Free Woodford - A Movement is Born (Free Woodfordian) | 01.07.2010 09:22 | London
The "Free Woodford" movement has been born!
I've been living in the Woodford area for a few years now and in that time there has been a cosmic shift in attitudes. From the stereotypically "Essex Girls" that used to predominate the area to a new and altogether more exciting atmosphere of communality and tolerance.
Perhaps in part due to the fact the council is so far removed from the area (Ilford is a long way from Woodford when you don't drive) and amenities are therefore in short supply, leading to self reliance and sharing. Maybe due to the recent massacring of the hugely popular (Slyvia) Pankhurst Green near the station. Or maybe because of the rapid urbanisation of the area as more buildings are redeveloped and green space disappears. Or maybe for a host of other myriad reasons. Woodford is becoming "Free".
Posters and flyers are going up all over the area with slogans like "Cops Not Needed" and "FREE WOODFORD- For an Open and Legal Cannabis Trade". It didn't take long to find the facebook group for what is happening:
Who knows were this will lead. But with an invite like that I'll definitely be keeping a welcoming smile and cup of tea for future settlers! (Free Woodfordian)
Original article on IMC London: