UK Newswire Archive
Using the UN General Assembly to justify war and "regime change" in Syria
20-02-2012 22:35

The impact of these abuses of UN General Assembly precedents and procedures is that not only the people and government of Syria, but also the very integrity of the UN system itself, are being undermined and jeopardized. The actions of the subsequent meeting that followed on Thursday demonstrated this abuse ever more clearly.
Tweet This At Your Own Risk
20-02-2012 21:35
FREE ROBERT GREEN : Calls for release of anti abuse campaigner
20-02-2012 18:55
EE ROBERT GREEN : Calls for release of anti abuse campaigner jailed for ONE YEAR to silence Hollie Greig abuse claims against Scots legal figuresGreek Crisis, Eurozone Crisis or Systemic Crisis? Glasgow Talk Fri. 24th 7pm
20-02-2012 17:20

Venue To Be Confirmed
Check Facebook Event Page for venue update:

It`s not just Greece that needs reform, it`s the whole EU.
20-02-2012 17:05
Throughout the world working people are being dumped with the debts of the corrupt politico-economic elites and greece is no exception. Only a FAIR bailout package will be accepted which requires serious reform of a rotten Greek political system. But will this imply such reform throughout the EU?Andrew Lansley Humiliated by Pensioner
20-02-2012 17:00
Andrew Lansley Humiliated by PensionerAnti-Prison Gathering 2012
20-02-2012 16:27
This year on the 28th and 29th of April there will be an Anti-Prison gatheringin Nottingham.
Washington DC: FBI Foils Own Terror Plot (Again)
20-02-2012 15:23
FBI's nation-wide stable of patsies can be switched "live" at any moment.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has once again proven that the only thing Americans need fear, is their own government, with the latest "terror attack" foiled being one entirely of their own design.
Alkhawaja: “The hungerstrike allows me to shed light on human rights violations
20-02-2012 13:38

Mr.Alkhawaja also confirmed that he had collapsed last Wednesday and was transferred to the Bahrain Defense Force Hospital after a sharp drop in his sugar and blood pressure. He was first transferred to the Jaw Prison clinic but when medics saw his condition they quickly called for an ambulance. He was semi unconscious when he was transported via an ambulance to the hospital where he suffered from muscle spasms. He received treatment but refused to end his hungerstrike.
Police hound Wandsworth prison demo
20-02-2012 12:55
AROUND 50 people demanded justice for unfairly-convicted London rioters assembled at Wandsworth prison on a wet Sunday afternoon.
The activists were told stories of people whose liberty was cut short by long and unfair judgements for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The crowd chanted support for those imprisoned by the bankers and the rest of the ruling 1% as they expressed their frustration for being cut out of the welfare state and benefits which they survived on.
They also berated police repression which they saw as one of the main sparks for the riots as TSG units brutally assasinated Tottenham father Mark Duggan.
In fact, that same repression was felt outside the prison throughout the demo, with police units constantly harassing protestors and even arresting a female on the scene for walking off the pavement. The person was soon de-arrested, prompting claims of abuse of police power to add insult to injury.
Police units crammed assembled members of the concerned public out of the prison carpark an+
d off the road at the same time, creating tension in the crowd while blocking the public highway themselves and therefore causing a threat to public safety themselves.
As the last rays of sun eked through the rainclouds, music was played to decry injustice and victimisation of the poorest sections of society most affected by the crisis. The resulting jobs losses have left many families living on the breadline as they struggle to pay off debts acquired as people try to weather the storm caused by bankers' investment errors.
*It is unfortunate many of the families who have suffered from the tough prison sentences are not represented here," said Chris. "These prison sentences seem to come from the very top and are intended to frighten the poorest part of society into accepting their demise without question. And all this right before the Olympics too."
Some foreign activists who were on the scene were said to be disappointed with the turnout, which reflected popular apathy among Londoners for important issues like the corruption of England's judicial system to suit Cameron's plans to create widening gaps between the rich and the poor in this country.
The protesters, which did not let police intimidation get to them, dispersed peacefully after the demo promising to enhance solidarity with convicted rioters in the future.
Missing Person: Andrew Cooke
20-02-2012 12:55
Missing man from party in Chingford area on Sunday 12th Febuary.
We are missing our friend ANDREW COOKE.
He was last seen between 3-4 pm on Sunday 12th February at a free/squat party located on 1 Lea valley road near Chingford.
We are looking for any details that might lead us to where he is now as we have not heard from him since the evening of Saturday 11th February. Anyone with the slightest bit of information please can you get in contact with us, no matter how trivial, it could be a massive help.
Andrew is white, very slim and about five foot ten, with strawberry blond hair and hazel eyes.
He was last seen wearing a grey beanie hat, blue jacket and blue checked scarf.
Anyone involved with the free party scene please can you forward this event on.
Please contact the police with any information you may have on 020 7232 6246 or 101.
The facebook group to help find him is here
Target Barclays in Brighton, Sat 25th
20-02-2012 11:18
Target BarclaysSaturday 25th February, 1pm, 139-142 North Street, Brighton
For enquiries contact

Solidarity with Iran
20-02-2012 09:27
We object by the attempts by the British media following orders from its Zionist owners to misinform the people here about the true situation in Iran.23 Feb: Vigil at US Embassy, London as Bradley Manning is Arraigned in US
20-02-2012 09:22

Thursday 23 February, 5pm - 6pm.
Stand in solidarity with Bradley Manning in London as he is arraigned for Court Martial in the US. The Vigil will take place at the hour the arraignment is starting at Fort Meade, Maryland.
Meet in front of the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square. Nearest tube: Bond Street.
March 15 solidarity with Jock Palfreeman
20-02-2012 07:40
MARCH 15, 2012 has been declared a day of action in solidarity with imprisoned anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman.More mistreatment of Australian Aborigines planned
20-02-2012 01:19
The Australian Labor government is planning more assaults on the rights of Aborigines. It plans to extend for another ten years onerous conditions on income quarantining, education, alcohol and land rights. And moves to dump nuclear waste on Aboriginal land have advanced with a deal between government and opposition.hackney roof top defiance
20-02-2012 00:55
anti eviction at work, squats saved by the people
early friday morning, police and bailiffs turned up to evict a row of squatted houses in Dalston lane, but luckily the anti eviction squad was out, in numbers, this time with over 60 people blocking the road and lining the rooftop.
As the morning progressed with music, sandwiches and the barking of a dog, the police and bailiffs were helpless bystanders, who finally agreed they would leave on the condition that the 'fuck the Olympics banner was removed because its a bit rude, as the people on the roof top laughingly refused, the police drove away morally defeated.
In this time of uncertain squatting future, people are standing up in solidarity to house each other, at a real grass roots level.
A lovely morning, and houses saved.