UK Newswire Archive
Student Walkout & Protests On Wednesday
22-11-2010 01:30
Afghanistan: Time To Go. Anti war demo, London, 20th November 2010
22-11-2010 01:09
Anti war demonstration in London, 20th November 2010.Called by Stop The War, CND and the British Muslim Initiative.
Footage of the demo cut with speakers.
"you can speak freely.. unless you speak against me .."
22-11-2010 00:42

That defines the limits of "freedome of speach " in US..
“al-Awlaki is the most dangerous ideologue in the world.
Unlike bin Laden and al-Zawahiri, he doesn’t need subtitles
on his videos to indoctrinate and influence young people in the West."
— Sajjan M. Gohel, Asia-Pacific Foundation -
Notts Save Our Services demo
22-11-2010 00:23
More than one thousand people marched with Notts Save Our Services to say the cuts are unnecessary, cruel and unjustified. It was a crisis caused by profligate bankers which plunged the world into recession, but it is us who are asked to pay in cuts to services, jobs and benefits.
This video features campaigners against the closure of Gedling School, Rachel Southern, who featured in local media reports when her son's care was cut. Trade unionists Jean Thorpe of Unison and Paul Williams of PCS give an alternative to massive cuts.
Notts Save Our Services was founded at a meeting of the Trades Council. We are an alliance of campaigning organisations, trade unions, community groups and individuals. All are welcome to meetings. Check for more info.
Justice for Bety and Jyri: killed by paramilitries in Oaxaca
21-11-2010 23:29
Signatures are needed: Justice for Bety and Jyriwhite flag revolution: sunday update
21-11-2010 23:22
yesterday in whitehall the camp was established opposite downing street in direct protest against the continuing afghan war.
last month more than a thousand bombs were dropped by allies over afghanistan, with huge loss of civilian life.
this massacre must end, and the 'white flag revolution' intends to remain opposite downing street until it does.
after a peaceful night, the protest and vigil continued today. numbers fluctuated as visitors came and went. there were also three separate remembrance services in whitehall today, and the camp attracted some support from those attending.
there has not yet been any visit from westminster officials, so for tonight the tents remain - a much needed shelter from the cold air. however, peace camp organisers have pledged they will remain even if the tents are taken.
today, police have been helpful and the ministry of defence police have had friendly interaction with the demonstrators.
once again, having done the hard work of organising and establishing the protest, the 'white flag revolution' is calling out for support.
food, provisions, donations are all welcome, but above all, people.
Help save the life of Asia Bibi sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan
21-11-2010 22:00

Yes! to Fairer Votes introductory meeting
21-11-2010 21:22
As you know, our FPTP electoral system determines our Government who, in turn, have historically had a frequently-disliked affect on almost everything.In other words, electoral reform is not only the most significant reform, it's also the reform that nearly all others depend on.
We are having an introductory meeting to encourage new people to join the electoral reform campaign.
We are the latest in a chain of campaigns going back through universal suffrage, the Suffragettes, the Suffrages, the Chartists, The Peterloo Massacre and and even the English Civil War.
Do you want to make history?
7:30pm Thursday 25th November
The Famous Navy Volunteer
King Street
Notts Cuts Watch #6
21-11-2010 20:23
An (incomplete) overview of how the age of austerity has affected Nottingham and Notinghamshire over the last week or so. This is largely culled from various local media outlets, so apologies for some of the dodgy analysis.
1) HUNDREDS of protesters marched from The Forest recreation ground to the city centre on Saturday to demonstrate against cuts to public services.
The Save Our Services Campaign organised the march from The Forest to Old Market Square.
Traffic including, bus services, came to a standstill on Mansfield Road around lunch time.
Protesters included union members, service users and parents and children at the Gedling School, which is threatened with closure.
Demonstrators had placards calling for Notts County Council and Nottingham City Council to protect public services.
The gathered at Speaker’s Corner after the march.
