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LNG Pipeline protest update... the battle goes on :)

25-03-2010 19:01

A lot of people fought long & hard against the 200 mile LNG pipeline from Milford Haven to Gloucester. Now that is laid in the ground it is hard to see what is worth fighting for.

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Contact the Royal Society of Arts Over Vivisection Links

25-03-2010 18:53


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Black Wood Solidarity Camp handed eviction papers

25-03-2010 18:19

This morning a sheriff officer from Dunfermline Sheriff Court handed the newly-established Black Wood Solidarity Camp its eviction summons, with notice to appear in court on Monday morning. Despite not making an appearance yet at the site, it is believed that UK Coal representatives met with Fife police on Monday to discuss how to deal with the occupation.

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Messing with Disaster: Conference on Climate Intervention Technologies

25-03-2010 18:09

The kind of measures proposed to mitigate climate change pertain to the realm of geo-engineering and climate intervention techniques, and are outlined in the Conference's working agenda.

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London's gay art festival announces OPEN call for submissions

25-03-2010 16:06

GFEST logo
An open call for submissions is announced by GFEST – Gaywise FESTival 2010 on its website:

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Strawberry Fayre Fight Back!

25-03-2010 15:52

In an act of utter shamefaced prudishness and class warfare the actions of the cambridgeshire constabulary have led to the Cambridge cultural event the strawberry fayre to be called of by the organisers for fayre.

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Bank charges on benefits?

25-03-2010 14:41

Right pain in the arse arn't they? but if you are claiming benefits, your bank cannot take bank charges off of you if you need your money to subsist.

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Joint Enterprise! - Jordan Towers is innocent

25-03-2010 14:13

Justice for Jordan Towers
On the 19th May 2007 Jordan Towers was out walking the streets with two of his friends they were on their way to meet some girls. They found themselves on a street in the Pennywell area of Sunderland. Whilst walking down the street he noticed a man in a house standing at the bedroom window. One of his friends exchange words with this man and the three of them continued to walk past the house. Several seconds later the man was behind them, chasing them. Jordan ran to the corner of the street and watched what he thought was a fight taking place. His two friends and the man were fighting.

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Gaza Protestors Sentencing Under Scrutiny.

25-03-2010 13:12

A number of the Gaza protestors have achieved victory in recent cases.

The first appeal was heard today and the Appeal Judges took 15 minutes to rule that the defendant should not be serving a custodial sentence! The defendant is now back at home with family.

One defendant who appeared in court yesterday was found not guilty on the grounds that the prosecution withdrew their evidence as they believed it would not help result in a conviction!

The first two cases of defendants pleading not guilty were heard last week and resulted in a not guilty verdict.

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Smellie admits to enraging crowd

25-03-2010 10:56

Smellie admits to enraging crowd before assaulting Nicola Fisher with a club

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Mobile Fur Demo Hits London

24-03-2010 23:30

Activists in London today held a mobile demo against shops involved in the fur trade. In this day and age, it is totally unnecessary and indefensible to support this archaic trade in animal skins.

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English Defence League MI5 & Special Branch Ploy? Olympics Emergency Measures?

24-03-2010 22:51

There are a number of articles and blogs claiming that the English Defence League [EDL] are a state founded and state funded trap. People from the left and right wing are saying that the something about EDL doesn't add up. Many are saying [probably rightly] that they are a front for MI5 and Special Branch. If that's the case do Muslims, mosques and others have the right to prosecute MI5 for racism?

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Job Seekers Only?

24-03-2010 22:32

One Million Jobs Possible
Michael Njoroge responds to picket outside Westminster on
budget day: (12:20 GMT 24/03/2010)

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Activists disrupt 'policing the borders' conference

24-03-2010 21:30

A high-profile conference about 'policing' the UK borders on Tuesday was disrupted by campaigners protesting against a 'fortress Europe'. Activists from No Borders London [1] stormed the Cavendish conference centre in central London with banners, leaflets and cameras. They then started to shout 'No borders, no nations, stop deportations' until the 20 or so attendees left and the event was cancelled.

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Police admit G20 Raids on convergence centre illegal.

24-03-2010 21:09

The Metropolitan Police have been forced to admit that the raid on the G20 convergence centre last April 2009 were illegal.

They have been forced to pay compensation to the falsely arrested but still refuse to apologise.

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Man stabbed by EDL supporters after Bolton demo.

24-03-2010 20:00

A man was stabbed by EDL supporters after an arguement in a pub in Middleton, after the Bolton demo.

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Northumbria filth win PR award for handling death of girl they killed themselves

24-03-2010 19:25

Scumbag Northumbria cops put themselves in for a PR award - and won it - over the way they had handled the death of a schoolgirl who was run over and killed by one of their own cop cars.

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Show solidarity with the people of Keynsham

24-03-2010 19:12

Show solidarity with the workers in Keynsham by signing the petition.

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Stop the deportation of Farhad Shams

24-03-2010 18:49

Emergency appeal - stop the deportation of Farhad Shams, friend of Benjamin
After the deportation of Benjamin Karimyon was prevented upon judicial review, we in Glasgow are now faced with the possibility that good friend of Benjamin, and other Calais Migrant Solidarity / No Borders activists from Calais, could be deported to Italy this Friday 26th March.