UK Newswire Archive
At the moment
04-03-2011 15:29
At the moment my struggle to exist is difficult. I am some one who does not find the managing money or their affairs generally easy. I feel this is linked to long standing depressive anxiety more than anything else and this is not an excuse it is a reason. There is a differenceStudent Anticutsspace violently evicted by uni
04-03-2011 13:22
For the first time in 20 years bailiffs used violent force in evicting a student occupation. After trying to kick down the doors of the grade 1 listed building, the bailiffs entered through the roof to forcefully evict the occupiers of the Anti-Cuts Space at 11 Bedford Square.
Royal Holloway university management and student union have has also recently been actively working against student protesters.
At around 4:30pm on Thursday 3rd March, bailiffs entered a property in Bedford Square owned by Royal Holloway, University of London in order to violently evict protesters. This is the first use of bailiffs against students by their own university in Britain in decades. Students and activists had taken over the property to create an “Anti-Cuts Space.”
The Anti-Cuts Space was created as a resource and meeting-place for activists and anyone involved in new social movements to fight the Government’s austerity measures. It was opened on Friday 25th February in a large Georgian house. The space aimed to revivify the student movement by making connections with wider anti-cuts struggles across London.
Throughout the occupation there was little negotiation offered by the university, and where communication existed the university Registrar, Mr. Simon Higman, backed up offers of discussion with threats of violent removal. Nonetheless, many members of staff, including many members of university unions UCU and Unison across the University of London, had expressed support for the occupation.
The occupiers received a notice to quit on Tuesday, followed by the delivery of court papers on Thursday only an hour before the case was to be heard, leaving no time for a legal defence of the protest to be prepared. By Wednesday afternoon a possession order had been issued by the high court.
During the eviction, bailiffs damaged the external and internal doors of the Grade 1 listed property. Upon eviction, the activists took to the streets, blocking Gower Street protesting that the bailiffs had prevented access to their property that had been left in the building. The police were forced to intervene, demanding that the bailiffs allow students access in order to retrieve these items.
The use of such force by a university against its own students marks a sad day for Higher Education in Britain. That an institution would inflict such violence upon its own members demonstrates the total alienation of students and managers within the sector.
We believe that such violence is never necessary, and hope that during imminent future occupations universities will feel no need to resort to such means. We hope that victimisation and abuse of protesters yesterday will serve as a stark reminder that education is about people, not buildings, about learning, not institutions.
For further information please contact or follow Further reports will be posted on
Hackney against the cuts
04-03-2011 12:14

Detention of children - a makeover.
04-03-2011 11:06
The detention of children for immigration purposes was labelled "state sponsored cruelty" by the Lib Dems and Yarl's Wood is being forced to close in May. Instead, they aim to open "pre-departure accommodation" at Peas Pottage near Crawley. This is just an image makeover and one we can prevent.Dissident Dental Work - Benefit Party - March 5th 10pm
04-03-2011 11:01

