UK Newswire Archive
Around the Campaigns Thursday 21st May 2009
21-05-2009 07:30
Constant Moussavou & Jean-Baptiste Bassime, still in the UKCaren Ondimu and family, here to stay
Pix-&-Vidz of UCaPV Vigil, NSY - Wed 20 May 09
21-05-2009 07:30

Victory for British and Polish Workers' Rights
21-05-2009 07:18
EU exploitation law defeated after UK-wide strikesFascism, Nazism and Avigdor Lieberman
21-05-2009 00:13
The article is a look at Avigdor Lieberman as the latest manifestation of Zionist-fascism. The author entreats the reader to decide, as a ''Juror of the Court of Public Opinion,'' to decide if, based upon the evidence presented, Avigdor Lieberman is really a Nazi. The article is noteworthy for its reference to Zionist collaboration with the Third Reich in the Thirties complete with source references.Update on Zapatista prisoners held in appalling conditons
20-05-2009 22:44

Bachajon, under criminal process in El Amate, have been subjected to forced hard labor for up to 24 hours by “precisos” who are a group of prisoners supported by the authorities. However, this morning Miguel Vazquez Moreno was released, the only prisoner who is from a Zapatista community. The other seven that remain in prison are members of the Other Campaign, a national and international revolutionary campaign initiated by the EZLN. The government insists on accusing them of false criminal charges. Given the alarming conditions of their confinement, the Human Rights Centre Frayba, has asked the InterAmerican HR Commission to urge the mexican government to adopt “without delay” measures to protect them, as the personal safety of the prisoners is at serious risk
Met releases new anti-warmonger advert
20-05-2009 21:13

New anti-warmonger hotline!!
Residents Against Station Closure
20-05-2009 18:29

Eco-Village Occupation, near Hammersmith, London, June 6th.
20-05-2009 15:14

Saturday June 6th (see deatils below). The idea is to occupy a disused urban site in SW London
near Hammersmith and to start an eco-village community based on sustainable
methods of living such as vegetable growing, compost toilets the works. Come and be a part of it.
Palestine Today 052009
20-05-2009 15:08

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday May 20th 2009.
Say no to US Missile Defence - demonstrate at Fylingdales
20-05-2009 10:54

12 noon, Saturday 13th June
Ellerbeck Bridge, RAF Fylingdales, Whitby, North Yorkshire
Lakes for Living – Lakes for Life ??
20-05-2009 10:44
Wastwater cools the world’s most dangerous nuclear waste stockpile so youwould imagine that an international conference based in the Lakes on the
environmental impacts on Cumbria’s freshwater resources would have
something to say about existing and potential impacts of the nuclear
Tesco Boycott Israeli Settlement Produce Action - Video
20-05-2009 10:29

Tamil leaders 'killed as they tried to surrender'
20-05-2009 10:16
Text messages sent by Sri Lankan officials told the rebels how to give themselvesup. They obeyed the instructions – but were shot dead.
Sri Lankan Army burying the evidence of war crimes?
20-05-2009 09:53
A day after the conflict was said to be officially over, there are reports coming out of Sri Lanka overnight that over 1000 Tamils were shot on sight in the enclave where civilians & LTTE forces had been confined in the last few weeks. There are reports that Sri Lankan soldiers were using mechanical diggers to dig large holes in the same region (Mullaivaikal - northern Sri Lanka). An estimated 25,000 people are dead since January this year and 30,000 injured. This figure is expected to rise dramatically if the whereabouts of 25 to 50 thousand civilians who were left in the enclave and still confirmed to have been there last Sunday can no longer be verified.Meanwhile, Tim Martin from Act Now! continues into day-3 of his indefinite hunger strike outside the US Embassy.
Cows transportation via cattle special trains ban be continued in India - Kadyan
20-05-2009 05:38
On December 10, 2000 Chairman of the People for Animals (PFA) Haryana Naresh Kadyan got information from the then union minister for social justice & empowerment Smt. Maneka Gandhi that a cattle trains carrying cows for slaughter from Qila Raipur (Punjab) to Hawarah in West Bengal -
G8 Torino: Italian police baton charge students
20-05-2009 05:27

Obama’s Animal Farm: Bigger, Bloodier Wars Equal Peace and Justice
20-05-2009 00:19
"The deteriorating position of the US is manifest in the tightening circle around all the roads leading in and out of Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul as well as the expansion of Taliban control and influence throughout the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Obama’s inability to recruit new NATO reinforcements means that the White House’s only chance to advance its military driven empire is to escalate the number of US troops and to increase the kill ratio among any and all suspected civilians in territories controlled by the Afghan armed resistance."NPOIU Pops Up In Brighton Mags Court Hearing
19-05-2009 23:10
4 defendants on trial this week for alleged offences connected to the June 2008 Brighton Carnival against the Arms Trade were blessed with a court visit by the secretive National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU).Manchester public meeting - fighting the economic crisis - Saturday 23rd May
19-05-2009 23:00
1.00pm onwardsTown Hall Tavern
Tib Lane
(upstairs room)
CACI disowned by insurers
19-05-2009 21:42
The CACI corporation, a preferred UK government contractor, has been legally disowned by it's own insurer over already proven yet unprosecuted allegations it tortured Iraqis in Abu Ghraib. This is more significant that it may seem at first glance. It's also a bit of a tease, I'll add more when the Telegraph has finished exposing MPs.