UK Newswire Archive
BRISTOL & REGIONAL Stop-The-War NEWS : February 2005 : (Virtual Version)
30-01-2005 00:02
BRISTOL & REGIONAL ST0P-THE-WAR NEWS : February 2005[South West, Wales & West Midlands] Please send us your events.

19th MARCH NATIONAL DEMO: Coach Tickets Now Available.
Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St. £12/£6 (see section 4 for info).
Alternative Academics: International Relations
29-01-2005 23:50
The next alternative academics workshop is this Sunday!BRISTOL & REGIONAL Stop-The-War NEWS : February 2005 : (Printer Version)
29-01-2005 23:37

Irish American Humanitarian Arrested by Israel
29-01-2005 23:37
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOn Monday January 24, Israeli police arrested 41 year old Irish American ISM activist, Patrick O’Connor, on suspicion that he was carrying a fake passport. O’Connor was on his way to Jerusalem after planting olive tree seedlings with Palestinian, Israeli and international activists in the path of the Wall in the occupied village of Biddu. For the past year, Israeli and international activists have supported the villagers of Biddu through nonviolent protest and legal appeals in their struggle against the destruction of their farmland for the building of the Wall.
Latest news on the community-run Alberdi school in Venezuela
29-01-2005 22:44
The Alberdi school in Venezuela, a closed down school taken over by the community and turned into a progressive education centre, has been threatened with closure by the Caracas pro-Oligarchy mayor.Animal Experiments at the Oxford Union
29-01-2005 22:41
On Thursday 20th January 2005 Oxford University’s world-famous debating society, the “Oxford Union”, debated “This House would accept the use of Animals in Medical Research”, with Andre Menache, the scientific consultant to Animal Aid, speaking second on the opposition side.Anti-G8 Art
29-01-2005 22:19

Defy ID and the Ministry of Truth
29-01-2005 21:36

To the UK .. 'a nation of animal lovers' ..
29-01-2005 19:09

..Well done for not turning up British 'animal lovers' ... You truly are a bunch of wet farts!
G8 Direct Action Training
29-01-2005 18:53
"The mind is not an empty vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited!"All change in Venezuela’s revolution?
29-01-2005 18:01
After winning two elections and one referendum, defeating a coup and surviving four general strikes, Venezuela’s maverick president Hugo Chávez seems impregnable. But where is his “Bolivarian revolution” going? Ivan Briscoe reports from Caracas on a convulsive, divisive, history-haunted social experiment.US and Allies 'Kill Most Iraqis.'
29-01-2005 13:57
During the last 6 months the US and its allies have killed most Iraqi civilians, as recorded by Iraqi public hospitals; this excludes insurgents and coalition soldiers. Before these confidential figures were leaked, US Ambassador to Iraq, John Negroponte claimed: "My impression is that the largest amount of civilian casualties definitely is a result of these indiscriminate car bombings."Join your local campaigners against Biometric identification, new ID card
29-01-2005 12:41

First pictures of Greenwash Guerrillas (05) in action
29-01-2005 11:28

Manchester - Protest Against ID Cards Beginning Already
29-01-2005 10:42

Positive Global Movements
29-01-2005 01:12

First Success in the Aubonne Case
29-01-2005 01:10

US military death rate in Iraq continues to speed up
28-01-2005 23:51

It has been more or less steadily increasing since May 2003.
The last six months are all at or above the linear fit, suggesting
that the death rate might even be increasing faster than linear.
Swiss police bring prosecuted for G8 attack
28-01-2005 23:45