Dissident Island Radio 4 March 2011
04-03-2011 10:58

Council--Developer Collusion at North Kelvin Meadow Public Meeting
04-03-2011 10:22
Press statement regarding the extraordinary open meeting of the North Kelvin Community Council on 28 February 2011
Main points
●The North Kelvin Community Council (NKCC) failed to reflect the views of the community
●Glasgow City Council failed to attend the meeting as scheduled
●New City Vision (NCV) did not present its own proposals but used a hired consultant, leaving NCV’s Steven Black free to issue instructions to Glasgow City Cllr Jim MacKechnie from the sidelines
●The North Kelvin Meadow Campaign calls for a further meeting with GCC in attendance and Steven Black from NCV available to answer questions
Monday 7th: Bristol Radical History Group and Bristol Indymedia present, Wapping 1986-87
04-03-2011 10:22
Bristol Radical History Group and Bristol Indymedia present: WappingWapping 1986-87Monday, 07 March 2011, 8.00pm at: The Cube Cinema, Dove St. South, Bristol. Price: £3/4 no one turned away through lack of funds.
We are reminded of history every day: The Lib-Con government allows Murdoch to grab an ever bigger slice of the media pie. How did this unholy alliance of media tycoon and Tory come about? The Wapping print dispute was one of the last large set-piece battles between the labour movement and the Thatcher regime and had ramifications that are still being felt today - in the working conditions of millions and in the way in which the mass media operates. On January 24, 1986, Rupert Murdoch's News International group with the support of the Thatcher government moved production of its four national newspapers to Wapping in London's Docklands. Over 5,000 production and clerical workers were sacked overnight. The journalists were not sacked, but more than 100 refuseniks took a stand on principle and walked out of their jobs. Months of bitter and often violent pickets and blockades took place - and at least one death. Speakers, Mike Jempson, Mike Richardson and Paul Breeden (NUJ) will be sharing their memories and experiences of the print disputes in London and the South West, looking at what forms the opposition took and asking what lessons we can take from the struggle today. A film 'Despite The Sun', covering the dispute and its impact will also be shown alongside other materials (strike papers, posters etc) produced at the time.
| Venue Directions | | | Tyranny And Rebellion – The Breaking Of The Corporate Media Monopoly ( | Media Ownership – Should We Be Worried? ( |
Tories to cut may day
04-03-2011 08:26
Please note: whether or not you agree with my particular take on this matter, the simple fact of this article is that the coalition is attempting to scrap a historic day of working class pride and replace it with empire pride. I hope this is something that many people take as seriously as I do. We must fight for our day before it is gone forever.PEDAL Launch Pad: 100 days to Palestine
04-03-2011 01:04

Full article | 1 addition | 46 comments
Penny for the Guy Ropes
04-03-2011 00:53

They came, they camped, they conquered (well, almost). During a soul-searching Dorset retreat, Climate Camp have decided to suspend tent-centred activism - citing the “radically different political landscape” of 2011. Having been through Drax, Kingsnorth, Heathrow, RBS, Copenhagen and one helluva lot of hummus, the group are now turning their attention to coordination with the wider anti-cuts and anti-austerity movement.
On the Newswire: Statement | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
Government, guns, and mind tricks...
04-03-2011 00:27

Building A Strong Organisation [1]
03-03-2011 23:22
Whether you’ve got a union or not, join Bristol Solidarity Federation for a one-day workshop on how to create strong organisation in your workplace and take on the bosses.It can be tough if you are pissed off at work. If you are in a union can you get the advice and support you need? Would like to organise you and your mates to take on your boss.
This day can give the skills and confidence to start getting going. Learn what is possible if you organise your workplace.
Topics include: building a ‘shop committee’, cross-union activity,
collectivising grievances and organising for direct action.
It can be tough if you are pissed off at work. If you are in a union can you get the advice and support you need? Would like to organise you and your mates to take on your boss.
This day can give the skills and confidence to start getting going. Learn what is possible if you organise your workplace.
Topics include: building a ‘shop committee’, cross-union activity,
collectivising grievances and organising for direct action.
Being treated as a criminal as first sight !!
03-03-2011 21:54
I was held at the UK Border in Heathrow airport. I was interviewed as to my intention to visit Liverpool. I was to be present at the birth of my second child with my partner and mother of our 1st daughter. They did not believe me. I was denied entry. The Officer that interviewed me thought that Liverpool was a shithole of a city and didn't like it. Perhaps that was the reason I was denied entry. I do have an appeal pending of an unmarried partner application as well.Current United States bellicose 'Cognitive Infiltration' of the Enemy
03-03-2011 21:47
Here we see that 'culture' is the social substratum for ruling class psychological operations and 'infiltration of the enemy', ...City Council & Labour Party mixing it up
03-03-2011 21:23
In the light of revelations of the Labour group mixing it up in the local Council in the present and in 2007, a small reminder of the Market Square opening evening might be relevant.
Take a look at Who's square it is anyway? from the old Indymedia site from 2007.
In particular take a look at £7.2m to vote Labour? with a nice scan of a leaflet handed out by JoCo.
It makes a lot more sense now.
South West Regional Animal Rights Coalition meeting
03-03-2011 21:22
Interested in getting involved in Animals Rights campaigning in the South West? Come along to find out what's happening locally. We're meeting at Kebele, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6JY.
Weekend to prepare for 26 March TUC Demo
03-03-2011 21:13

For creative resistance against all public sector cuts!
Kennedy in German news this week
03-03-2011 20:18
scandal continues to spread in germany