UK Newswire Archive
Have a real free party in Newcastle
16-07-2001 10:51
Radio One and Newcastle City Council have cancelled the Love Parade. This may seem out of place, but it is another example of our supposed elected representatives stopping young people having a good time.US-Serving Paramilitary Killers Excluded from USSD's Terrorist List
16-07-2001 06:29
PARAMILITARY MASS KILLERSserving U.S. political and economic interests in Colombia
are excluded from FTO terrorist short-list in the latest
U.S. State Department judgement call. "Good Terrorists,
Bad Terrorists: How Washinton Decides Who's Who"
article by Garry M. Leech, Colombia Report, May 7, 2001
Interesting 'science' story of the month
15-07-2001 20:27
A story nicked from the Sunday Times which proves that proves Subcomandante Marcos of the Zapatistas was right when he said, "We are invincible because we are at heart dreamers" (or something like that)...CHANGE OF VENUE DENIED
15-07-2001 19:29

15-07-2001 19:25
A Texas judge presiding over the cases of anti-death penalty activists denied a request for a change of venue concluding that a fair and unbiased jury can be found in what has been deemed the Death Capital of the World, an area also totally dominated by the supposed victim, the Texas Prison System.Some latest info on Genoa regarding Accomodation etc
15-07-2001 19:22
Confusion clearing up on Genoa arrivals etcVideo report from G8 preperations
15-07-2001 18:21
A Video report from the preparations for the upcoming G8 meeting. The borders are open, and the GSF are calling for a 100,000 people to "welcome" the leaders of the G8.
Radical news from Poland in English
15-07-2001 16:53
We would like to announce the creation of a new website, on which you will find news from Poland in English, Spanish, and German.Undercurrents video reporter hospitalised
15-07-2001 14:30
An Undercurrents reporter was attacked by a private security guard during a protest against GM crops.Genoa Travel Update from Drop the Debt 14th July
15-07-2001 13:44
From Drop The Debt's website - who are big part of the main large demo on 21st - other good info on the site too.rawfood and hemp make a naked stand
15-07-2001 12:23
a former paratrooper and falklands war veteran and warphotographer turned deep ecology activist, was recently released from prison in the US and is unable to leave the country untill his trial, the likely outcome of which is unclear. his treatment at the hands of the US justice system has exposed yet again it's disregard for basic human rights. but highlights the benefits of non-violent peaceful resistance.Catholic Priests, Nuns Join G8 Protest in Genoa
15-07-2001 11:48
"The richest, most technologically-advanced nations must learn to listen to the cries of all the poor countries in the world who are only asking for what is their God-given right," - Pope John Paul II.Genoa Social Forum: Press release
15-07-2001 10:46
GSF: Demonstrators will arrive in genoa to protest against the G* by bike, by 1000 buses and on 30 special trains. An extra Bus service will run from the open train stations.Foot Action, Edinburgh 2001, personal account
15-07-2001 02:27
A personal account of the first action of a week of radical events in EdinburghADVERT: BUY PRAHA REBEL COLOURS
15-07-2001 01:55
I just bought bought Praha 2000: Rebel Colours and it's fucking excellent. Buy it now!ExxonMobil Sabotages U.S.(its own) Government
15-07-2001 00:57
A current report raises urgent new questions about ExxonMobil violations of U.S. Federal law and its undermining of U.S. foreign policy objectives. The report reveals how ExxonMobil's continued business relationship with the Indonesian military involves the corporation in unlawful business practices and in human rights abuses.Climate Change Protest July 14th.
14-07-2001 19:29
There was a march against the US stance on global warming today in London, called by the Green Party."Liars, Thieves, Murderers, and More"
14-07-2001 15:03
IMC is an automated setup. It has apparently been infiltrated by hackers, using restricted access codes. These are the most lawless people that you can imagine, and they are the ones posting the majority of the posts and comments.