UK Newswire Archive
What more do you need to do to control people?
08-03-2007 11:02
BBC article on casual police violenceFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
08-03-2007 07:49
Justice or kangaroo court?Time will tell what the courthouses have instore for juctice, democracy and the right to speak out against the government when it is doing wrong and murdering children.
Rospudas' Currents
08-03-2007 07:23
'International forces of reaction' are being formed...:- if you want to join them e-mail me on this address
and you will be informed about any alert
(with which I will be going there and dragging others...)
As I said above all we will need even few, but experienced
Rospuda Demo this Friday!
08-03-2007 07:18

El-Baradei Strongly Challenged for Not Speaking the Whole Truth on Iran
08-03-2007 03:35
Dr Mohamed El-Baradei, the Director General of the International Atomic EnergyAgency (IAEA) has been challenged for not speaking the whole truth about
Iran’s nuclear programme. The challenge comes in the wake of Dr El-Baradei’s
statement that Iran’s concealment of its nuclear programme for some 18 years
sets it apart from all other nations.
Contact for BRIGHTON Autonomous Students Society
08-03-2007 01:02
I can't seem to find it on the internet...Hewitt To Get Taste Of Hospital Life
07-03-2007 22:48

Nothing involving faeces or body fluids!
Australian government declares it owes no legal duty to Guantánamo detainee Davi
07-03-2007 22:44

Student Venezuela Meeting at SOAS
07-03-2007 22:13
Student HOV will hold its next event thisThursday, March 8th, at SOAS from 6pm, details bellow! It will feature
members of the HOV delegation who visited Caracas for the elections at the
end of last year, and should prove a very interesting and enjoyable even
GM Potatoes to be grown in Cambridge
07-03-2007 21:52
The German multinational chemical company, BASF, has been granted permission to plant genetically modified potatoes at NIAB in Cambridge from the end of this month.STOP THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS
07-03-2007 20:47

Israel's Weapons Sales to Iran
07-03-2007 20:29
Israel's sale of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction into Iran during the last 27 years.About 100 people demonstrated outside the Immigration Tribunal in Eagle Building
07-03-2007 19:44

Don't forget the 'No Borders Network' Gathering in Glasgow this weekend - Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th March at the Kinning Park complex - more details from
Sheffield Rossport Soldarity Action
07-03-2007 19:16

This demonstration was an act of solidarity with the people of Rossport, County Mayo, Ireland and the campaign ShelltoSea, who are opposing Shells plans to build a potentially lethal high pressure gas pipe line and refinery in a marine special area of conservation.
Nuclear Power is Green - NOT
07-03-2007 19:04
Here is an article that talks of a new studythat shows nuclear to be not green, and the
study did not even take into account the huge
cost of decommissioning the plants after thier
40 years of production which must be done with
robots because of the extreme radiation. The
author apparently also has not been informed of
the new Solar Voltaic panels that bring the cost
of solar equal to coal plants.
West Midlands Climate Camp meeting
07-03-2007 19:03
Come and get involved in organising the West Midlands Neighbourhood forClimate Camp 2007!
Raoul Vaneigem: major work now in English translation
07-03-2007 18:38
Now on-line for free, the first English translation of a major work by the ex-Situationist, Raoul Vaneigem, called THE RESISTANCE TO CHRISTIANITY. Required reading for all atheists!Dump the Democrats and unite!
07-03-2007 18:32
U.S. foreign policy has not and will not change direction as long as the Democratic Party continues to be dominated by corporate interests and tacit compliance with the neoconservative agenda. The antiwar movement needs to understand this reality or it is doomed to collapse like it did under the pressure of the 2004 elections.Global Marijuana March. World Cannabis Day
07-03-2007 18:32

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