Palestinian Prisoner Support: Direct Action Casework Jenin
JustUndoIt | 27.04.2003 08:31
I know how irritating please-call-this-and-this-ministry-in-this-distant-part-of-the-world-on-behalf-of... can be and how ineffectual people think they are but they can actually work:
This is a call-out (Originally sent out last week but the date for Mahmood's trial has since been confirmed to be tomorrow) on behalf of the Al Sa-adi family in Jenin. Please forward it to as many people as
possible and try to send just one email or make one call! It Does make a difference.
Mahmood Sulleiman Al Saadi was scheduled to appear in Beit El Military Court, Ramallah, West Bank, Occupied Palestine on Tuesday Morning April 29th (Tomorrow!) but on subsequent investigation, this can't be confirmed (can't get through to lawyers or court). I think it's safe to say that it will be sometime this week tho if not actually on the Tuesday itself. Mahmood Sulleiman Saadi, aged 29, was arrested on June 19 along with thousands of other men from Jenin camp during a major IOF operation. All men aged between 15 and 50 was ordered to leave their homes, rounded up and herdered into the Camp's school. They were then taken to various prisons and detained from 2 days to the present day and perhaps beyond.
Mahmood is still being held without charge in Ofer prison, Israel. Prison authorities now want to deport him to Gaza and deny him leave for two years. There has been no reason given for this decision.
Mahmood has three children (two girls aged 10 and 8, and one boy aged 3) and a wife waiting for him in Jenin.
Prison authorities have given no reason for his deportation and he is the only inmate from Ofer to be selected for transfer.
Relatives believe he is being targetted because his brother Ali, in Prison for the next 200 years, was one of the military heads of Islamic Jihad. Ali gave himself up towards the end of the battle in Jenin camp during the April invasion and massacre.
Victimising Mahmood and depriving his children of their father is another
example of the Israeli state's enduring and illegal policy (under the
Fourth Geneva Convention) of collective punishment of the Palestinian
Tips when emailing or calling
*Maybe* you work for a local paper, college magazine, underground zine, corporate news agency or peace organisation? It's always good to call up and ask for a formal statement on why exactly Mahmood is facing potential deportation to Gaza. What purpose does this service? Where did the order come from? What is the evidence for supporting the deportation on Mahmood? If it's classified then why so? And the rest you can just thrash out independently. Being from a paper or independent media outlet always helps as it shows the IOF and Israeli State that their policies and their effects on the lives of ordinary people are going to transmitted and spread far and wide. That the news will travel and influence and inform.
If you are calling or emailing as a concerned individual then it's important to stress that you heard about his case from a media source - Indymedia or something or a local newsletter or maybe just from a circulating email from a friend - it helps to have the authorities responsible know that there is information out there circulating widely and that Mahmood's case is well known.
Information you will need to quote to the relevant authorities
Name: Mahmood Sulleiman Al Saadi
DOB: 2/11/73
ID Card Number: 927293019
Prison he has been held in so far: Ofer
Sample Letter to cut and paste and fax/email:
Dear ............,
I am writing to express my concern about the possible deportation of Mahmood Sullieman Saadi (ID card number 927293019/ DOB 2/11/73) to Gaza this week. Mahmood's trial is scheduled to take place this week - possibly April 29 and I am aware that a decision may be taken to deport
him to Gaza for two years.
I feel it is unfair and unjustified to send Mahmood to Gaza - he has a three young children and wife waiting for him in Jenin who miss him very much. To my understanding Mahmood has not committed an offence but was arrested during the June round-up of men in Jenin Camp aged 15-50. Thus far, he has not been told of the charges against him.
I implore you strongly to let Mahmood go back to his family following his release from Ofer and not to Gaza which will be yet another form of supplementary imprisonment for him and in effect a further collective punishment of Mahmood's family who have now been missing him for almost a year.
Ariel Sharon
Prime Minister and Minister
of Immigration Absorption
Office of the Prime Minister
3 Kaplan Street
P O Box 187
Kiryat Ben-Gurion
Jerusalem 91919, Israel
Fax: +972 2 651 2631
Telex: 25279 MPRES IL

Uzi Landau
Minister of Public Security
Ministry of Public Security (Police)
Kiryat Hamemshala
PO Box 18182
Jerusalem 91181, Israel
Fax: +972 2 584 7872
Meir Sheetrit
Minister of Justice
Ministry of Justice
29 Salah al-Din Street
Jerusalem 91010, Israel
Fax: +972 2 628 8618

Eli Yishai
Minister of the Interior and
Deputy Prime Minister
Ministry of Interior
2 Kaplan Street
PO Box 6158
Kiryat Ben Gurion
Jerusalem 91061, Israel
Fax: +972 2 670 1628

Elyakim Rubinstein
Advisor to the Government
Ministry of Justice
29 Salah al-Din Street
Jerusalem 91010, Israel
Fax: +972 2 628 5438
Israeli Defense Forces
(IDF) tel: (00972) 36 080 339
Fax: 00972 36 080 343
Military Court in Beit El, which prosecutes hundreds of Palestinians each
month for ÒviolationsÓ against the Israeli military occupation, and also
detains Palestinians under interrogation:
Beit El (Ramallah and Northern West Bank) Military Court
Fax: 011-972-2-9970641
Tel: 011-972-2-9970117
For info of your nearest Israeli embassy, have a look at:
