UK Newswire Archive
Constitutional State without Human Rights
05-07-2005 13:11
"A kind of worldwide dictatorship of the national security of the US is to be established that should be integrated in the constitutional state.. This policy of the worldwide totalization of markets abolishes a large part of human rights.."Support the imprisoned people - 14.00 in front of the Sherriffs Court in Edinbou
05-07-2005 13:02
support the imprisoned people - 14.00 in front of the Sherriffs Court edinbourghG8 CLIMATE ACTIONS, JULY 8 2005
05-07-2005 12:34
Details: Rosie Jones/Bob McLintock, G8 Climate Action- 07967 906892

Questioning Live8 'Class Dividing' Golden Circle...
05-07-2005 12:27
Posh & Becks were allowed into the Golden Circle at Live8 even though David Beckham accepts six figure sums of money from labour abusing corporations like Nike! What on earth is going on!!!G8.. G8 .. G8 .. G8 ..If the ship sinks it sinks for us all - Feeding the beast
05-07-2005 12:23

Caterpillar Protest - York - Friday
05-07-2005 12:00

Crane protest G8 Co-option in Edinburgh
05-07-2005 11:57
We've just had a call from Kath Pasteur, who has climbed a crane outside Waverley station in Edinburgh to protest at what she sees as the G8's failure to tackle the problems of the developing world.
Lothian and Borders Police Chief Constable press conference
05-07-2005 11:50

Australian Industroal Relations Terror
05-07-2005 11:29
"Bosses are waiting with bagful of money to give a way to workers – but the bloody union leaders are standing in between because they don't want to loose their powers".TERRORIST ACT USED AGAINST SUSPECTED EDINBURGH CARNIVAL DEMONSTRATORS
05-07-2005 11:25
Five people were detained under the Terrorist Act at Stanstead airport this morning, Tuesday 5th July, and interrogated about whether they had been involved in yesterday’s Carnival for Full Enjoyment.Anti-shell action in Edinburgh
05-07-2005 11:24

Edinburgh Court Update: 128 Cases - Public Banned from Court : Restrictive Bail
05-07-2005 11:20
Update from Chambers Street CourtLocal Opposition - please help
05-07-2005 11:12
There has been today an increasing amount of trouble from local not happy about the presence of activists in the cityG8 Alternatives
05-07-2005 11:07
Just seen the police briefing on TV - G8 Alternatives and Dissent being praised by the police for their "helpful" attitudeGeorge Monbiot article in the Guardian today - must read!
05-07-2005 11:01
Bursting the LIve 8 bubble! Putting the politics back into this campaign.Dissent! Info Line
05-07-2005 10:24
From Tuesday 5th July 12:00 to Thursday 7th July 12:00 (and maybe beyond), up-to-date news from the streets, fields and golf courses on 0786 785 1382, 0787 146 0508 and 0793 995 3204.