UK Newswire Archive
Salonika 7 Hunger Strike: Solidarity Action
19-11-2003 00:49
Seven people arrested last June during the anti-EU Summit demonstrations in Thessaloniki, Greece, are still in prison awaiting trial. Five on them have been on hunger strike for over 41 days and are currently hospitalized in critical condition. A solidarity action has been taking place in Edinburgh since Monday 17th NovemberUpdate: Anti-social Behaviour Bill
19-11-2003 00:45
I recently obtained a Legal Defence & Monitoring Group Update that has information which will be of interest to people on this list.The so-called Anti-social Behaviour Bill currently going through Parliament will drastically revise the 1986 Public Order Act by reducing the number of people that consititute an 'assembly' from 20 to 2.
Court Case Against Bush in Brixton, Tuesday 18 Nov.
19-11-2003 00:43

A message to the big fish
19-11-2003 00:38

Photos of the Burning Planet March Against Bush
19-11-2003 00:18

UDHR 31st Article/ 28th Bill of Rights
19-11-2003 00:11
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, anti-corruption, anti-cultic, referendum, new people's branch of government. In spirit of green party facilitation/process, change, add, delete to improve.CLEAR LIES Part 2: King Coal -- the Sellout of America's Skies
18-11-2003 22:49
This week, Bush's goons in Congress are assuming that everyone int the world will be riveted to corporate TV, gaping open-mouthed and drooling at the coverage of his grandiose "state visit" to the UK. So, figuring the mindless masses have their attention diverted, the Bush goons are ramming through the Bush-Cheney energy bill - the most anti-environmental, anti-human health corporate giveaway in US historyjust as the furore over Iraq2 was dying down, El presidente rolls into town
18-11-2003 22:39
Just as the fuss over Iraq2 is dying down, El Presidente rolls into town, to ignite the embers of protest once again. And once again thousands of ordinary members of the public will be mobilised and politicised to protest against El Presidente's state visit.It appears Bliar has been taking ill counsel once again, listening to (an out of touch with reality and public opinion) spin doctors setting Bliar up for another PR disaster. The final nail in the coffin of New labours, re-election hopes.
Burning Planet March report
18-11-2003 22:19
A large crowd of people took part in the Burning Planet march against Bush tonight leaving Lincoln's Inn Fields at about 7.30 pm.Good Luck and Go Get 'Em from the occupied country--United States
18-11-2003 21:47
Good luck one and all!The Public Execution of JFK
18-11-2003 21:43
Some insight into real American history!Manchester Social Forum Website
18-11-2003 21:38
Manchester Social Forum has a website. Be excited.. go on...Difficult Days... Baghdad Burning
18-11-2003 20:53
Girl Blog from Iraq... let's talk war, politics and occupationRise of Iraq’s new labor movement
18-11-2003 20:29
Delegation of U.S. unionists report backRise of Iraq’s new labor movement
By Alan Maass | October 31, 2003
Bare Your Bum at Bu$h, Bitch, and Bliar
18-11-2003 20:22

Sedgefield might be just the place to try this form of direct action, directed at Chimpy, Librarian Laura, and Bliar.
Anything you can do will be much appreciated by all of your American cousins.
Ancient 'Whistling Language' Facing a Revival/ Canan Aosta Feadalaich ri Fas
18-11-2003 19:54
An ancient and idigenous language of the Canary Islands based on whistles is undergoing something of a revival/ Tha canan aosta duthchail sna h-Eileanan Canaraidh a' dol am feabhas