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court tommorow for tree protest
21-02-2006 14:27
latest news from tree protest in shepton malletCouncil outsources to Capita
21-02-2006 13:56
Oxford City Council decided to outsource its council tax collection function to Capita on Monday 20th February. The decision was opposed only by Green councillors.George Galloway MP due in demo on Crossrail hole Council
21-02-2006 13:37
When the Blairing Tower Hamlets [‘most deprived borough’ East End of London] ‘councillors’ contacted the British TV crews in January 2006 with promises of unheard-of tales about George Galloway’s alleged extinction as a political entity and posed gleefully for pictures, they did so because they reckoned that the Crossrail Bill had given them an undreamt of opportunity to do down the man that had so spectacularly taken the seat vacated by a reluctant Oona King on 5 May 2005.. They then over-reached themselves and overdosed on the Crossrail link to George Galloway’s ‘absence’ [as a ‘guest’ of Endem-All, the Channel 4 contract company which controls and trades on Celebrity notoriety in the UK]. No-one posed and fabricated around the issue more earnestly than one Michael Keith, sometime ‘academic’ at a south of the river Thames location and overtime fanatic basher of every conceivable image of George Galloway. And of Winnie Mandela! Michael Keith has confected chains and chains of untenable tales at the expense of every single known campaigner against then ideology of empire, of corruption in public office and above all of apartheid. No wonder that arch apartheidist the Murdoch-paid Matthew Parris was the first of a line of warmongers who went on record to demand that those who had voted for George Galloway on 5 May 2005 be punished by the Blair regime. Parris penned his poisonous passage and said that the Crossrail hole plan should driven right through Brick Lane. His ‘reasons’? He said that voters in the Brick Lane London E1 area had voted for Galloway! And that, as far as Matthew Parries was concerned, ground and justification enough to effectively destroy the Brick Lane London E1 area community and sink it in the Crossrail hole. Ironic that it is Michael Keith who is being accused of bringing the Crossrail hole problems on to the Tower Hamlets community. And the accusations are coming from councillors who belong to both Labour Party and the Lib Dem opposition!possible eviction shepton mallet tree sit!
21-02-2006 12:35
possible eviction shepton mallet tree sit! security fencing going up 12 noonFeb 23rd, London Rising Tide - Rubbish, consumption & climate chaos.
21-02-2006 12:22
On Feb 23rd LRT will play host to Heather Rogers, who's just written a book called 'Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage'. She will show a 20 minute film and lead off a discussion looking into rubbish, consumption, climate chaos, capitalism and whatever else catches our eye.More on arrests of "Road to Guantanamo" stars by Bedfordshire Police
21-02-2006 11:43
Bedfordshire Police: Woburn Road, Kempston, Beds, MK43 9AX +44 (0)1234 841212 FAX +44 (0)1234 842133 -
The Chief Constable is Gillian Parker.
Are we all David Irvings now? Where's our freedom of speech?
21-02-2006 10:27
Nobody is allowed to take away your right to Freedom of Speech. So when they start putting us in jail for what we think and write; questions we rightfully ask, than we have lost our freedom of speech.The Politics of Fear
21-02-2006 10:26
Once again, the "conspiracy theorists" were correct. Channel 4 admits that the "terrorist threat" is manufactured by politicians, police and the press.Manchester Mayday Warm-up Weekend
21-02-2006 09:58

A coalition of activist groups in Manchester is planning a series of actions over May Day weekend. More details will be given nearer to the event. Check the website for updates…
Don't Talk to Frank, Frank Talks Crap
21-02-2006 09:30
Government website is riddled with inaccuracies, inconsistancies and contradictions it can be exclusively revealed today.Mindwalk 31: Driving to Baghdad
21-02-2006 06:23
Audio of convoys and patrols by US & UK soldiers. Sounds of beating victims from the recent whistleblower video from the UK set to Klaus Nomi. William S Burroughs, Raymond Lafferty & Jody Paulson chime in, including skits from Kanye West. Poetry by Lord Patch, Charles Bukowski and Vera Lynn with the curtain call "Iraqi Victims Reprise".W Bush U.S. Petroleum-Trafficker-In-Chief addresses addicts
21-02-2006 06:10
So W Bush sacrificed those of low income American soldiers and our National Guard who should have been at home protecting our shores and raising their children as well as women who should not have been on a battlefield in the first place and now he goes around Congress and the American people to make deal with United Arab Emirate Muslim fundamentalists to guard our ports,a job those dead soldiers and National Guard in Iraq should have been performing !Solidarity actions with imprisoned anarchists in Barcelona
21-02-2006 03:02

How not to translate situationist texts
21-02-2006 01:22
You'd think the translator of a text that shows that people can't understand texts that have passages left out of them would NOT leave any passages out of his/her translation. But Ken Knabb may not be as good a translator as we'd like to think, because he failed to translate a full third of the situationists' crucial essay "How not to understand situationist books"!209radio: A Fly's Eye View...
20-02-2006 23:35

20-02-2006 22:17
6pm central library..dressin up as pirates..aarrggghhh...The 'abolition of parliament' Bill
20-02-2006 22:13
New parliament Bill to, by stealth, crushs our civil liberties and simultaneously strengthens government powers.Chicago Afrobeat Project
20-02-2006 21:53

Peace Conference timetable
20-02-2006 21:52

The closure of Guantanamo
20-02-2006 20:49