UK Newswire Archive
ISRAEL: Conscientious objector Victor Sabranski's fifth prison term
15-08-2002 10:47

'Computer geek' genes 'may be linked to autism'
15-08-2002 09:28
Doctors in California think high autism rates in the Silicon Valley area could be down to the 'computer geek' genes of its workers.Ariel Sharon: The Scarepeace (by Latuff)
15-08-2002 04:27

LAF News + Dionysian Party
15-08-2002 03:32
New Addition to website. Sex & Violence article from FreedomMeeting Announcement
Anarch Party News
15-08-2002 01:59
Less than a week after being inaugurated as Colombia’s new president, extremist Alvaro Uribe Velez, has enacted a law that vastly curtails the rights of Colombian citizens and appears to legalise certain tactics used by paramilitary death squads. Civil society is bracing itself for the worst and already parts of the union movement are making plans to start operating in secret.URIBE: THE PERFECT MAN FOR WASHINGTON
15-08-2002 01:29
ANNCOL exclusive interview with key figure in the Colombian opposition: Jaime Caicedo General Secretary of the Colombian Communist Party.Radio Earth Summit - Database of corporate abuse
14-08-2002 22:43
The FoE are building a huge audio (and text) database of people who have been f*cked by multinationals to use as evidence at the forthcoming WSSD. And you even get to torture - unfortunately virtual - a corporate fat cat.New Allegations Connect More Dots In The 9/11 Puzzle
14-08-2002 22:24
PLEASE EMAIL DONAGHUE. TIMING IS CRITICAL - IN ONE HOUR YOU CAN CHANGE HISTORY"Donahue has informed us of a new book "The Hidden Truth." It says US oil
companies caused Bush to coddle the Taliban before 9-11.

14-08-2002 21:14
The bastards are coming to get you (real soon - honest)honour all saints and prophets honour og
Squatted community centre open in Dalston, Hackney
14-08-2002 17:50
The Edith Cavell building has been squatted as a community centre, and is open now. There will be an open meeting tomorrow (Thursday) at 7pmCastro celebrates 76th birthday
14-08-2002 13:56
PRESIDENT Fidel Castro celebrated his 76th birthday yesterday, by re-inaugurating the Abel Santamaría Special School for blind, visually impaired and severely disabled children. The school is located in the Ciudad Libertad district, headquarters of the Batista dictatorship prior to the Revolution.Sweden's upcoming elections - an anarchosyndicalist view
14-08-2002 12:53
The Syndicalist Youth Federation of Sweden is doing a national campaign under the slogan "We Know Who'll Win the Election". The following is a translation of a flyer from this campaign. The national elections are taking place the 15h September - the same day a number of Reclaim the ity parties are going to happen in some of the larger johns nursery
14-08-2002 11:51
Parents at St Johns nursery, Hackney, are asking people to come to a festival of resistance on Saturday 31 August as part of a campign to contest the closure of the nursery by the festy this saturday
14-08-2002 11:00
free festival raising awareness of domestic violence Streatham Common Saturday 17th AugustAgainst Video Surveillance and CCTV
14-08-2002 02:58

International Support Needed for Longshore Workers!
14-08-2002 01:27
Emperor Bush is threatening to use troops to break a possible strike by members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union(ILWU) at ports on North America's Western coast.ISR Press Release - Stop Privatisation of Education
13-08-2002 22:17
A group of protestors today peacefully occupied Reed Recruitment Agency to highlight the dangers presented by the privatisation of education, in particular the creation of a privatised ‘City Academy’ in Leicester.FLYER--DEMOCRACY RIGHT NOW!
13-08-2002 20:35
We are being robber of our minds and our lives both by the coercion of the elite and by the limitations on group dialogue that the multitudes impose upon themselves. Arevolutionary technique of democracy is now available to help break through this tyranny if we have the courage to use it. These words tell that story.