UK Newswire Archive
Uganda Police Shoot Student Dead
12-01-2002 12:53
A Police spokesman said the Force is prepared for today. “This day we shall show up in our true colours. We have been training for this day,”“It will be wise to keep away (from the City Square). Only the Red Cross will be allowed to pick up any victims
“If you usually have a siesta here, this time try other parks in the city like Sheraton Kampala gardens or the Centenary Park. Otherwise we don’t want innocent people to fall victim,” He said whoever turns up for the rally will be Killed.
The Day Ashcroft Foiled FOIA
12-01-2002 07:33
Just some of the items surfacing dispite attempts to plug all the holes of the sinking shipSEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS - EVIDENCE OF U.S. COLLUSION
12-01-2002 05:01
12-01-2002 01:17
Denials, accusations...but 'no-one has suggested that Bush has done anything wrong' where did he leave the dirty washing? in his own back yard?
Afghan Prisoners Arrive in Cuba - What it is to be a 'Cargo', not a person
12-01-2002 00:52
'Mr. Rumsfeld dismissed suggestions that the hoods and shackles somehow amounted to cruelty, calling the precautions "not in any way inappropriate" in view of the demonstrated dangerousness of the cargo'.The youth speaks out. Seven different stories.
12-01-2002 00:16
The youth speaks out. Seven different stories.Miguel, Cindy, Maria, Clair, Aristoteles, Gerald and
Chrissie have a story to tell.
Economic Racism legal in the UK
12-01-2002 00:15
If you pay, you're welcomeBut if you are a refugee fleeing oppression?
Education for sale...
12-01-2002 00:14
GATS-that infamous agreement of the global elite has made our education an endangered specie, this article examines how...911's Moneytrail to Bonesmen
12-01-2002 00:02
Just a co-incidence nothing to worry about, no such thing as a conspiracy really.9-11: Nothing Urgent
11-01-2002 22:56
Meanwhile, in Florida, it is clear from the public record that by the time President Bush left his hotel he knew about the attack on the first WTC tower.America Exists
11-01-2002 22:39
Published inDEATH BLOSSOMS - Reflections from a Prisoner of Conscience
by Mumia Abu Jamal (1996)
Plough Publishing House
ISBN 0-87486-086-5
Oregonians defy pResident Bush by striving to make 2002 a "peace year"
11-01-2002 21:54
upcoming peace events in Oregon, USA'I Like To Watch' 9.11 Video Freaks Viwers
11-01-2002 21:50
that plane-shaped holereally gets me hot
but the big ball of flame
is the money shot
(my steel melted and
my tower's coming down)
important news from columbia
11-01-2002 21:38
possible massacres in columbia as para-militaries mobiliseMiddle class/working class/this side/that side
11-01-2002 20:48
Blackbloc love em or hate em? Middle class? Working class? Forget it. If we really want change we have to work together to become one. The only class that really gains is the ruling and intellectual classes.Nestle: time for ACTION!!!!! **NOW!!**
11-01-2002 20:41
What the FUCK are we going to do about Nestle?Miaow
11-01-2002 18:00

argentinian embassy protest
11-01-2002 14:30
Protesters occupy Argentinian embassy, 8 arrests, one protester beaten.