UK Newswire Archive
Where is the world migrating? Crossing Borders no. 6
22-09-2008 13:49
just to let you know, that you can find the 6th issue of ourtransnational newsletter crossing borders -with the title: "where is
the world migrating?"- now at

Philippine women’s groups urge lawmakers to pass Reproductive Health Bill
22-09-2008 12:45

Change of demo days for Novartis
22-09-2008 11:39
Tuesday 16th SeptRegular and new faces gathered at Novartis in Horsham on Tuesday to once again voice the horror that all decent people feel that this company continues to enjoy huge profits from the immoral abuse of innocent animals.
Anti-HLS US Demo Tour, Monthly Roundup
22-09-2008 11:36
Over a period of thirty days and thirty nights, from mid-August 2008 through mid-September 2008, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) customers and profiteers across the United States were struck by a surprise anti-HLS tour of the country.Suffragettes interrupt the Energy Minister in preparation for the Climate Rush
22-09-2008 11:05

Friends of Annociate Nimpagaritse
22-09-2008 05:16

Karl Marx's Accurate Prediction
21-09-2008 20:50
Karl Marx's accurate prediction about the continuing crises in capitalism and the resultant concentration of wealth and the impoverishment of workers.NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST
21-09-2008 19:20

Babi Badalov was deported
21-09-2008 19:08
He sent a little poem to his friends in UK.Silvio Berlusconi takes over the independent British media ITV: Help Europe!
21-09-2008 18:57

One of the biggest mediaconcerns in the world, Endemol , was taken over last year by Mediaset.
Now Berlusconi is interested in ITV …
Will Europe follow the current faith of Italy?
Full article | 8 additions | 4 comments
Policing a demo in Manchester
21-09-2008 18:10

Activists protest outside Armani in Manchester
21-09-2008 09:59

Freedom of Movement on the Manchester demo
21-09-2008 09:32

HIV denialist to speak at ESF
21-09-2008 07:56
The 'Dr Rath Health Foundation', who will today join a workshop at the European Social Forum, have been involved in spreading deadly misinformation about medication for HIV, and promoting other ineffective treatments for serious illness, sometimes with fatal consequences.The Destabilization of Bolivia and the "Kosovo Option"
21-09-2008 07:16

Philip S. Goldberg's mandate as US ambassador to Bolivia was to trigger the fracture of Bolivia as a country. Goldberg had been previously involved in setting the stage for the subsequent secession of Kosovo from Serbia, leading to the installation of an "independent" Kosovar government.
London fashion week: Racial diversity event
21-09-2008 00:58

This event aims to promote emerging designers and models from ethnically diverse backgrounds, in what many see as an industry dominated by 'skinny white people' in the UK.
This event took place on Friday 19th + Saturday 20th September, and was held at the Museum of London.
anti-war march in Manchester
20-09-2008 20:44

Lloyds TSB takeover of HBOS leaves Britain’s banks in trouble
20-09-2008 19:13
Lloyds TSB’s £12 billion takeover of Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) Thursday followed a collapse of the UK’s largest mortgage lenders’ shares, which threatened to destablise the entire British banking system.