UK Newswire Archive
Cambridge hunger strike against property developers
17-03-2004 16:30
A Cambridge priest is on hunger strike in an attempt to keep a community space. MPM Properties have siezed posession of the space, which they intend to redevelop, locking out charitable and community organisations.ISM Action Alert: JEWISH AMERICAN ACTIVIST STILL HELD BY ISRAEL
17-03-2004 16:19
The impact of the Spanish government campaign against the Basques
17-03-2004 16:13
As we feared, the campaign against the Basques organised by the Spanish government and amplified by the mass media has had a big impact in the enjoyment of the human rights of some Basque citizens. The tense situation has exploded in some concrete actions:Blackwood protest flyer - please download and distribute...
17-03-2004 15:58

40 million strike--against a ban on strikes!
17-03-2004 15:58
One of the biggest strikes in world history took place 3 weeks ago in India, but the media decided to ignore it! (I just found out about it today). Briefly, India's supreme court had ruled that it was illegal for government workers to strike, so in order to protest the ruling and pressure the government: the workers--went on strike!TEAR DOWN THE APARTHEID WALL! Three Days Of Action Against The Wall Near Budrus
17-03-2004 15:39
For Immediate Release
Three days of action against the Wall near Budrus
Commemorate Rachel Corrie at National Demo with ISM London
17-03-2004 15:34
) A Year Of Silence Since Rachel Corrie died -commemorate Rachel at National Demo with ISM London - 20/03/04
2) A Year Of Lies - National Demo. - 20/03/04
3) In memory of Rachel
Bayer works in Widness spray painted
17-03-2004 15:28
Anti-gm slogans were spray painted on a wall and sign at the Bayer Crop Science works in Widness.Cunning non GM plot plot
17-03-2004 14:37
Here's a cool idea that could certainly catch the public imagination and involvement into the anti-GM campaign. If there was a big take up all over the country (which might require more work than the one person mentioned below can do by himself) then it could have the effect of forcing the government into a further bad PR situation and also force the locations of GM fodder maize sites to be disclosed to anyone that fancies a bit of weeding..Media silence on state killings of Kurds in Syria
17-03-2004 14:12
Press release from the Kurdish Human Rights Project, an NGO based in London.ESF Video Clips from Euro Assembly 6-7 March
17-03-2004 14:03
The videos are in realmedia format at modem quality if you need a good media play for windows download media player classic - do a googol search with the correct spelling (:Firm targeted by animal rights group
17-03-2004 13:54
East Anglian Daily TimesFirm targeted by animal rights group
March 17, 2004 06:11
By Ted Jeory
A bad day for 'Baby Bush'
17-03-2004 13:47
Colombian President Uribe was dealt a diplomatic rebuff from the European Parliament when he arrived on 10th February after a controversial invite from the Socialist Group of MEPs. Campaigners had expressed deep concern at his imminent arrival in the wake of the Colombian government’s branding of human rights defenders as "terrorists".Yet another GM sugarbeet withdrawn from UK national seed list application
17-03-2004 13:26
Syngenta/Monsanto withdraw the last GM sugarbeet from the UK national seed list processMarket Misery in Leeds
17-03-2004 12:13
The plight of Leeds Kirkgate Market stallholders over rent increases by Leeds city councilLABOUR UNDER ATTACK FOR DETENTION CENTRE
17-03-2004 11:22

Theatre of War: Whitehall protest against occupation of Iraq
17-03-2004 10:25
A theatrical protest and tour of Whitehall to mark one year since the US/UK invasion of IraqAppeal For the Release of the Imprisoned Tieshu Workers
17-03-2004 08:58
An update on the 6 workers imprisoned by the Chinese authorities for "disturbing the social order" following a peaceful demonstration, and a call for solidarity from individuals and trade unions around the world.