UK Newswire Archive
Fears for two women facing execution for adultery and 'enmity against God'
01-07-2010 19:27

Amnesty International has made a new call on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt all executions and commute all death sentences as concern grows about two women and other prisoners who may be at imminent risk of execution.
Show your support for the 500 Metre Buffer Zone Bill
01-07-2010 17:20
An MP through a Private Members Bill is aiming to restrict further the possibility of opencast mining in EnglandPalestien Today 07 01 2010
01-07-2010 15:56

Last Call for Workshops at EF! Summer Gathering
01-07-2010 15:54
The Earth First! Summer Gathering are looking for workshops on all sorts of topics, whether it is about a campaign you are involved in, environmental justice, building sustainable alternatives, green and anarchist theory or perhaps you have a skill you want to pass on.Men Confronting Patriarchy - all genders welcome
01-07-2010 15:22
Men Confronting PatriarchyAll genders welcome.
Thursday 8th June 8pm
Stokes Croft Radical Library (pink and black; opposite Classic's free shop)
Discussion towards forming a group.
New Nottingham Indymedia site launched
01-07-2010 14:24
It is nearly 5 years since the launch of the original Notts Indymedia website. We want to stay at the forefront of future innovation and, as such, we have launched the new Nottingham Indymedia website. We think that it’s easier to use and has better features than our old site.
Nazi flags flying from Victoria flats,
01-07-2010 13:32
Saw these flags flying from a flat window. Sorry for crap photo from phone. One is a white pride / worldwide one and the other is a South African neo nazi one - I think.
Nottingham responds to budget
01-07-2010 13:32
On Tuesday June 22nd, ConDem Chancellor George Osborne revealed the contents of the “emergency budget.” As expected, this included a pay freeze for public sector workers (except the lowest paid) along with cuts in housing benefit and an increase in VAT. Trade unionists and others demonstrated outside the Council House.
Smash EDO solidarity in Nottingham
01-07-2010 13:32
In the early hours of 17th January 2009, during Israel’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’ offensive against Gaza, six people broke in to the EDO/ITT weapons components factory in Moulsecoomb, Brighton, and, allegedly, caused hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage to the production line. In Nottingham, anti-arms trade activists showed solidarity with the EDO decommissioners by targeting the Radford premises of EMICS, a company involved in the global arms trade.
July events in Notts : anti-fascism in 1930s Spain
01-07-2010 13:32
July 2010 sees a series of events commemorating the anti-fascists' fight against General Franco's coup in the Spanish Civil War of the late 1930s. The events start on Saturday July 17th, 2010.
4 events are being organised in all including an exhibition and talks at the Nest (18th July) and a special Broadway Cinema showing of Land and Freedom co-sponsored by The Sparrows' Nest and People's Histreh (25th July), plus the International Brigades memorial re-dedication at County Hall (17th July) and an exhibition in The Council House (running Tuesday 20th, to Saturday 31st July).
wellcome to Athens underground - VIDEO ...
01-07-2010 12:53

TESCO Fuck Off From Sheffield (stage two)
01-07-2010 12:37
The decision came through this week on the appeal by Tesco against Sheffield City Council’s planning decision refusing permission to erect a two-storey building on the site of 218 Springvale Road, formerly belonging to Hollies Filling Station.The Spooks - the State’s department of smear, misinformation and cover up
01-07-2010 12:12
The Spooks, whether in the UK or USA are the State’s department of smear, misinformation and cover up.If you take note of the MSM, the US people can sleep safe in their beds and their gallant spooks can rest easy, sure in the knowledge they have achieved a major coup by rounding up a paddy-wagon full of some of the USA's most deadly enemies. No, the FBI and the various US intelligence agencies have not finally rounded up the CEOs of the major US banks, who, due to their greed, negligence, some would say criminal behaviour, managed to bring the US economy to its knees. Nor is G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and General David Petraeus in jail, waiting for an indictment for war crimes to be handed down.
EDO Decommissioners Acquitted
01-07-2010 10:22
Yesterday five of the seven EDO decommissioners, on trial in Brighton for damaging the EDO arms factory during last year's attack on Gaza by Israel, were found not guilty. The other two verdicts are expected tomorrow (Friday). The court isn't sitting today.The defendants successfully argued in court that they were acting to prevent war crimes by Israel against the people of Gaza.
See Stop The War Coalition's website and the report in today's Guardian
To mark this victory, supporters of Bristol Stop The War Coalition and Bristol Palestine Solidarity campaign will assemble at the daily peace vigil on the Centre (opposite the Hippodrome) tomorrow, Friday 2nd July, at 5pm. Please join us to celebrate the achievement of the EDO decommissioners.
Congo Independence Fifty Years - After Patrice Lumumba..
01-07-2010 09:39

By Abayomi Azikiwe - Editor, Pan-African News Wire
Five decades after the independence of the former Belgian Congo, the genuine emancipation of this central African state is yet to be realized. Nonetheless, the survival of this state--which has been under assault since 1960 when Patrice Lumumba took charge of the country as Prime Minister representing the Congolese National Movement (MNC)--is a testament of the resilience and fortitude of the people. -

Free Woodford - A Movement is Born
01-07-2010 09:22
The "Free Woodford" movement has been born!
I've been living in the Woodford area for a few years now and in that time there has been a cosmic shift in attitudes. From the stereotypically "Essex Girls" that used to predominate the area to a new and altogether more exciting atmosphere of communality and tolerance.
Perhaps in part due to the fact the council is so far removed from the area (Ilford is a long way from Woodford when you don't drive) and amenities are therefore in short supply, leading to self reliance and sharing. Maybe due to the recent massacring of the hugely popular (Slyvia) Pankhurst Green near the station. Or maybe because of the rapid urbanisation of the area as more buildings are redeveloped and green space disappears. Or maybe for a host of other myriad reasons. Woodford is becoming "Free".
Posters and flyers are going up all over the area with slogans like "Cops Not Needed" and "FREE WOODFORD- For an Open and Legal Cannabis Trade". It didn't take long to find the facebook group for what is happening:
Who knows were this will lead. But with an invite like that I'll definitely be keeping a welcoming smile and cup of tea for future settlers!
Another Great Media Swindle
01-07-2010 08:27
Why has the current 'debt crisis' and emergency budget been so poorly scrutinised or challenged by the mainstream media? The article suggests that this is part of a pattern in which our media continue to function as a mouthpiece for power and free market idealism.One Law For All - Protests in London
01-07-2010 06:52
Hundreds took to the streets of London to demonstrate against Sharia and other religious laws and in support of secularism and universal rights.After the oil rush: BP news
01-07-2010 05:37