UK Newswire Archive
Repression, Impunity and Resistance in Oaxaca: One Year After the Copala Caravan
02-05-2011 13:59
Update from Oaxaca. No change after election of new State Governor.A real sense of community down at the Farm !
02-05-2011 13:17
Its hard to not get wrapped up in the idea a farm is merely and exclusively for producing food, although the milk was particularly delicious!, or that the animals are merely there for petting , although Dingle the pony didn't seem to mind much!, what we can see at the Wellgate Community farm is a real sense of a community and a sense of achievement.Libyan scenario for Syria: Towards a US-NATO "humanitarian intervention"?
02-05-2011 13:14

Synchronized with the U.S. action on the 29th, the European Union announced it plans to impose a wide range of sanctions against Syria including the now typical portfolio of travel bans, the freezing of assets and an arms embargo.
What is underway currently is the realization of the former George W. Bush administration's project for "regime change" in Syria of six years ago following the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri in Lebanon and the subsequent Cedar Revolution - a term coined by then-U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky - the withdrawal of Syrian troops from the country and the recall of the American ambassador from Damascus.
Facebook uses implication IDs to track link sources
02-05-2011 13:00
The following link will not work as I have altered my implication ID to the number 666 and so facebook rejects the forward. Apart from me changing the ID, this is right click copy address.
Conspiracion Acrata, english edition
02-05-2011 12:06

publication that we call CONSPIRACION ACRATA
Campaign to drive Zapatistas off their land
02-05-2011 12:00
A “Global Day of Action for the Liberation of the Zapatista Political Prisoner” is calling for freedom for Zapatista villager Patricio Domíngez Vázquez. Patriciohas been imprisoned on false charges by the authorities in Chiapas, Mexico.
Wedding of Mass Distraction
02-05-2011 11:44

wedding while £billions are cut to jobs benefits and services.
Bin Laden dead - real target Pakistan
02-05-2011 11:30
Don't be fooled. Bin Laden's been dead for years. The real target is Pakistan. THere have been some major changes going on in the relationship between Pakistan and the US.Osama Bin Laden dead...and other political matchsticks!
02-05-2011 09:37
The US President Barack Obama has last night issued a statement claiming US special forces have found and killed the so-called leader of a group the US has long claimed to be called Al Qaida. Al Qaida are claimed by the US to be responsible for the atrocity carried out in New York on September 11th 2001.Brighton (& Nazis)
02-05-2011 08:18
A report on Brighton Mayday and update on the far-right.Manchester May-Day Protest
02-05-2011 01:24
Protesters against public spending cuts joined the traditional May Day rally in Manchester.
Pictures May Day Bradford Urban Park 2011
02-05-2011 01:24
Pictures May Day Bradford Urban Park 2011
Glasgow May Day 2011
02-05-2011 01:24
I have uploaded the video of today's May Day march. Good attendance despite lack of parliamentary candidates, with the forthcoming elections etc. The Green Party did attend which was terrific.
Wedding of Mass Distraction
02-05-2011 01:24
Anti-royal wedding party in Newcastle city centre as millions are spent on Royal wedding while billions are cut to jobs benefits and services.
Bradford MayDay 2011
02-05-2011 01:24
In Bradford May Day also marks the Birthday of the 1in12 club, a locally run self-organised space, which has been active for 30 years. The Mayday celebrations were arranged, in an organisational sprint lasting only a few weeks, by volunteers from the 1in12 club, Raise The Roof (a staging and facilities enterprise which grew out of Bradford Festival), Bradford Playhouse, Bradford People’s Coalition Against The Cuts, and a range of interested individuals.
More coverage: photos [1] and coverage last years May Day in Bradford [2].
Round up of Northern May Days 2011
02-05-2011 01:24
There has been another successful series of events surrounding May day, the traditional workers' holiday. The day has also been used by anti-capitalist protesters to come together and try to stop the violent form of capitalism in which we live [1]. In the North of England it was more relaxed this year, with marches in Newcastle [2], Leeds [3] on Saturday and Manchester [4] on Sunday and a festival in Bradford [4] on the Sunday.
Background and related stories: Haymarket History | | Mayday Meltdown | MayDay 2004 Cancelled | 1909 MayDay Massacre, Argentina
Manchester Sikh Festival
02-05-2011 01:24
Colour, celebration and worship were the order of the day as the Sikh community took part in the annual Nagar Kirtan procession through the streets of Manchester on Sunday 1st of May 2011.
How many Socialist groups are in Scotland
02-05-2011 01:24
I witnessed the May day march today in Glasgow, starting off from George Square and heading off into horizons unknown. I was struck by how many diverse and colourful banners there were. And there appeared to be quite a number of socialist, communist and leftist groups.
Our Mayday Fun - Aberdeen 2011
02-05-2011 01:24
The weekend got started in fine form with very blue skies, nice sunshine and a relaxed and “joyful” pageant filled mood at the anti Royal Wedding beach party. About 100 people enjoyed the day away from their TV screens and propaganda. Some folk i guess just don't know their station in life and have no respect for tradition...pesky Anarchists.