UK Newswire Archive
Benefit cheats subvert
13-01-2007 11:29

13-01-2007 09:26
There is a new website aimed specifically at helping people leak documents to the public domain. Rather than being a competitor to IM it may be a useful and specialised companion.American Congress: Failed Institution
13-01-2007 03:44
Democrats have failed the American people (and civilised world) by allowing the lunatic U.S. President to re-introduce nuclear warfare in an already unstable world. Two extremely disturbing indications from Bush’s ‘new strategy’ spell madness in the clearest possible terms but the Democrats have made it clear, they will adopt the role of spectator, satisfying themselves with an ‘I told you so’ attitude AFTER the calamitous event. The non-interventionist attitude of the Democrats confirms INCOMPETENCE as a malaise that extends throughout the entire body of government in the USA. Any government that would plunge the world into a future holocaust earns for itself the status of nuclear target – where does it end? The only two nations likely to utilise nuclear weapons today are Israel and the United States, as has clearly been indicated by Bush and his echo, Condoleezza Rice, in their recent address:Will Bush Start a War With Iran?
13-01-2007 02:01
A number of articles are posted predicting a US war with Iran. And a Google search on this subject showed 104 million articles. Searching "US Nuclear War With Iran" showed 24.7 million articles. Therefore, a lot of very thoughtful people are deeply concerned, and writing about, this subject. And there are many indications that this nightmare will begin soon, just as there were before the illegal US bombing, invasion and occupation of Iraq began in 2003.Full article | 10 additions | 1 comment
Solidarity from London to Anti-Gitmo NVDA in D.C.
12-01-2007 22:18

Venezuela: Chavez announces radical measures against capitalism
12-01-2007 22:11

“I am a Trotskyist!” - says Chavez
12-01-2007 22:09
On Wednesday, January 10th Chavez was sworn in as president of Venezuela for a new term of office, and he delivered a speech in which he announced the members of the cabinet and repeated the main lines of his government, which had already been outlined in a major speech on Monday 8th.After the massive victory in the presidential elections in December (in which Chavez received 7.3 million votes, 63%), Chavez had insisted that this was not a vote for himself, but rather a vote for the socialist project that he had been defending. The announcements made in the last few days in Venezuela send a clear and strong signal of the direction he intends to go in.
Start on Tunstall Northern Bypass
12-01-2007 21:20
Birse Civils Limited have started to set up a compound in Scotia Valley, Tunstall, Stoke on TrentBush Speech: Full Steam Ahead on Iran Attack
12-01-2007 20:49
Bush said the U.S. intends to take action against Iranian proxies in Iraq, and vowed to find and destroy the networks supplying these groups with weapons and training.” In addition, and ominously if not predictably, Bush “also promised that the U.S. would work ‘with others’ in order to block Iran from developing nuclear arms and dominating the region.”Save Radley Lakes Occupation
12-01-2007 20:35

Bombing of Somalia
12-01-2007 16:53
The USA has been bombing Somalia for days following an invasion by their Ethiopian allies. Hundreds of innocents have been killed.The Islamic Courts that ruled most of the country have been defeated and Somalia has already been brought back to the chaos that the country had suffered for 16 years until the Islamic Courts brought peace to the capital.
eyewitness: attacks in Cochabamba
12-01-2007 15:56

I am calling on everyone who reads this to spread the word and contact radio stations, newspapers, Amnesty International and other human rights organistions you may have a contact with to send out an Urgent Action.
Town centres – a tale of two councils
12-01-2007 15:01

David Cameron backing for UAF
12-01-2007 15:00
David Cameron is listed among a group of prominent politicians and personalities claimed by Unite against Fascism as supporters as they demonstrate today outside the English National Ballet calling for the sacking of principal dancer Simone Clarke.Crucial petition on People living with Autism/NeuroDiversity basic human rights
12-01-2007 13:01
Can I ask all my friends and allies within Indymedia and other networks, to follow Larry Arnold, myself and others within the 'NeuroDiversity' movement to sign this petition... Larry has educated me in why 'you' should follow him, others and myself in signing this petition...... Larry said..... see below....Why the US Is Not Leaving Iraq: The booming business of war profiteers
12-01-2007 11:38
Neither the Iraq Study Group nor other establishment critics of the Iraq war are calling for the withdrawal of US troops from that country. To the extent that the Study Group or the new Congress purport to inject some "realism" into the Iraq policy, such projected modifications do not seem to amount to more than changing the drivers of the US war machine without changing its destination, or objectives: control of Iraq’s political and economic policies.Bush Escalates Iraq War with 20,000 More Troops; Threatens Iran, Syria
12-01-2007 10:50

President Bush announced plans Wednesday night to escalate the war in Iraq and send over 20,000 more troops. He said he took responsibility for past mistakes but that more troops are needed to pacify Baghdad and other parts of the country. The President also threatened military action against Iran and Syria. We play excerpts of his address.
Greece: Attack with rocket against the us embassy
12-01-2007 10:12

Podchef Neal Foley, Gastrocast
12-01-2007 08:58

Australian prime minister welcomes US “surge” in Iraq
12-01-2007 06:48