UK Newswire Archive
Anarchy in Dublin Against the EU - A Personal Report
12-05-2004 08:13
A personal account from a member of the Black Bloc about the events in Dublin, including anarchist and Irish history and tactical discussion.Alexander Trocchi - IMC-Scotland Monday, May 10
Evaluation of IMC Facilities in Dublin (EU Mayday Mobilisation)
12-05-2004 08:10
Text of an evaluation doc sent to indymedia ireland email list after the dublin eu mayday mobilisation, where it's become one part of an ongoing discussion and review process following the events in dublin.We thought it should also be published here.
Public Meeting Government’s proposed National ID Card (19th May)
12-05-2004 07:47
Mistaken IdentityA public meeting on the Government’s proposed National Identity Card
Wednesday May 19, 2004; 13:30–17:00 hrs
The Old Theatre, London School of Economics
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE
Two Israelis Arrested After High-Speed Chase in Tennessee
12-05-2004 04:51
Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and othersto express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.
"I got a sick feeling when I saw it," Harris said.
Urgent: Demand the release of haitian activist So Anne
12-05-2004 03:31
United States Marines have arrested Anne Auguste (So Anne), a prominent Haitian singer and humanitarian activist. A sizeable contingent of marines attacked So Anne’s home in Port-Au-Prince, where she was recuperating from surgery. They detained eleven friends and family, who were handcuffed and taken away, including two young children (ages five and twelve years old). The military ransacked the house. The U.S. Marines apparently still hold So Anne incommunicado.Irish SWP call Mayday organisers "Thatcher's Children"
12-05-2004 00:44
The Irish SWP have been caught in an embarressing slip. Within 36 hours of the biggest and most militant anti-capitalist march that the country has seen in decades, the SWP produced a leaflet which they handed out on the RTS in Dublin on Monday May 3rd. In this leaflet they denounced the libertarian organisers of the march as "Thatcher's children" for not preventing people from advancing and trying to push through police lines.Beheading of US civilian
11-05-2004 23:55
You may well have to prescribe to to get yet another obscenity into your life. Well worth itJust to witness the satanic implants they are putting out
Influential US Conservative believes Iraqi abuse was 'Decent Punishment'
11-05-2004 22:08

Animal Rights Protesters clash with police
11-05-2004 21:33

11 May 2004
Aiding and abetting Puppy Killers
11-05-2004 21:07

The disgusting animal molestors at Sequani animal testing labs in Herefordshire use courier services as their main lifeline. It's up to all of us who care about the animals that are held hostage inside death camp Sequani ltd (and all other animal death camps) to play a part in helping to sever these lifelines and drain these foul establishments of their lifeblood.
The Four Day Week
11-05-2004 19:08
"The neoliberal medicine Less State and More Market does not work.. That the neoliberal medicine does not heal the economy and society but damages them must be clear to everyone who hasn't succumbed to the neoliberal delusion. Whoever forces employees to longer and more intensive work with falling wages and excludes more and more people from regular paid work intensifies the crisis." translated from the GermanOCSET Mark 2 - transformation from a dreary dump to a magic cave
11-05-2004 18:47

Glasgow factory linked to torture sticks used in Lebanon
11-05-2004 18:46
C4 just made a reference to past dispatches programmehere is a transcript
could the explosion be linked???
or just a co-incindence
Fallujah Victory Celebrations
11-05-2004 18:27
Fallujah Rebels, Residents, Police Celebrate Victory over U.S. MarinesUSA: Georgia G-8 Protests Look to Be Big
11-05-2004 17:08
Many activists around the world are aware that the G-8 Summit is to be held on Sea Island, just off the rural coastline of Georgia, June 8th through 10th. However, there has been relatively little talk of the large numbers of activists coming together to oppose it as Europeans did when the G-8 met in Genoa, Italy in 2001.Demands of the Iraqi resistance
11-05-2004 16:09

The Wall Must Fall! National Rally - May 15th
11-05-2004 15:37
THE WALL MUST FALL!!! NATIONAL RALLYThe Zapatistas Reject the War on Drugs
11-05-2004 15:18

Mexican Police and Army Grow and Smuggle Marijuana, While the Indigenous Rebels Don’t Touch Drugs or Alcohol
By Alex Contreras Baspineiro - Narco News South American Bureau Chief, May 8, 2004