UK Newswire Archive
Protest at Yarl's Wood in solidarity with detainee hunger strikers
21-02-2010 20:09

The protesters were repeatedly cheered by detainees inside, who waved their hands through half-open windows. Some also displayed hand-written placards summerising their suffering and shouted 'freedom' and 'shame on Serco', the private security company that runs Yarl's Wood on behalf of the UK Border Agency.
EDL Leadership Arrested -Bradford Demo Off
21-02-2010 19:18
STATEMENT ABOUT YESTERDAY’S ARRESTS ON EDL WEBSITEMossad agents now wanted by Interpol (by Latuff)
21-02-2010 18:08

“Knife arch” for Piccadilly Gardens
21-02-2010 17:32
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) have today erected a temporary “knife arch”, consisting of a metal detector and sniffer dogs, in Piccadilly Gardens for pedestrians to walk through.Talking About Cannabis Resort To Threats Of Violence
21-02-2010 17:17

Killing them with kindness
21-02-2010 14:58
Poem based on actual recent news events from AfghanistanSquare Go wi the SDL in Edinburger
21-02-2010 12:43
Awrite mah wee muckers? Here's the Glesgie style lowdoon oan the demo opposin' the SDL oan the 20th ay February.end childslavery by the Dutch!
21-02-2010 12:37
Childslavery by the Dutch. Children as young as 6 are taken from their parents without any reason and rented out to work in France and Germany and European ministers do NOTHING! Children work up to 18 hours a day or they will get no food.BP workers on strike in Colombia
21-02-2010 05:25
Workers for BP in the department of Casanare, Colombia have been protesting, demanding that the oil multinational improves labour conditions, since 23 January.“We earn $30,000 (£9), this is what we were paid in 2004. Everything has gone up in price. Our salary is the only thing that hasn't increased. After paying food and bills we are left with nothing in the pocket while BP earms millions from Casanare oil. Us poor people need respect too as we are humans, just the same as rich people. And a dignified salary is part of this respect.”
Taliban waits for you! (by Latuff)
21-02-2010 05:13

Blockade of Golden Ears Bridge, Unceded Katzie Coast Salish territory, "Canada"
20-02-2010 22:54
As part of the No 2010 Olympics Convergence, members of Katzie First Nation and supporters took part in blocking the Golden Ears Bridge spanning the Frazer River between Pitt Meadows and Langley B.C. - Coast Salish Territories.Boycott Israeli Goods NOW! (by Latuff)
20-02-2010 22:34

Anti fur demonstration with a difference at Cashe Nottingham
20-02-2010 22:05

Freedom for Jock Palfreeman- an Anti-Fascist imprisoned in Bulgaria
20-02-2010 22:00
...Apppeal to anti-war organizations to oppose the increasing threats against Iran
20-02-2010 20:32

The End of Obama’s Vision of a Nuke-Free World
20-02-2010 17:58

Back in April 2009, in a speech delivered in Prague, US President Barack Obama articulated his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.
Since that time, however, the Obama administration has offered very little of substance to push this vision forward.
Scottish Defence League in Edinburgh
20-02-2010 17:33
Glorious success for the defenders of freedom and all that is good in this landFurther Unjust Sentences for Gaza Protestors - Friday 19th February
20-02-2010 14:58
All the young men sentenced at Isleworth County Court yesterday afternoon for Violent Disorder during Gaza protests started harsh stints behind bars last night...Bath Black Cat social centre - New address
20-02-2010 14:29
Bath's only occupied social centre has a great new home. Volunteers, get yerselves down here!Cardiff Million Green Jobs Campaign Launch
20-02-2010 14:19
Environmentalists and Trade Unions unite for Climate & Social Justice:Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 7:30pm
O'Neills (Upstairs function room) 20, Trinity St, Central Cardiff
(near the Indoor Market)
With short fillms, speakers and discussion