Will Bush Start a War With Iran?
Larry Ross | 13.01.2007 02:01 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | World
A number of articles are posted predicting a US war with Iran. And a Google search on this subject showed 104 million articles. Searching "US Nuclear War With Iran" showed 24.7 million articles. Therefore, a lot of very thoughtful people are deeply concerned, and writing about, this subject. And there are many indications that this nightmare will begin soon, just as there were before the illegal US bombing, invasion and occupation of Iraq began in 2003.
A number of articles are posted predicting a US war with Iran. And a Google search on this subject showed 104 million articles. Searching "US Nuclear War With Iran" showed 24.7 million articles. Therefore, a lot of very thoughtful people are deeply concerned, and writing about, this subject. And there are many indications that this nightmare will begin soon, just as there were before the illegal US bombing, invasion and occupation of Iraq began in 2003.
The present Bush regime has committed multiple war crimes and violations of the US Constitution. Now, with their backs against the wall, with the "Impeach Bush" movement growing, and with Bush's popularity dropping below 30%, the Bush regime may decide their only way out is to resort to even greater crimes---such as escalating the Iraq War and making a preemptive strike with mini-nukes on Iran.
All the signs indicate that Bush will send more US troops to Iraq, and not begin to withdraw as the Iraq Study Group (ISG) recommended [1]. Moreover, the US Congress has passed legislation allowing Bush to wage preemptive nuclear war.
However, what Dave Lindorff [2] and many other US commentators have missed, or skirted, is how Bush might seek to justify his attack on Iran, and thus gain public approval, despite the present antipathy toward more war.
Recall how Bush's popularity soared after both the 9/11 attacks and his retaliatory response with illegal wars on Afghanistan and Iraq? A large and growing group of eminent American scientists, academics, and experts are certain, based on the evidence, that the Bush regime either engineered the 9/11 attacks or at least knew it would happen and did nothing [3]. The Bush regime's purpose was to give themselves the "Pearl Harbor" they needed to fool, frighten, and mobilize Americans, so they would support the wars the Bush Regime had planned before 9/11. Which is to say these wars were already planned, but Bush needed a convincing excuse that the American people would believe.
The same situation applies today concerning Iran, but more so. The Bush neocons succeeded better than they might have expected with their pre-war deceit about Iraq. So they might be thinking, "Why shouldn't similar tactics and lies work again?"
This kind of treachery toward one's own people is known as a '"False Flag" operation, and it has been used many times since about the year 1600, and perhaps before. If you Google search "9/11 False Flag," you will get 1.1 million articles. The purpose of a False Flag operation is to justify and then start wars which otherwise could not be justified and would not get popular support [4]. A government creates this phony situation, in which it orchestrates an attack on itself and its people by the selected "enemy."
Hitler reputedly did this at least twice, by orchestrating the Reichstag fire and a border skirmish with Poland, in order to justify the establishment of his dictatorship and his many wars, which culminated in World War II and the deaths of 50 million people. Historians suspect that the US used this false-flag tactic by sinking its own warship, the USS Maine, in Havana to justify war with Spain over Cuba, and then again in the Gulf of
Tonkin Incident in 1965 to justify escalating the Vietnam War, and then almost once again in 1962 with Operation Northwoods [5], a false-flag operation in which a terrorist attack on the US would be staged and blamed on Castro, and which the Pentagon's top brass approved in order to justify war with Cuba. Luckily President Kennedy vetoed the Operation Northwoods plan, and sadly he was assassinated shortly thereafter.
Given President Bush's track record for mendacity, his Iran war plans, and his declining presidential popularity, it seems unlikely that he would veto a similar plot to create an excuse to launch a preemptive nuclear war on Iran.
In fact, a particularly lethal False Flag terrorist attack on the US is the only event that would supply Bush with the public hatred of Iran he needs to jump over the nuclear barrier and win the popular approval he needs to launch a preemptive nuclear war against Iran. It would not only earn Bush another soaring popularity rating in the US
polls, but would probably create an excuse to push through a new batch of fascist-style legislation (just as Hitler did) which would further suppress domestic criticism and dissent, as well as intimidate the Democrats into rubber-stamping anything he wants.
Of course, the US mass media won't question Bush's decisions, but will support any war he wishes to launch, just as they have faithfully done since 9/11 with his war on Afghanistan, and then his war on Iraq.
Therefore, what is urgently needed is a large public education campaign on: (1) the trends toward, and dangers of, a war with Iran; (2) precedent-setting False Flag operations that were previously used in history; and (3) how such diabolical techniques may have been used to stage 9/11; and (4) how a False Flag attack could be used as an excuse to launch a preemptive war on Iran.
Furthermore, a large-scale education campaign can alert the public as to what Bush may have planned, and how he may try and get away with what could very well be the biggest crime in history. It could be state-sponsored terrorism from which the world may not recover. It could be a terror event that kills millions and spirals into a global nuclear war that could destroy all humankind. I hope people realize just how important this issue is, and become motivated to do something to help prevent it before it happens.
As many progressive writers have quite rightly suggested, one important-yet-easily-accomplished thing the reader can do is to forward this article to as many people and groups as possible. Another step is to research this subject yourself by assessing the articles on our website, on other websites, and the various articles from Google searches. Then discuss this important subject with others in your nation, organize meetings, and lobby politicians against war with Iran. Now. If it begins, it's too late.