Hundreds demonstrate against cuts to public services in city centre, Nottingham Post
2) THE Tory headquarters in Nottingham have been vandalised for the second time in a week in protest at Government cuts and “in solidarity” with the Millbank riots.
Police received a report of smashed windows and graffiti at the HQ in King Edward Court, in the city centre, at 4.40am yesterday.
The words, “Tory Scum” and “Fight the Cuts” were written across the wall and two windows were smashed. Police have confirmed a similar incident occurred a week earlier on Thursday, November 11.
Tory headquarters in Nottingham strewn with graffiti and windows smashed, Nottingham Post
Smashed Windows & Graffiti @ Conservative Offices, Nottingham Indymedia
Tory offices in Nottingham smashed, Nottingham Indymedia
UNEMPLOYMENT in the East Midlands increased by 12,000 between July and September, new figures have revealed.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that a total of 182,000 people were unemployed in the region during the period.
This was a 7.1 per cent rise from the previous quarter, with the region’s unemployment rate reaching 8 per cent, figures showed.
Countrywide, unemployment fell by 9,000 between July and September, but the number of people working part-time, as they could not find a full-time job, was at a record high.
ONS surveys people about their employment status. Their figures record the number of people who consider themselves unemployed.
In Nottingham, the number of people claiming jobseekers’ allowance – a different measure – reached 11,500 people in October, 5.3% of the population. In Notts, the claimant count was more than 14,000, or 2.8%.
Unemployment rises in East Midlands as it falls nationally, Nottingam Post
1) It is hoped proposals to bring together South Nottingham College and Castle College will pave the way for a new city-wide further education federation.
Nottingham City Council wants the combined college to forge a new working link with New College Nottingham if the merger goes ahead next spring.
A public consultation is due to take place over whether Castle College should become part of South Nottingham College from April 1 next year.
The city council will outline its views towards the proposal during an Executive Board meeting today.
A report due to go before councillors recommends they support the merger.
The board of Castle College voted in principle to merge earlier this year in light of a £6 million deficit.
Support for the plan is needed from the Skills Funding Agency.
It will also require the approval of the Secretary of State for Education, with a decision expected in the new year.
Council calls for college merger to lead to city-wide link, Nottingham Post
2) More than 500 pupils were off for two days because of the state their school is in, as a Government minister prepares to visit and address the lack of investment in local schools.
Pupils in years seven to nine at the Grove, Balderton, were sent home on Thursday and Friday because a leaking roof and broken boiler meant a large part of the school could not be used.
Changing rooms have also been out of action because of problems with the roof.
One parent is so concerned he has written directly to the Prime Minister.
The latest problems have added weight to calls for desperately needed investment ahead of Tuesday’s visit by schools minister Lord Hill to the Grove, Orchard and Magnus schools.
All three were promised millions under the Building Schools For The Future scheme, which was scrapped in the summer.
Pupils out in the cold, Newark Advertiser
Gedling Borough Council
PLANS to close public toilets across Gedling have sparked anger among residents and politicians.
Gedling Borough Council wants to close seven of its 12 public toilets in a bid to save £69,500 a year.
It is hoping to let the public use toilets in nearby private businesses.
Toilets that could be closed are those in Front Street, Arnold, Milton Drive, Ravenshead, St Wilfrid’s Square, Calverton, Haywood Road North car park, Mapperley, Albert Avenue, Carlton, Morris Street, Netherfield, and Church Street, Burton Joyce.
Toilet closure proposals in Gedling borough spark anger, Nottingham Post
PEOPLE power is gaining momentum for a group which is campaigning to save vital services at Bassetlaw Hospital.
Over 200 people have joined the Save Our Services (SOS), set up to safeguard A&E, maternity and children’s services which are currently under review by NHS Bassetlaw and Doncaster.
Group spokesman Adele Mumby said people are concerned the proposals will reduce Bassetlaw to a “cottage hospital” with a range of GP services.
