UK Newswire Archive
Protest The Pope Is Right To Say Benedict Was A Willing Nazi
05-09-2010 00:57
Berger, now 81, was ordained a Catholic priest alongside Joseph Ratzinger and his brother, Georg, in 1951.When I interviewed Berger in April 2005, just after Ratzinger had been elevated to the papacy, he spoke well of Ratzinger's intellect and discipline as a young man. But he said he couldn't understand why Ratzinger had insisted for so long in so many public statements that no one had a choice but to join Hitler Youth.
Male's discrimination
04-09-2010 17:42
Male's discrimination: does it exist, where it exist and how does it worksSheffield Free School 8-10/10 Prepare for a future without oil or governments...
04-09-2010 17:27
The Sheffield Social Centre Collective
Angry protests against Blair in Dublin
04-09-2010 15:39
ANGRY protesters greeted war criminal Tony Blair in Dublin when he staged the first of a planned series of book signings, with eggs and shoes thrown at him.Bristol City Council's proposed land and property sales income 2010 - 2015
04-09-2010 14:22
Bristol City Council have kindly released their projected land and property sales income for the next five years ...The full document is attached. But highlights include:
- a sale price of £3.35m for their share of Castle park
- £35k for the section of cycle path sold to George Ferguson over the phone by the David Bishop, head of planning, that they've so far refused to tell us the price of for "commercial reasons"
- £350k for 38 College Green (the old Job shop opp the Council House)
- £125k for the Robin Cousins Sports Centre
- around £6.5m from the sale of their old people's homes (have they told the residents yet?)
- £750k for Redcliffe Wharf
Pakistan: US drone attacks kill 10
04-09-2010 10:55

Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Sheffield Protests Against Nick Clegg
04-09-2010 08:11

Buying Israeli Goods is Funding Apartheid (*NEW*) by Latuff
04-09-2010 07:22

UG#515 - War on Iran, Again? (And is Wikileaks a "modified limited hangout"?)
04-09-2010 03:34

Feminists to converge in Edinburgh for weekend event!
04-09-2010 02:32
Edinburgh based feminists are organising a weekend event to take place in September. The event will see people from all over the UK come together to discuss feminist issues, share skills, and celebrate feminist fun, art, poetry, workshops and music.
URGENT: Stop the Daisy Hill Animal Lab!
03-09-2010 21:38

The British military in Iraq : A legacy of war crimes and atrocities
03-09-2010 20:24

"More than half the population either dead, wounded, traumatized, in prison, internally displaced, or in foreign exile ... The air, soil, water, blood and genes drenched with depleted uranium ... the most awful birth defects ... unexploded cluster bombs lie in wait for children to pick them up ... a river of blood runs alongside the Euphrates and Tigris ... through a country that may never be put back together again."
The 1970s And The Winter Of Discontent
03-09-2010 18:22
Myths, reality, and lessons for today.7.30pm Wednesday 8th September
@ Easton Community Centre, Kilburn Rd
Speaker: Gwyneth Powell-Davies
For many who grew up in the 1980s, two great myths of the 1970s stand out. Firstly, that the strikers at the decade's end had no good reason to strike - it was simply gratuitous and pointless sabotage of the common good.
And, secondly, that this particular episode of industrial action involved workers and union leaders 'holding the country to ransom' in what is seen as a high-point of Union strength and power.
In fact, the 1970s can be seen in a very different way, one which points not to some inevitable and justified victory of the Thacherite free-market dogma and the futility of workers' struggle, but to real moments of hope for a better world, and sharp lessons about a strategy for both successful rank-and-file militancy and for beating back the fascist menace.
As we move into another once-in-a-generation period of battle over who pays for the economic crisis, it is well worth clarifying our arguments about the 70s.
Come along and join in the discussion.
This Week in Palestine Week 35 2010
03-09-2010 18:14

What to do with Blair's Book
03-09-2010 14:18
Subversively move Tony Blair's memoirs to the crime section in book shops.The Crude Awakening
03-09-2010 13:23
A video of a recent action during the Camp for Climate Action 2010 as a precursor to the mass Crude Awakening action to be held on October 16th 2010 in Central London.
This is a call out for people in the North to get involved and support the action.
For further details go to
The state the Pope's in: How does the Vatican keep getting away with it?
03-09-2010 11:47

Reinstate our right to march past the Tory Conference
03-09-2010 11:20
On Tuesday 24th August a delegation from the Right To Work campaign met with WestMidlands police and a representative of Birmingham City Council to discuss the route
of the protest march outside the Tory party conference on Sunday 3rd October.
West Midlands police stated that they were happy for RtW to march past the
conference centre and confirmed that centenary square, the square directly in front
of the conference centre, would not be a “sterile zone”. A route was suggested by
Birmingham City Council and West Midlands police and the delegation accepted the
offer to walk the route being proposed.
The Police have now reneged on the proposed route citing security reasons. They are
denying us the right to march past the conference centre.
ZorEx Withdraw From Manchester Monkey Flights
03-09-2010 11:12
Two others have also refused to be involved after being approached, leading the Manchester monkey flights in a corner. The organisers had to go through every charter airline in Spain and France, before eventually finding one in Germany!