UK Newswire Archive
British Citizens Arrested At Nonviolent Demonstration In Al Masra'a Now Released
28-10-2007 15:25
PRESS RELEASESunday October 28th 2007
For more details or interviews contact Tom Hayes on 07846506710 or Sarah
Cobham on +972525029690
Photos and video available
Pic's from annual death in custody rally
28-10-2007 13:23

Reports From The Brighton Delegation - Life Birth and Death in the Jordan Valley
28-10-2007 12:57
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
Reports From The Brighton Delegation - A tale of two Worlds
28-10-2007 12:47
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
Reports From The Brighton Delegation - Education in Violence
28-10-2007 12:18
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
Christian/Jewish Fascism Awareness Week
28-10-2007 12:14

Update on those Arrested in Al Masra'a
28-10-2007 12:12
Update on Indymedia post
Reports From The Brighton Delegation - Life in the Women's Prison
28-10-2007 12:10
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten embers of the group in palestiine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
Burma: Total HQ and petrol station targeted again in London
28-10-2007 11:14
Protesters picketed Total's London HQ and the Total petrol station near Baker Street this week.Bash the Rich: Fight the FIT
28-10-2007 09:15
FIT Watch will be present at Bash the Rich.Meet 3rd November, 11:30, bar area of Royal Festival Hall (to discuss tactics and actions before the event).
Custody Death Protest, London (27.10.07).
28-10-2007 08:36

Annapolis 'Peace Conference': New Case for War
28-10-2007 00:27
This event is pure PR - since Israel's own actions have destroyed most of its support and sympathy over the past few years.Nancy Pelosi, Public Enemy Number One
28-10-2007 00:14
Pelosi and her leadership clique have never had the slightest intention of seriously opposing George Bush, since they are quite content with a status quo of endless war, half of New Orleans abandoned, true universal health care on perpetual hold, and a growing police state. Every constituency of the Democratic Party has been betrayed, with the complicity of Pelosi and her crowd.White House Leak: Cheney's Plan for Iran Attack Starts With Israeli Missile Stri
28-10-2007 00:01
The only way to impede this conspiracy is to march against the Extremists responsible within your Government, and tell them that they cannot procede, placing you all in jeopardy, in a war from which you may never recover.Unlike Iraq, the hand of Israel's Extremists in the plotting of this Act of Aggression are unmistakable.
Podhoretz Urges Aggression Against Iran
27-10-2007 23:59
Neo-Fascism is a better term ... Men were hung at Nuremberg for Aggression, were they not?Rumsfeld flees France fearing arrest for Torture
27-10-2007 23:58
If these men aren't punished - as their bloody histories prove - they will only continue doing such things.lloyd george statue comes clean
27-10-2007 23:32

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shell wildlife photographer of the year hit by singing protest
27-10-2007 23:01

Rising fascist tide sweeps Turkey
27-10-2007 19:48
As the Turkish govt threatens to invade northern Iraq a rising fascist tide seeks to silence dissent.