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Protest against LIb Dem Conference Organisers - Police surveillance actions

Resist! | 07.03.2011 23:11 | Public sector cuts | Repression | Sheffield

Overt surveillance measures are being used to intimidate activists organising against the Sheffield Libdem conference.

Activists organising against the Libdem conference in Sheffield, 11-13th March, are reporting

* Police cars parked outside their homes watching them leeve to travel to work or to take children to school
* Being followed and met outside of organising meetings
* Plain and uniformed officers approaching activists and greeting them by name.

Don't worry though, those who queued to up to vote Nick Clegg into Parliament will be queuing up to blockade him from his conference.

Plenty is still planned.



Display the following 3 comments

  1. Action is the best defence — ActivistSecurity
  2. I agree — A N Other
  3. PIcs of expected Surveylance police — watcher 1996