UK Newswire Archive
2 B Blunt
05-08-2002 15:29
Sort yer eds and give the SWP/MI6/New Labour/Socialist Alliance members a fookin good SLAP!!!!! (in a non-violent sort of way)Africa, september 11 and Iraq
05-08-2002 14:47
Today in Global Observer
Bush Demands Change in Weather
05-08-2002 13:57
“How can someone so completely out of tune with the natural world even become President of the United States?” he asked. Similar questions have been asked in the past, but the possibility that Mr. Bush actually isn’t the President may put to rest such questioning.INDYMEDIA FOOD FOR THOUGHT
05-08-2002 13:25
Tonite (MONDAY 5th) IMC Food collective are cooking at the Bonnington cafe to raise ££s.Stop NATO, Prague demos
05-08-2002 11:48
Proposal for anti-NATO Demonstration coinciding with NATO Summit in Prague, 21-22, November 2002.Guardian: Labour MPs' divide over Iraq widens
05-08-2002 11:16
Tam Dalyell, the father of the house, today demanded that parliament be recalled so that MPs could debate a military attack on Iraq - only to be dubbed an "appeaser" by a fellow Labour MP.urban jobless figures a sham!
05-08-2002 10:44
new calculations show that even with the discredited New Deal, unemployment in urban areas is much worse than official govt statistics.Trident Ploughshares Website down as faslane actions start
05-08-2002 10:24
On the day that the Trident Ploughshares annual two week International disarmament camp at the nuclear bases on the Clyde begins (today Monday 5th August), their website is down.PCS coup defeated in court
05-08-2002 10:23
Court Declares Mark Serwotka Is Civil Service Union LeaderSo you REALLY want to stop the coming war...?
05-08-2002 10:16
With the overwhelming majority of the UK population strongly opposed to an attack on Iraq, and increasingly fed up with Blair's sanctimonious drivel, militant direct action in opposition to the war could well be *very* popularPilger’s new book is a must for radicals
05-08-2002 09:13
Pilger is really in the know about what’s going on around the world. He tackles issues which others would be hesitant to even talk about.We Israeli Reservists REFUSE To Serve In The Occupied Territories
05-08-2002 05:19
o We, who understand now that the price of Occupation is the loss of IDF's humancharacter and the corruption of the entire Israeli society.
o We, who know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.
o We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.
We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.
Decapitating Palestinian Leadership - Israeli Psychological Warfare
05-08-2002 05:17
Psychological warfare is the opposite of propaganda. Propaganda tries to convince the other side that we are right. Psychological warfare does not try to convince anybody, it is an instrument of war like the air-force or the armored corps. Its aim is to break the enemy and compel him to submit to our will. If propaganda is honey, psychological warfare is prussic acid.In Ahmed's Shoes - What Is In The Mind Of A Young Palestinian?
05-08-2002 05:10
He has read in the newspapers that the day before the bombing the Tanzim,the biggest Palestinian fighting organization, had decided to declare a
unilateral cease-fire and tried to convince the Hamas to do the same. He
shakes his head in astonishment: What, won't they ever learn? Don't they
know that Sharon does not want peace, that he wants to drive all the
Palestinians out?
Port Arthur killer treated better than asylum seekers
05-08-2002 04:32
Australia score GOLD again in its "treatment" of asylumseekers.
The Lucky Country Is Really Fucked Up!
Sunday talk shows indicate an upcoming war with Iraq
04-08-2002 23:34
After holding hearings in the house, which highlighted Iraq's 'weapons of mass destruction' members of the Congress and Senate hit the Sunday talk show circuit, and all were consistently hawkish. War with Iraq has already been decided, a reading of the tea leaves reveals, and the real debate is over how to pay for the affair, in particular looking ahead to the long occupation of Iraq by the united states which lies ahead (referred to as 'rebuilding Iraq' - one does need to read between the lines here...)Being a McWorkers
04-08-2002 22:11
A report from a mcdonalds worker, including: McDonalds, a daily living, or US imperialism, the daily work, exploitation. the workers and how they cope. Areas of confrontation. Chances for struggle.