UK Newswire Archive
IDF forces Palestinians to choose torture
27-04-2003 21:47
HEBRON—Among various torture schemes adopted by Israeli occupation forces against Palestinians is a so-called "toss" game whereby they force Palestinians to choose their own type of torture.Manchester TUC/UNISON Anti-Racist Rally - Broadband video
27-04-2003 19:59

latest from Fairford and Welford
27-04-2003 19:45
the last of the B52 bombers left on Thursday at 5.20pmSTOP THE UK'S BIGGEST ARMS COMPANY
27-04-2003 17:20
Manchester TUC/UNISON Rally Against Racism - Video
27-04-2003 17:05

A Bodyguard of Lies
27-04-2003 14:15
"All governments pursue a disinformation policy under the rubric of communciation..Governments spread unverified rumors, half-truths and lies..War is presented as just, inevitable and as a case of defense..Disinformation has its rules."A Hundred Years of Chaos
27-04-2003 14:12
"The people are against this war..Engendering the union of the Islamic masses and Arab nationalists with a war would be the worst outcome. Such a development could plunge the whole region into a hundred-year chaos.:Why I am a Christian Socialist
27-04-2003 14:09
The immensely popular evangelical professor Helmut Gollwitzer (1908-1998) was active in the underground Confessing Church in Germany and in partisanship for peace and justice.WEXNER ANALYSIS: ISRAELI COMMUNICATION PRIORITIES 2003
27-04-2003 11:00
A vital new Israeli propaganda strategy document for the period following the war in Iraq.Peace Camp sanctions lifted- now Free Fairford!
27-04-2003 09:36
Fairford Peace Camp is now free! From 25 April, roads are re-opened; no more police or s.44 so time for US occupation to end.MI5/6's favourite organ
27-04-2003 09:34
After Galloway, the plucky Telegraph reporters continue to sift through documents in bombed out buildings and come up with another amazing find - proof of al-Qaeda's links with Saddam, with the words only tippexed out, typical Arab carelessness, like they couldn't destroy the evidence.Like they forgot to blow up a few bridges to slow the advanceDossier: Today's elections in Argentina and the left
27-04-2003 09:30
All the information about today's presidential elections in Argentina and the left organizations, their political positions, candidates, debates, results ...Palestinian Prisoner Support: Direct Action Casework Jenin
27-04-2003 08:31
I know how irritating please-call-this-and-this-ministry-in-this-distant-part-of-the-world-on-behalf-of... can be and how ineffectual people think they are but they can actually work:B4-G8: Zone of Auto-Gestionaries in Geneva 23.05-30.05.2003
27-04-2003 05:30
The VILLAGE will take place in Geneva, end of May before the start of the meeting of G8 in Evian,from Friday, 23th May to Friday 30th May 2003
In solidarity with the VAAAG in Annemasse and the C'village in Lausanne.
The evil genius of empire: Will Iraq arise again?
27-04-2003 05:14
The Iraqi people are rising from the ashes once again, it is the story of 5,000 years of civilization, conquest and national liberation.Indy scoop makes Memory Hole
27-04-2003 03:40
Evening Standard forges "news"Corona virus genetic engineering and the origin of SARS
27-04-2003 03:15
None of the early reports have acknowledged the large body of reports on the genetic manipulation of Corona viruses in the laboratory nor have they considered the possibility that the unique virus arose as a laboratory accident or purposeful experiment. I have searched out a number of studies on the genetic manipulation of Corona viruses and describe a few such studies UNISON/TUC Anti Racism demo Manchester 26th April
26-04-2003 18:03

photos by Richard Searle (article 1)
Where is solidarity with George Galloway ?
26-04-2003 17:54
It looks like, there is NO solidarity. Where are all the friends from George Galloway ?