UK Newswire Archive
First Aid Point at Big Society HQ
26-03-2011 21:12
First aId point now open at Big Society HQ, Curzon St.Huge demo in London against Cut-backs
26-03-2011 20:23
Hundreds of thousands of people marched through central London today 26th March against the ConDem government’s cut-backs. Simultaneously thousands are taking direct action against corporate targets, and the action continues as we write at 7pm. “Various parts of London have been taken over by the protest,” reports a participant to X26 Radio. The demonstrators are protesting against government austerity measures which force the bulk of the population to pay for the economic crisis which erupted out of the banking sector two years ago.
Updated reports can be found at including X26 radio interspersing live reports from the streets with music, and timelines of actions here
A little atmosphere around Oxford Circus
26-03-2011 20:23
This was taken around 7 pm at Oxford Circus, some people chilling out with a sound system and a small fire.
Photos From M26
26-03-2011 20:22
Photos from the TUC March and UkUncut actions on M26
Photos from the TUC March and UkUncut actions on M26
x26radio archived 7pm - 8pm, 26 March
26-03-2011 20:22
x26radio archived 7pm - 8pm, 26 March, still streaming live
x26radio archived 7pm - 8pm, 26 March, still streaming live
x26radio is reporting live all day on 26 March. Here's an archive of their audio clips recorded from 5pm to 6pm. The x26radio live stream is still running, and the FM broadcast is still taking place on 102.8 FM.
x26radio is a convergence of radical, independent radio projects* co-ordinating live audio direct from the streets of London on March 26 2011, 10am onwards.
x26radio looks to highlight the huge variety of protest activity that will be happening on the day – from union marches to protest blocs to direct action – keeping protesters informed and listeners the world over abreast of the latest happenings. The stream will feature news updates every hour, on the hour – so if you’re on the streets, tune in to keep informed. We’ll also include information spots, music, live interviews, news digests and so much more.
( *Dissident Island, Radio Kebele and Radio Interference and more )
read about the many ways you can listen to the stream here:
Cops Still Guarding Topshop
26-03-2011 20:22
The cops are still at it, guarding Topshop from the dirty, dangerous hordes (aka the British public). Not much going on, but we get some strange lighting effects on the camera phone with the reflective uniforms.
Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations
26-03-2011 20:12
March 26, 2011; from the south of Brazil, Bruno Lima Rocha (
Some photos from the TUC anti-cuts demo #march26
26-03-2011 19:44

Black Bloc walking down regent street
26-03-2011 19:22
Black Bloc walking down regent street, 26 March demo
Short video Trafalgar Square 26 March
26-03-2011 19:22
Short video Trafalgar Square 26 March later afternoon
Pictures from the #26March
26-03-2011 19:22
Pix from TUC demo and Black block resistance to cuts
Pix from TUC demo and Black block resistance to cuts
Pics from m26: Oxford street to Fortnum occupation
26-03-2011 19:22
Some snaps from an amazing day. Paint on buildings was done before the crowd arrived at the occupation of fortnum and masons.
This is just the beginning....
x26radio archived 6pm - 7pm, 26 March
26-03-2011 19:22
x26radio archived 6pm - 7pm, 26 March, still streaming live
x26radio archived 6pm - 7pm, 26 March, still streaming live
x26radio is reporting live all day on 26 March. Here's an archive of their audio clips recorded from 5pm to 6pm. The x26radio live stream is still running, and the FM broadcast is still taking place on 102.8 FM.
x26radio is a convergence of radical, independent radio projects* co-ordinating live audio direct from the streets of London on March 26 2011, 10am onwards.
x26radio looks to highlight the huge variety of protest activity that will be happening on the day – from union marches to protest blocs to direct action – keeping protesters informed and listeners the world over abreast of the latest happenings. The stream will feature news updates every hour, on the hour – so if you’re on the streets, tune in to keep informed. We’ll also include information spots, music, live interviews, news digests and so much more.
( *Dissident Island, Radio Kebele and Radio Interference and more )
read about the many ways you can listen to the stream here:
x26radio archived 2pm - 5pm , 26 March
26-03-2011 18:22
x26radio archived 2pm - 5pm , 26 March, still streaming live
x26radio is reporting live all day on 26 March. Here's an archive of their audio clips recorded from 10am to 2pm. The x26radio live stream is still running, and the FM broadcast is still taking place on 102.8 FM.
x26radio is a convergence of radical, independent radio projects* co-ordinating live audio direct from the streets of London on March 26 2011, 10am onwards.
x26radio looks to highlight the huge variety of protest activity that will be happening on the day – from union marches to protest blocs to direct action – keeping protesters informed and listeners the world over abreast of the latest happenings. The stream will feature news updates every hour, on the hour – so if you’re on the streets, tune in to keep informed. We’ll also include information spots, music, live interviews, news digests and so much more.
( *Dissident Island, Radio Kebele and Radio Interference and more )
read about the many ways you can listen to the stream here:
Some photos of the early afternoon
26-03-2011 18:22
Some photos of street hijinks earlier in the afternoon.
A selection of Images from Protests of 26th March
26-03-2011 18:22
Hundreds of thousands of people are marching through central London today. The demontrators are protesting against government austerity measures which force the bulk of the population, and especially public sector workers, to pay for the economic crisis which erupted out of the banking sector two years ago.
Most of the demonstrators - trade unionists, families, and people against the austerity measures - will take part in the officially-sanctioned TUC demonstration. In addition, many groups have signaled their willingness to do more than march, with protest actions being called for by multiple groups. Fast-moving direct action groups are currently moving through London's West End, the high-class shopping district. They have been smashing in windows and doing sit-ins at corporate targets which have been identified as tax-dodgers or in some way responsible for the economic crisis.
Here are a selection of images from the protest... (big thanks to all photo takers!)
x26radio archived 5pm - 6pm , 26 March,
26-03-2011 18:22
x26radio archived 5pm - 6pm , 26 March, still streaming live
x26radio is reporting live all day on 26 March. Here's an archive of their audio clips recorded from 10am to 2pm. The x26radio live stream is still running, and the FM broadcast is still taking place on 102.8 FM.
x26radio is a convergence of radical, independent radio projects* co-ordinating live audio direct from the streets of London on March 26 2011, 10am onwards.
x26radio looks to highlight the huge variety of protest activity that will be happening on the day – from union marches to protest blocs to direct action – keeping protesters informed and listeners the world over abreast of the latest happenings. The stream will feature news updates every hour, on the hour – so if you’re on the streets, tune in to keep informed. We’ll also include information spots, music, live interviews, news digests and so much more.
( *Dissident Island, Radio Kebele and Radio Interference and more )
read about the many ways you can listen to the stream here:
#26march: Pics of in and around Oxford Street
26-03-2011 18:22
Here there's a selection of photos from Oxford street and surrounding area from this afternoon after 2pm.