'I Like To Watch' 9.11 Video Freaks Viwers
Independent Vision | 11.01.2002 21:50
that plane-shaped hole
really gets me hot
but the big ball of flame
is the money shot
(my steel melted and
my tower's coming down)
really gets me hot
but the big ball of flame
is the money shot
(my steel melted and
my tower's coming down)
"I Like To Watch" is the new video from the ultra-controversial "Church of Euthanasia." You can download it if you go to
CAUSION: This will be too upsetting to most viewers! Most likely you will be upset and/or angry after seeing it! Do not go to this page if you are easily disturbed (or prefer not to think)!
But then that’s the fucking point. At least this one group displays guts, bravery, smarts, originality, and aren’t afraid to be provocative --– qualities sadly lacking in the American left and environmental movements over the last 20 years (except for EF! and a couple of others).
For info about the international reaction to "I Like To Watch" go to
"COE" has been called "the group simple-minded leftist and environmental groups love to hate." COE continually upset the herd-mentality at the corporate controlled, so-called "Earth Day" in Boston for several years. The Boston Police forced COE to take down their famous "Save The Planet Kill Yourself" banner and other banners under the direct orders of the fake-Earth Day organizers… Sadly, most US environmental groups are in favor of free speech --but only when *they* can control it.
On yet another controversial occasion, COE members were physically attacked and their banners censored by the organizers at the Boston BioDev demonstration in 2000. So much for free thinking and free speech in the "Cradle of Liberty", huh? Here is a little about what happened there:
"March 26 marked the start of a week-long Bio-Tech trade show and conference called Bio 2000, held at the Hynes Convention center in downtown Boston. On the same day, a large and well-organized demonstration / puppet show / parade against GM (genetically modified) food was held, under the name Bio-Devastation 2000, in neighboring Copley Square. The Church of Euthanasia joined the demonstration, raised a giant banner that read "HUMAN EXTINCTION WHILE WE STILL CAN," and began broadcasting anti-human messages on a portable sound system. The demonstration's organizers responded with unanimous hostility. Having anticipated this outcome, Rev. Korda gave a thoughtfully prepared speech, the text of which is given below. The reaction to the speech culminated in several acts of violence, including attempts to disable the Church's sound system by cutting the microphone cable with a knife, pouring water into it, and knocking it over, as well as attempts to disable Rev. Korda personally.
These attempts being only partially successful, the organizers resorted to announcing on their (much larger and permitted) sound system that the Church was being paid by Monsanto. Though Rev. Korda repeatedly dared them to call for the police, who would doubtless have enforced the permit by chasing away the Church, the organizers appeared ideologically unable to do so, relying instead on overt physical coercion disguised as "direct action." Evidently their much-touted pacifism was reserved for those who already agreed with them. Most demonstrators seemed oblivious to the paradox of using a "free-speech" activity to suppress another "free-speech" activity, held by a minority group no less. In the demonstrator's minds, the Church was either with them, in which case it must obey their leaders, or it was a paid agent of the police or Monsanto. The notion that the Church could be reluctantly supporting bio-tech, for its potential to destroy human food supplies before we irreversibly damage earth's atmosphere, was completely beyond them." For the rest of the real story, go to the COE web site listed above.
"I Like To Watch" is first *real* independent video about the media and govermment controlled thing called "9.11"
PS. I'm not a member of this group, but I am a huge fan!

CAUSION: This will be too upsetting to most viewers! Most likely you will be upset and/or angry after seeing it! Do not go to this page if you are easily disturbed (or prefer not to think)!
But then that’s the fucking point. At least this one group displays guts, bravery, smarts, originality, and aren’t afraid to be provocative --– qualities sadly lacking in the American left and environmental movements over the last 20 years (except for EF! and a couple of others).
For info about the international reaction to "I Like To Watch" go to


"COE" has been called "the group simple-minded leftist and environmental groups love to hate." COE continually upset the herd-mentality at the corporate controlled, so-called "Earth Day" in Boston for several years. The Boston Police forced COE to take down their famous "Save The Planet Kill Yourself" banner and other banners under the direct orders of the fake-Earth Day organizers… Sadly, most US environmental groups are in favor of free speech --but only when *they* can control it.
On yet another controversial occasion, COE members were physically attacked and their banners censored by the organizers at the Boston BioDev demonstration in 2000. So much for free thinking and free speech in the "Cradle of Liberty", huh? Here is a little about what happened there:
"March 26 marked the start of a week-long Bio-Tech trade show and conference called Bio 2000, held at the Hynes Convention center in downtown Boston. On the same day, a large and well-organized demonstration / puppet show / parade against GM (genetically modified) food was held, under the name Bio-Devastation 2000, in neighboring Copley Square. The Church of Euthanasia joined the demonstration, raised a giant banner that read "HUMAN EXTINCTION WHILE WE STILL CAN," and began broadcasting anti-human messages on a portable sound system. The demonstration's organizers responded with unanimous hostility. Having anticipated this outcome, Rev. Korda gave a thoughtfully prepared speech, the text of which is given below. The reaction to the speech culminated in several acts of violence, including attempts to disable the Church's sound system by cutting the microphone cable with a knife, pouring water into it, and knocking it over, as well as attempts to disable Rev. Korda personally.
These attempts being only partially successful, the organizers resorted to announcing on their (much larger and permitted) sound system that the Church was being paid by Monsanto. Though Rev. Korda repeatedly dared them to call for the police, who would doubtless have enforced the permit by chasing away the Church, the organizers appeared ideologically unable to do so, relying instead on overt physical coercion disguised as "direct action." Evidently their much-touted pacifism was reserved for those who already agreed with them. Most demonstrators seemed oblivious to the paradox of using a "free-speech" activity to suppress another "free-speech" activity, held by a minority group no less. In the demonstrator's minds, the Church was either with them, in which case it must obey their leaders, or it was a paid agent of the police or Monsanto. The notion that the Church could be reluctantly supporting bio-tech, for its potential to destroy human food supplies before we irreversibly damage earth's atmosphere, was completely beyond them." For the rest of the real story, go to the COE web site listed above.
"I Like To Watch" is first *real* independent video about the media and govermment controlled thing called "9.11"
PS. I'm not a member of this group, but I am a huge fan!
Independent Vision
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