UK Newswire Archive
Military ramps up torture of alleged WikiLeaks source
08-03-2011 19:31
"The Obama administration is persecuting and torturing Manning for two major reasons. First, to force him to implicate WikiLeaks and its co-founder, Julian Assange, in his alleged downloading of classified documents. The government, in its campaign to destroy WikiLeaks and punish Assange, needs such testimony from Manning to potentially extradite and prosecute Assange under US sedition laws."Down with defeatism: Richard Stallman talk at IET
08-03-2011 19:22
Audio recording from Richard Stallman's talk at IET on Monday, 7 March 2011.
Worth listening to the end for this tidbit at 1 hour 48 minutes...
Q: the end of the day you have companies that want to monetise on...
Stallman: I dislike that word 'monetise'. They want to exploit someone. F*ck them.
Misunderstanding the Census
08-03-2011 18:40
Lockheed Martin might make a tidy profit out of running the census (why else would they have bid for the contract?) but no branch of the US government is going to get the personal details of British citizens.A Weekend Preparing for 26 March TUC Demo
08-03-2011 17:38

How Can We Stop The Privitisation Of The NHS? - Lewisham Meeting
08-03-2011 15:54
Meeting, this Thursday 10th March, 7.30pm.Saville Centre, 436 Lewisham High Street, SE13 6LJ
Buses - 47, 54, 75, 136, 185, 199, 208 or Lewisham DLR/Overground
Palestine Today 03 08 2011
08-03-2011 15:51

Housing Co-Ops in Bradford Looking for New Members
08-03-2011 13:22
Housing Co-ops in Bradford are looking for new members and are inviting those who are interested in radical social change and co-operative living to get in touch.
International Women's Day
08-03-2011 13:22
Today is the 100th International Women's Day [2 IWD]. One hundrd years since Rose Schneiderman declared, “The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too. Help, you women of privilege, give her the ballot to fight with.” Despite significant gains, there is so much work still to do...
Last Saturday over 1000 women took part in the Million Women Rise march in London against violence against women and children [pics flickr pics].
In the current climate of cuts, as UKuncut have said: "the government may have neglected their duty to investigate the impact of legislation on gender inequality, but other people have not, and the results show that women will face a disproportionate burden".
Among many events taking place three this evening include Womean Against Cuts demo, Women, the cuts + resistance meeting and Well behaved women seldom make history with a March and speak out on Saturday 12th calling for an end to cuts, poverty and discrimination.
Report - Swindon Anti-Cuts demo
08-03-2011 12:42

Dodgy Census Employment Stats*& Jobfare
08-03-2011 12:24
It's the way you phrase the question. The census is starting to look and feel like a benefit form.More photos from Council budget protest
08-03-2011 12:23
Photos taken during Nottingham City Council's budget meeting on 7th March 2011.
There is a lot more to do now cuts budgets have been passed in both the City and County. Come to the next Notts SOS meeting at the YMCA/ICC on Mansfield Road, Monday 14th March at 7.30pm.
Wicked Problems & Solutions
08-03-2011 04:37

Anti-Benefit Cuts Leafleting Glasgow Thurs. 10th March 1.30-2.30PM
08-03-2011 00:33
Protest against LIb Dem Conference Organisers - Police surveillance actions
07-03-2011 23:11
Overt surveillance measures are being used to intimidate activists organising against the Sheffield Libdem conference.Nottingham City budget protest: Photos
07-03-2011 22:23
On Monday March 7th, Nottingham City Council met to set it budget for 2011-12, slashing millions of pounds from vital services. Campaigners protested outside, occupied the viewing gallery and challenged council leader Jon Collins.
Banner Drop - 'Fight the Cuts'
07-03-2011 22:23
Banner dropped on Maid Marian Way to coincide with protests against Nottingham Council budget.
Today, Monday 7 March, Nottingham City Council set its budget for the coming year, implementing the nationwide regime of brutal cuts to public services that will hit the most vulnerable the hardest. On a day of protest outside and inside the Council House (, a banner was also dropped from the multi-storey car park on Maid Marian Way which read 'Fight the Cuts: We Won't Pay For Their Crisis'.
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'Supplementary Questions' - Lockheed Martin and the English census
07-03-2011 22:23

Count me Out- info on opposing the arms company Lockheed Martin’s involvement in the 2011 census.
07-03-2011 22:22
29-S: in solidarity with the General Strike in Barcelona
07-03-2011 21:37