“We are all for new services but not at the cost of what’s already in place,” she said.
“We all want the best healthcare, but not when it means taking away perfectly-well run services we already have.”
The group say they are particularly concerned about a suggestion Bassetlaw Hospital’s capacity could be reduced by half to accomodate GPs.
Minutes obtained under the Freedom of Information Act from a meeting held in June this year show the suggestion to ship GPs in to the hospital could “offer a solution” to the Kilton Hill premises issue.
Save our services say patient group, Worksop Guardian
The future of the Grove site at Balderton continues to be debated as councils seek money to upgrade or replace aging facilities.
While campaigners fight for a new Grove School the future of the neighbouring leisure centre, used by pupils, remains uncertain.
It was planned to replace the leisure centre at the same time the Grove was rebuilt as part of the Building Schools For The Future programme.
However, cuts by the new Government meant the Grove rebuild was shelved, although parents hope to persuade Coalition ministers to reinstate the scheme as the fabric of the Grove school buildings are the worst in Nottinghamshire.
Both the school and leisure centre sites are owned by the county council, which runs the school.
However, Newark and Sherwood District Council is responsible for leisure provision and runs the leisure centre.
Leisure talks continue, Newark Advertiser
Nottingham City Council
1) PLANS to close a city centre domestic violence refuge could put the lives of more women and children at risk, Nottingham City Council has been warned.
More than 400 women are referred to refuges in Nottingham every year.
But if plans to close the Central refuge go ahead, the cost-saving cuts would reduce the city’s capacity by almost one fifth.
It means some women in urgent need of safety from an abusive partner will have nowhere to turn.
A council scrutiny group set up to consider proposals to close the refuge has criticised the authority’s decision.
In order to save £245,800 from domestic violence services, the council is closing two more refuges in December, and replacing them with a new one. If Central also closes, the number of self-contained flats or rooms for women and children will drop from 39 to 31.
Plans to close domestic violence refuge ‘could risk lives’, Nottingham Post
2) ADULT day centre charges are going up by 75 per cent – only weeks after Nottingham City Council introduced a £2 charge.
Under the latest plans, it will cost people £3.50 to visit any of the city’s 15 day care centres, which were free earlier this year.
The council is also planning to increase the charge for transport from £2.60 to £4 for a return journey, meals at home from £2.60 to £3, and home care from £9.20 to £11.50 an hour.
The maximum charge of £81 per week for home care will also be scrapped, which could leave some residents with much higher bills.
Nottingham City Council plans to put up day care and transport costs, Nottingham Post
Nottinghamshire County Council
CASH-STRAPPED council bosses have suggested sharing their chief executive with the police authority to save money.
County Hall has approached Notts Police Authority about whether Mick Burrows could run both organisations.
Notts County Council is seeking to make £150 million of cuts over the next three years and sharing the costs of the chief executive’s salary would save it £52,000 a year.
Mr Burrows said he would be happy to take on both roles in order to save money.
He said: "The police authority is based at County Hall and is currently looking to fill its chief executive post.
“It is an opportune moment to share the role of chief executive. We are looking at all options at Notts County Council.”
The job-share offer was one of the proposals which members voted to accept at a full council last month.
The council has now written to the police authority and is waiting to hear its thoughts.
County council could share its chief executive with police authority to save cash, Nottingham Post
'Rural cities' to control and exploit indigenous lands in Chiapas
21-11-2010 18:05
The Government of Chiapas resettles indigenous peoples in new larger rural communities, ostensibly to improve their quality of life. Behind this hide economic interests and a plan to dismantle the EZLN.Please Join Bristol Day of Action Against Education Cuts and Fees - 24TH NOV!
21-11-2010 16:22
Bristol is set to be the South Western focus for a national day of action against education cuts and proposals for increased tuition fees. Please join us!Students from the University of the West of England and University of Bristol, schools and colleges as well as other community groups are expected to protest together at the University of Bristol’s Senate House and the iconic Wills Memorial Building. ‘We want the protest to be fun’ says Nick, of Bristol Against Education Cuts, ‘but there is a very serious issue behind it. As the London demo showed, a huge number of people are concerned about education cuts and are frustrated that their voices are not being heard’.
