UK Newswire Archive
NETCU and Judge Ross crucify civil liberties.
05-06-2008 15:46

Israeli Soldiers Who Tortured Palestinian Teens Receive Light Sentence, No Demot
05-06-2008 15:30
The IDF court obviously couldn't bring itself to mete out a harsher sentence, because this is what their soldiers do all the time when it comes to Palestinians- and worse.What happened is that this case became public knowledge, so they had to do at least a little something to these men.
Israel's Shin Bet Intimidates Top Human Rights Medical Director and His Family
05-06-2008 15:29
The Zionists are growing desperate as their support steadily wanes.The Greenhouse Problem; The refusal to recognise the situation
05-06-2008 15:18
The greenhouse problem has rapidly moved to the centre of official and public attention. Virtually every one accepts that there is a serious problem and that urgent action is required. Two fundamental beliefs underlie the discussion, the first being that the problem can be solved by conservation effort, technical advance and renewable energy, and the second being that the cost will be negligible. Both of these beliefs have been confirmed emphatically by the recent Stern Report[1] and the working Group 3 Reports of the IPCC.[2]Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works
Don't Feed the U.S. War Machine!
05-06-2008 15:05
Corporate globalization=U.S. hegemony.Palestine Today 060508
05-06-2008 14:50

London Socialist Film Co-Op presents
05-06-2008 14:23
Why We fight & One man's story: Philip Agee and the CIA, followed by discussionSunday 8th June, 2008.
Renoir Cinema
Brunswick Square
Doors open 10.30am for 11.00am screening.
Prossy Kakooza must not be returned to Uganda!
05-06-2008 14:17

Update on the 10 anti-fur activists in prison, Austria
05-06-2008 13:56
Information Update from the Legal Support Team: 05/06/08See also details on hunger strikes:

Full article | 5 additions | 5 comments
Smash EDO Press Release - Death of Marie Vesco
05-06-2008 13:40
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873
Smash EDO Press Release - 10 Still in Custody over EDO Protest
05-06-2008 11:59
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873
10 Still in Custody Over EDO Protest
Five Years on, Saddam’s Successor Resurfaces
05-06-2008 11:12
For the first time since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in April 2003, the deputy of Saddam Hussein, the late President of Iraq, Izzat Ibrahim Addouri has resurfaced, despite a $10 million U.S. bounty on his head, in a lengthy interview with Abdel-Azim Manaf, the editor-in-chief of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Mawqif Al-Arabi, not a mainstream, on May 26 to lay out the strategy of the Iraqi resistance.Statement from Iraqi Oil Workers support committee on Union repression
05-06-2008 10:18
Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions President Hassan Jumaa Awad called for support in response to the transfer of eight union activists by the Iraqi Oil Minister.The eight executive committee members have been told they must leave their homes and community networks in Basra and move to Al-Dora, one of the most violence ridden with neighbourhoods of Baghdad. The leadership of the IFOU has branded the move a 'human rights crime' Senior managers from the Southern Oil Company have also been transferred.
Reminder: Noise demo at UK Coal HQ next Monday 9th June
05-06-2008 09:23

Is it acceptable to rip up open countryside to get at the coal?
Barack Obama’s Pernicious Refusal to Defend the Causes of Black/Brown People
05-06-2008 07:37

Italy’s leap into the dark: Smells, signals and symptoms of fascism
05-06-2008 06:33
Corporatism implies the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism and militarism, in effect a dictatorship of the extreme right. In practice corporatism and fascism are one and the same. As in Cold War years, so in the Berlusconi era, the fear of leftist communists and the desire of many Italians to be a normal nation has led to today’s unconscious toleration of the rise of a nascent form of authoritarian government with many characteristics of fascism.Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
Squatting in the media, a squatter responds
05-06-2008 02:39
On Monday 2nd June, inaccurate and prejudicial articles about squatting appeared in the Hate Mail and the Torygraph, then not to be out done, the Daily Star. All were regurgitating some bullshit statement from the conservative party made by Eric Pickles (a particularly nasty right-wing pro-hunt homophobic toad from Essex). So clearly lacking any genuine research or analysis and so blatant in their anti squatter bias, I felt compelled to complain...Merseyside Claimants Action Group launched
05-06-2008 01:33

Reclaiming Palestine 2008 Omnibus Collection
05-06-2008 00:28
Booklite Announcement: Reclaiming Palestine 2008 Omnibus
From its title page:
Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 29
04-06-2008 23:37