UK Newswire Archive
Training for terror....
04-07-2003 09:12
If they think they can pull this off without massive protests then they are sorely mistaken.4th of July in Iraq (by Latuff)
04-07-2003 06:32

The New World Afro-American Bible
04-07-2003 03:53
...and the big G blessed America. So the exslaves set forth to copyrightAfrican and Black and sold it to Hallmark, Disney and Interscope.
Sacked Firefighter Steve Godward is sacked by the SWP
04-07-2003 00:33
The Socialist Alliance was created shortly before the 1991 General Election. Many people had high hopes that the notoriously sectarian British far-left had at last agreed to bury the hatchet in the capitalists rather than their own hopes. How wrong we were. The SWP is determined to prove that the song may change but the tune remains the same.Social Forum
03-07-2003 23:36
A planning meeting for a social forum took place last night, Thursday July 5th, at the Friends Meeting House in the heart of Sheffield.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/4/03 ¡Listen Globally!
03-07-2003 23:19
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.Radical Boofair and Film Festival
03-07-2003 22:36
There will be a radical bookfair and filmfest at Bradford's 1in12 club on the 2nd August. Stalls will include re-pressed distribution, AK Press, Active distribution, Do Or Die (new issue out for bookfair) and loads more. Also record distro's and campaign stalls including Peat-Alert, Baku Ceyhan and Solidarity South Pacific.Alistair Campbell's Bullshit Soup Kitchen
03-07-2003 22:29
Norwich Anarchists at play outside local Labour Party.Officer friendly?
03-07-2003 21:21
The lives and health of residents, workers and school children could be gravely threatened by the installation of a new TETRA radio communications mast on top of a High St police station, all thanks to neo-labore's ongoing love affair with the Public Finance Intiative.NutraSweet
03-07-2003 21:11
What we're feeding the kiddies in the war on obesity'The Pentagon once listed it in an inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress.4 But instead of poisoning enemy populations, the "food additive" is currently marketed as a sweetening agent in some 1200 food products. '
So, what is this then?
03-07-2003 19:52
We all KNOW factually, and freely confess withouttruthful contention, the UNJUST evil bush and blair,
"sexed up" the falsehoods of a plagiarized essay, then
bold faced lied as they continue today, to hide their
"embarrassment" of indiscriminately murdering our
Humanity for criminal thefts against a just rule of our
god given rights Man.
how SOCIAL is oxford?
03-07-2003 19:48

how social a place is it?
there was talk of an Oxford social forum
how inclussive would this be?
03-07-2003 18:24
The Bilderberg Group - Radio 4 investigates tonight (3/7/2003) @20:00
03-07-2003 17:53
The Bilderberg Group - Radio 4 investigates tonight (3/7/2003) @20:00I've found the weapons of mass destruction!!!
03-07-2003 17:27
want to know where?Khatami Threatens to Resign if Students are Executed
03-07-2003 16:07
The Student protests in Iran are entering their third week and it seems the situation is still far from being under control. Over the past two weeks, more than 8,000 students have been arrested during demonstrations against the regime and religious clerics. At an emergency meeting of the High Council of National Security which took place this week, President Khatami condemned proclamations of senior religious clerics to execute the student leaders, according to the London-based daily A-Sharq Al-Awsat.ADBUSTERS: THE BLACK SPOT OF RESISTANCE SPREADS!!!
03-07-2003 15:48
In the mean time, keep the black spots popping.Public event - PRIVATISE THIS!
03-07-2003 14:56
On Friday July 11th there will be a public event entitled 'Privatise this!', featuring community activists from South Africa and Brazil, speaking about the connections between environmental and economic injustice.The case for a military embargo against Indonesia
03-07-2003 14:47
[If you are a UK reader, we would encourage you to use this documentto lobby your MP and the Foreign Office for a military embargo against Indonesia. A formatted version of the document is available on the TAPOL website at