Bristol Against Education Cuts are coordinating those from Bristol’s Universities, schools and communities who are opposed to Higher/Further Education and EMA funding cuts and to raised fees. We argue that education in the England is facing a multi-faceted problem that affects current staff, students and future generations. In Bristol’s Universities we are already seeing departments and individual staff members under threat and under the Coalition’s proposed plans this will only get worse. For those approaching decisions about post-16 education, cuts to Universities, along with the abolition of the Educational Maintenance Allowance will narrow the opportunities open to them. The situation in Bristol’s Universities is just one example the detrimental impact of a nationwide program of cuts in all public sectors.
On the 24th:
11:00 UWE Walkout across all campuses
12:00 UoB Walkout
12:30 Assemble opposite Senate House, Tyndall Avenue
13:15 Walk to Wills Memorial Building, Queens Rd
More info:
Bristol Against Education Cuts on Facebook
Facebook Event Page for action on the 24th
Portsmouth anti-cuts meeting - What went wrong
21-11-2010 15:22
Thursday 18th was the launch meeting of a coalition group in Portsmouth to fight the cuts – Portsmouth Against the Cuts Together (PACT).Cut Cameron Festival - Punk All Dayer Taunton
21-11-2010 14:22
Benefit for Anti-Cuts ResistanceAnonymous & Old Hat Promotions proudly present a punk all dayer in aid of Anarchist Against The Cuts (Bristol & Bath) and to support the Millbank protesters.
Student Walkout Against Cuts
21-11-2010 14:22
Bristol plans for national day of actionAll are welcome – Universities, schools and public alike – from across the South West.
11:00 UWE Walkout begins across all campuses
12:00 UoB Walkout begings
12:30 All students (school, college, university) from across the city to assemble opposite Senate House, Tyndall Avenue
13:15 March to Wills Memorial Building
All are welcome – Universities, schools and public alike – from across the South West.
11:00 UWE Walkout begins across all campuses
12:00 UoB Walkout begings
12:30 All students (school, college, university) from across the city to assemble opposite Senate House, Tyndall Avenue
13:15 March to Wills Memorial Building
Bust Card for Day of Action on Wednesday 24 Novemb
21-11-2010 13:22
As many universities look to soon be going into occupation a legal briefing document has been put together by the Green and Black Cross legal team. Please print these and distribute them amongst occupiers and anyone taking action on the 24th. It is vital that everyone in occupation has a bust card. Please print plenty of these.
The BUST CARD (Downloadable below)– prepared by Green and Black Cross legal team. Make sure that every person on your occupation has a copy of this. Print double-sided landscape, then cut in half lengthways, and fold into three.
We need to look our for eachother on actions. Please re-post all of these documents to your blogs, send the documents around your email lists, or link to this post on facebook. At least one person from each occupation or action should be responsible for printing this material for everyone.
INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY with the 14 anarchists kidnapped by the Chilean 'democracy'.
21-11-2010 12:22
Solidarity for the 14 Arrested Anarchists in Chile
14 anarchists arrested accused of "terrorism" by the Chilean state, around the mediatic "Bombs case", 10 are still in the Maximun Security Prisons, under Pinochet's ani-terrorist law.
Student walkout 24th November: Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow
21-11-2010 12:22
11am at University of Dundee, Main Library (And along to Dalhousie Building)
Everyone from Education is welcome, schools, colleges and universities, workers, staff and students!
The Start - comments on anti-cuts campaigning
21-11-2010 12:22
The 50,000 strong student protests marked a watershed in protest in Britain. It was the start of a new era of resistance for many however it may have been the first time they had protested. The same goes for all those who will be protesting against the Con-Dem cuts in then immediate future.