UK Newswire Archive
Friendly Feudalism-The Tibet Myth
13-04-2008 17:35
Here' one for all of you still gloating about disrupting the Olympic torch relay-Free Meals for Stranded Indian Workers in Singapore
13-04-2008 16:06
THERE may be no such thing as a free lunch, but two non-profit groups here are adamant on handing out free breakfasts. Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2), a research and advocacy group for migrant workers, has teamed up with One Singapore - a local campaign to end global poverty - to provide free morning nourishment to about 80 homeless and penniless Indian workers every weekday. The meals are typically made up of an uttapam - an Indian pancake - and a cup of coffee or tea.Pope will pray for the redemption of Islamic terrorists at Ground Zero
13-04-2008 14:28
The Pope will pray for the redemption of Islamic terrorists when he visitsthe site of the September 11 attacks in New York next week.
The pontiff will call for terrorists to convert to Christianity, saying:
"Turn to Your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with
Letter from anarchist prisoner Juan Sorroche on hunger strike in Italy
13-04-2008 14:21
Note: Juan was arrested and jailed for making spray-paint slogans in Bologne, Italy, denouncing the forced psychiatric hospitalisation of a girl sleeping in a piazza. The incident caused great tension in the local area amongst the people and many expressed their anger at the police and the city. Juan is serving 10 months.Day of Action for Squating and Autonomous Spaces, Brighton, 12/04/08.
13-04-2008 13:50

Where next for the student movement? Reclaim the Campus conference, LSE, 17 May
13-04-2008 12:23
After the defeat of the National Union of Students' leadership's anti-democratic "governance review", left student activists are holding a conference at the London School of Economics on 17 May to discuss the way forward for building a campaigning student movement.The First Republic of the State of Navarre
13-04-2008 10:52

Last Hours #17 out now - radical illustration & culture
13-04-2008 09:34

Hope not Hate in Wrexham - march and rally
13-04-2008 08:13

S.T.O.P. will be orgainsing a protest against the MRC displays in Camden
13-04-2008 00:23
S.T.O.P. will be holding a demonstration aginst the MRC displays to be held in Camden {Somers Town} . We intend to take down the displays and let these arrogant scum know that we DO NOT want the lab or their people on OUR estate. It is OUR land.[april2008] tour de squat rotterdam
12-04-2008 22:46
Twenty five brave souls motivated themselves to follow the tour de squat in Rotterdam. The weather was fine and spirits were high. We passed the sites of 50 or so squats, some still existing, others from the past.Armed Canadian Coast Guard Storms Sea Shepherd Ship and Arrests Crew
12-04-2008 22:17

At 0700 Hours (PST) and 1100 Hours Atlantic time the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessel Farley Mowat was attacked by officers from two Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers the Des Groseilliers and the Sir Wifred Grenfell. Captain Alex Cornelissen informed the boarders that the Farley Mowat is a Dutch registered ship in international waters and that Canada had no legal right to restrict the free passage of the vessel through international waters. The ship was in the Gulf of St. Lawrence well beyond the Canadian twelve mile territorial limit. It has been reported that both the 1st officer and the captain of the ship have been arrested and will be brought before a court in Sydney, Canada. According to Federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn, the "safety and security" of the sealers is the government's main focus and the seizing of the Sea Shepherd vessel will ensure a "safe and orderly" seal hunt. Last week, the same Mr. Hearn announced that Canada would lay charges against the captain and first officer of the anti-sealing vessel for coming too close to the seal hunt.
Captain Paul Watson was speaking by phone with Farley Mowat communications officer Shannon Mann when he heard the voices of men screaming for the crew to fall to the floor. The men carried guns according to Mann and could be heard by Captain Watson threatening the Farley Mowat’s crew. As Captain Watson was speaking with Shannon Mann, the Satellite phone went dead and nothing more has been heard from the Sea Shepherd crew. The Farley Mowat was documenting violations of the humane regulations and gathering proof that the seals were being killed in an inhumane manner. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is assuming that the video tapes will be seized by the Canadian authorities. There are 17 crewmembers onboard the Dutch registered Farley Mowat from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, South Africa, Canada and the United States.
Also on the newswire: Canada To Charge Sea Shepherd Crew For Documenting Seal Hunt | Sea Shepherd Crew Attacked By Mob Of Seal Hunters | Interview With Captain Onboard Sea Shepherd Ship On Current Seal Hunt | Canadian Coast Guard Rams Sea Shepherd Ship (twice) | Sea Shepherd Moves In On Canadian Seal Slaughter
Is the CIA behind the China-bashing Olympics protests?
12-04-2008 21:27
The “Save Tibet,” “Save Darfur,” and “Help Falun Gong” movements are as deceptive as the “war on terrorism.” The “causes” are controlled by Anglo-American intelligence apparatuses and/or co-opted by them, in order to provide the masses with the propaganda justification for wars and intervention, and resource conquest.Smash EDO tour comes to Sheffield!
12-04-2008 21:11
"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this War of Terror has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted."The Smash EDO film, "On The Verge" is being shown at 4pm on Friday the 25th April at Lecture Theatre 3 in the Arts Tower at the University of Sheffield
prisoner support info for barbara tucker
12-04-2008 19:56
parliament square peace campaigner barbar tucker is currently serving two weeks in holloway prison for 'breach of police bail'support by postcard/letter or visit is very welcome
details for contact given below
May 2005 Peak Oil Production Topped in Jan 2008
12-04-2008 19:27

"The EIA’s newest International Petroleum Monthly (

National Demo against New Privatised UK Military Academy
12-04-2008 18:59
National Demo against St Athan's UK Military AcademySATURDAY 26th APRIL
Assemble at 1.30pm, City Hall, Cardiff, Wales
Demonstration at 2pm
The obstructor of the torch relay in Paris is spy from China?
12-04-2008 17:22

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What we can do about skyrocketing food prices
12-04-2008 16:12
We in the U.K. can do our share to counter skyrocketing grain prices by cutting grain consumption ourselves.Airport workers suspend hunger strike
12-04-2008 16:08