members of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign who have been raising funds for the flotilla were on the boats. We have no information on their condition as yet.
Protest on the Centre (opposite the Hippodrome) starting at 3pm today (Monday).
Bring fliers, banners, flags, placards, Palestinian scarves, drums, whistles, etc.
And throughout the week 5-6pm also on the Centre.
LETTER TO: William Hague MP, Foreign Secretary, King Charles Street, London, SW1A 2AH
CONTACT YOUR MP: Ask him/her to contact Hague on your behalf
LETTER TO: Nick Clegg MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Sophie Honey is now in charge of the Near East in the Foreign Office, telephone number 020 7008 2456 (leave message on answerphone)
Perhaps the first complaint should be to the BBC (03700-100-222) for only interviewing Mark Regev.
Gaza Freedom Flotilla attacked, activists killed
31-05-2010 09:22
Israeli commandos stormed at least one ship (the passenger liner) last night in international waters, 70 miles from Gaza, causing between 3 and 16 fatalities, including Turks and other internationals, after the ship had turned away from Gaza specifically to avoid direct confrontation with the heavily armed Israeli navy.Bristol residents and Palestine Solidarity activists Sakir and Cliff are on board the passenger ship and their safety is at present unknown. The British Foreign & Commonwealth Office has so far offered no comment on the incident, and indeed went to extraordinary lengths to show their bureaucratic unconcern for 35 Britons onboard last night when phoned prior to the incident by local activists who were alarmed by the turn of events. They were told the ministry was 'acting on the issue as we speak' and 'everything is in hand'. An hour or so later, the ships were attacked.
Public outrage in Turkey is exploding today, with thousands of people already out demonstrating on the streets of Istanbul before 9 AM.