UK Newswire Archive
30-04-2003 16:45
publish in here(We ask for yor forgive of uk indymedia)
Reclaim the Hill for Beltane in Edinburgh!
30-04-2003 16:41
The Beltane Fire Society celebrated every year the start of summer on the 30th of april on top of Calton Hill in Edinburgh with Theatre show and Fire Shows.This year, due to the spiralling costs mainly due to the Council, the celebrations have been cancelled.
However, although the official celebrations have been cancelled, the police and the council try to prevent anybody to have a private pagan celebration by police force...
Here is a call of Resistance!
Mayday Media - Mainstream Press Articles
30-04-2003 16:39
Just some of the recent mayday mainstream media articles - lots more out there from last few days and weeksDon’t Rip the Roadmap
30-04-2003 16:15
The roadmap is the best and the only way to revive the peace process and stop the current war. It is vital to implement it and to not complaints of both sides.US troops open fire again on Fallujah crowd
30-04-2003 14:44
A Second massacre by US paaratroopsDemocracy Now
30-04-2003 14:42
this transcript of a recent interview with Robert Fisk original interview can be heard on
He talks about his experiences in Iraq and describes the looting of the museums - he speaks about the deliberate destruction of Iraq's cultural identity.
Concerning the European Union summit taking place in Thessaloniki in June 2003
30-04-2003 14:33
Evening Standard Message Board
30-04-2003 13:38
The reactionaries on the Evening Standard website are wising up! Check out their message boards.oxford imc front page banner
30-04-2003 12:40
ministers doctored ssecret service briefings
30-04-2003 12:01
Blair and his ministers made much of the discovery of Iraq importing aluminium tubes - evidence, they claimed, of Saddam's nuclear weapons programme. Further evidence, they insisted, was Iraq's attempt to procure uranium from Niger. Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency exposed the documents on which the claims were made as forgeries.Britain's intelligence services now admit they were forged. Have ministers come clean? No - and by failing to do so they have further undermined their credibility.
FREE ULLA, Prisoner of Peace
30-04-2003 10:23
Ulla Roder is on remand after doing over £25 million damage to a Tornado jet at RAF Leuchars. See www.tridentploughshares.orgArabs obtain & publish secret Jewish lobby strategy paper
30-04-2003 10:11
"Is it a concern that he [Abbas, the new Palestinian Prime Minister] is a Holocaust denier? ... Hardly. Americans don't want to hear about the Holocaust anymore, and they particularly don't want to hear it from the Jewish community."ADC has obtained, and is publishing in full, a vital new Israeli propaganda strategy document for the period following the war in Iraq.
Paul Krugman: Bush's weapons of mass deceit
30-04-2003 09:28
"Aren't the leaders of a democratic nation supposed to tell their citizens the truth?" - New York TimesTHE FOURTH AND FIFTH WAVE-“DIEZ HORAS CON LA GLOBALIZACION”(AMAZON,NETBIBLO)
30-04-2003 08:55
-Of the Sociedad of the Information to theSociedad of the Useful Knowledge
-Of the Sociedad of the Useful Knowledge to the Sociedad of the Human beings. A new type of alienation: the one of the conocimiento.