UK Newswire Archive
US/UK Neo-conservative policy of global aggression
30-04-2003 08:38
Reviews the policies of US and UK neo-conservatives (New Labour) that drove the war on Iraq and their continuing aggression.Police Advice
30-04-2003 08:34
Met Police e-mail to London Employers...Nice of them to advertise the meet up's
AP report on second Fallujah shooting
30-04-2003 07:58
At least two Iraqis wounded in town of Fallujah after US troops fire on another protest demonstration.911 THE ROAD TO TYRANNY
30-04-2003 07:16
THE PLAN by Bush to establish a NEW WORLD ORDER.Coke Kills! (by Latuff)
30-04-2003 06:36

Civillians massacred at Fallujah
30-04-2003 03:37
A 'Bloody Sunday' everyday keeps the stone-thrower away.........iraq, 911, american neocons and gwb
30-04-2003 01:07
a quick look at the story behind the story of iraq, 911, and the american conservatives...WAR ! NO, THANKS....WITHOUT MY MONEY !
29-04-2003 21:57

A new poster to stop to give money to the multinationals,
Which colonise us without any limit,
And build the world exactly in opposition to our dreams ...
(with our money...)
poster to send on internet,
to print in black and white
(o in color if you are rich...)
and put in public places...(A4 or A3 copy)
War to stop the Oil Euro
29-04-2003 21:13
Major Threat to US if OPEC switches oil trade from Dollars to Euro.FIT eat ice creams
29-04-2003 19:46

Palestine eyewitness report
29-04-2003 16:29
24.04.03, JeninThe Rememberance demo for the beginning of the invasion and the dawning of the massacre took place, without curfew and without any military presence whatsoever not uniformed anyway, Im sure all the jaaysous (collaborators) and maybe some undercover were all there, to snap the fighters, clock their faces without their anonymity, balaclavas or the night to hide them.
29-04-2003 16:09
Latest from Iraq: America is now gunning down peaceful protesters. How much longer will we let them get away with these war crimes?ISM Reports: Israeli Troops Kill 1, shoot 2, and arrest 4 in Jenin
29-04-2003 14:06
The latest ISM Activist Reports From Palestine.Mayday Madness: Anarchists target 60 firms
29-04-2003 13:57
Character attack on two 'anarchist leaders' by the usual suspects.Protests as Afghan refugees sent home to die
29-04-2003 13:02
An Amnesty International mission to Afghanistan in April concluded that conditions are still not conducive to the promotion of voluntary return, much less forced returns. It found a lack of coherent assistance, reintegration, and monitoring capacity for refugees returning to urban as well as other areas.Torture & unfair Trials in Middle East
29-04-2003 12:29
29-04-2003 11:21
The Bristolian Party, born out of a popular local magazine, is fielding 12 candidates in the council elections on May 1st.The Really Big Blockade, 22nd April, Faslane, Scotland
29-04-2003 11:18