[1] Michael Abramowitz and Josh White's 12-27-06 Washington Post article, "Bush And Security Advisers To Meet Today On Iraq Strategy: Troop Increase Appears More Likely":
[2] Dave Lindorff's 12-26-06 CounterPunch essay, "Crime Of The Century: Are Bush And Cheney Planning An Early Attack On Iran?":
January 11, 2007 Larry Ross is a former American and current citizen of New Zealand, where he is the founding editor of Nuclear Free Peacemaker New Zealand. Communicate your views, findings and conclusions to him at:
nuclearfreenz@lynx.co.nz Visit his website at:
The present Bush regime has committed multiple war crimes and violations of the US Constitution. Now, with their backs against the wall, with the "Impeach Bush" movement growing, and with Bush's popularity dropping below 30%, the Bush regime may decide their only way out is to resort to even greater crimes---such as escalating the Iraq War and making a preemptive strike with mini-nukes on Iran.
All the signs indicate that Bush will send more US troops to Iraq, and not begin to withdraw as the Iraq Study Group (ISG) recommended [1]. Moreover, the US Congress has passed legislation allowing Bush to wage preemptive nuclear war.
However, what Dave Lindorff [2] and many other US commentators have missed, or skirted, is how Bush might seek to justify his attack on Iran, and thus gain public approval, despite the present antipathy toward more war.
Recall how Bush's popularity soared after both the 9/11 attacks and his retaliatory response with illegal wars on Afghanistan and Iraq? A large and growing group of eminent American scientists, academics, and experts are certain, based on the evidence, that the Bush regime either engineered the 9/11 attacks or at least knew it would happen and did nothing [3]. The Bush regime's purpose was to give themselves the "Pearl Harbor" they needed to fool, frighten, and mobilize Americans, so they would support the wars the Bush Regime had planned before 9/11. Which is to say these wars were already planned, but Bush needed a convincing excuse that the American people would believe.
The same situation applies today concerning Iran, but more so. The Bush neocons succeeded better than they might have expected with their pre-war deceit about Iraq. So they might be thinking, "Why shouldn't similar tactics and lies work again?"
This kind of treachery toward one's own people is known as a '"False Flag" operation, and it has been used many times since about the year 1600, and perhaps before. If you Google search "9/11 False Flag," you will get 1.1 million articles. The purpose of a False Flag operation is to justify and then start wars which otherwise could not be justified and would not get popular support [4]. A government creates this phony situation, in which it orchestrates an attack on itself and its people by the selected "enemy."
Hitler reputedly did this at least twice, by orchestrating the Reichstag fire and a border skirmish with Poland, in order to justify the establishment of his dictatorship and his many wars, which culminated in World War II and the deaths of 50 million people. Historians suspect that the US used this false-flag tactic by sinking its own warship, the USS Maine, in Havana to justify war with Spain over Cuba, and then again in the Gulf of
Tonkin Incident in 1965 to justify escalating the Vietnam War, and then almost once again in 1962 with Operation Northwoods [5], a false-flag operation in which a terrorist attack on the US would be staged and blamed on Castro, and which the Pentagon's top brass approved in order to justify war with Cuba. Luckily President Kennedy vetoed the Operation Northwoods plan, and sadly he was assassinated shortly thereafter.
Given President Bush's track record for mendacity, his Iran war plans, and his declining presidential popularity, it seems unlikely that he would veto a similar plot to create an excuse to launch a preemptive nuclear war on Iran.
In fact, a particularly lethal False Flag terrorist attack on the US is the only event that would supply Bush with the public hatred of Iran he needs to jump over the nuclear barrier and win the popular approval he needs to launch a preemptive nuclear war against Iran. It would not only earn Bush another soaring popularity rating in the US
polls, but would probably create an excuse to push through a new batch of fascist-style legislation (just as Hitler did) which would further suppress domestic criticism and dissent, as well as intimidate the Democrats into rubber-stamping anything he wants.
Of course, the US mass media won't question Bush's decisions, but will support any war he wishes to launch, just as they have faithfully done since 9/11 with his war on Afghanistan, and then his war on Iraq.
Therefore, what is urgently needed is a large public education campaign on: (1) the trends toward, and dangers of, a war with Iran; (2) precedent-setting False Flag operations that were previously used in history; and (3) how such diabolical techniques may have been used to stage 9/11; and (4) how a False Flag attack could be used as an excuse to launch a preemptive war on Iran.
Furthermore, a large-scale education campaign can alert the public as to what Bush may have planned, and how he may try and get away with what could very well be the biggest crime in history. It could be state-sponsored terrorism from which the world may not recover. It could be a terror event that kills millions and spirals into a global nuclear war that could destroy all humankind. I hope people realize just how important this issue is, and become motivated to do something to help prevent it before it happens.
As many progressive writers have quite rightly suggested, one important-yet-easily-accomplished thing the reader can do is to forward this article to as many people and groups as possible. Another step is to research this subject yourself by assessing the articles on our website, on other websites, and the various articles from Google searches. Then discuss this important subject with others in your nation, organize meetings, and lobby politicians against war with Iran. Now. If it begins, it's too late.
[1] Michael Abramowitz and Josh White's 12-27-06 Washington Post article, "Bush And Security Advisers To Meet Today On Iraq Strategy: Troop Increase Appears More Likely":

[2] Dave Lindorff's 12-26-06 CounterPunch essay, "Crime Of The Century: Are Bush And Cheney Planning An Early Attack On Iran?":




January 11, 2007 Larry Ross is a former American and current citizen of New Zealand, where he is the founding editor of Nuclear Free Peacemaker New Zealand. Communicate your views, findings and conclusions to him at:

Larry Ross
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