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Warhead Lab Plans Prompt Blockade of Nuclear Weapons Factory
07-09-2010 05:29

Spray Squat: bit of a street party before eviction
07-09-2010 02:31
Still uncertain when the eviction of the Spray squat will be attempted.
But, in the meantime the supporters of the squat, party in the street. Offering moral support and wishing all well. The
gig would have continued for the rest of the day, if not for the bad weather.
Still uncertain when the eviction of the Spray squat will be attempted.
But, in the meantime the supporters of the squat, party in the street. Offering moral support and wishing all well. The gig would have continued for the rest of the day, if not for the bad weather.
Folks remain on standby determined to oppose the eviction, and the onset of their homelessness. [not to metion the continued deteriation of the building].
When / if they are evicted .... the building will return to being an empty eyesore with more bits continuing to fall off, and those currently housed there ..... become homeless.
Squatting is not a crime, but the owners right to just let it rot ... should be.
These are some recent posting on the newswire about recent events:
Spray Squat prepare for possible eviction ..again
Possession Order granted to legal owner of JBSpray
J B Spray Squat, court date, Mon. 2nd Aug.resist!
These are links to older postings, showing some of the positive posibilites for the building:
Spray Building :: Russell Strett
J B Spray Building Occupied / Evicted / Reoccupied
Spray Building Squat, Radford: A Guided Tour
Spray Squat Party 1 : Acoustic Gig
Spray Building Squat : Nottingham County Court Appearance
Spray Squat Party 2 : Acoustic Gig, with diner
Squatters in the JB Spray Building, prevent water company from cutting them off
Spray Building 'spring into action' open for business
Nottingham Spring into Action :: Bicycle power for electric generation
Squatters Retake Nottingham's JB Spray Factory
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Chiapas, Other Campaign, Zapatista News August 2010
07-09-2010 00:41
Communique from Las Abejas, issued one year after the release of the paramilitaries.Harrassment of people from the Zona Costa (Coastal zone)
El Pueblo Creyente (the Believing People) of Chenalhó oppose the ciudades rurales (rural towns)
Abdul Sallam, The EDL’s Muslim Supporter
06-09-2010 23:23
A collection of footage of Abdul Sallam from the EDL demo in Bradfordmass picnic and a grilling
06-09-2010 23:22
On Sunday, 6th September about 200 people gathered for a mass picnic against the planned Metropolitan Police operational centre for the Olympics 2012 on Wandstead Flats. Although the sky was grey and a brisk wind was keeping the kite flyers busy, the announced rain never came. The superintendent for the park was brave enough to attend and got grilled by local residents about numerous issues with the plans, such as lack of consultation with the local residents, the changes that would be made to Epping forest act, concerns about traffic and much, much more.
See call | Save Wandstead Flats | more about the Olympics (check this site for video of the event in a few days) | and keep an eye on the Olympics wire on Indy
Ever since over 250 people attended a packed public meeting in July, residents living near Wanstead Flats have been demanding answers about plans by the City of London Corporation to allow the Metropolitan Police to base its Olympics operational centre on the Flats in 2012. In order to push this proposal through, the Corporation would need to amend an Act of Parliament that has protected Wanstead Flats from enclosure and development for well over a century.
Local people want to know why the proposed site for this police base, west of Centre Road, has been chosen, how that decision was made and why the Olympic stadium site itself cannot be used. There has been no consultation, even though the plans involve locating a fenced, high-security compound - with buildings, parking areas, stables and apparently even police holding cells - for at least 120 days and so close to residential neighbourhoods.
The Save Wanstead Flats campaign is organised by local people and on Sunday 5 September, we'd like to invite you to show your opposition to the City of London Corporation’s plans by joining us for a picnic - occupying the very spot where the police operations base would be constructed.
If you have any links with articles about this event or the Olympics in general, please post in the comments, or even better, publish an other media post and don't forget to tag it for the Olympics wire!
To find out why I'm not linking to the facebook group of this event, check this cool article.
Calling All Bristol Squatters!
06-09-2010 23:22
Around 40 people gathered today to discuss eviction resistance both here and abroad. What they discussed however turned into something more with people calling for organization, solidarity and strength amongst Bristol squatters!We call on squatters from all over Bristol to come together and discuss our movement. We aim to create organization, solidarity and strength amongst the hundreds of squatters dotted around Bristol's many gentrified and forgotten neighbourhoods. With the rise in police assisted evictions it seems appropiate that we get together and discuss how we can combat this.
Interested in creating a Bristol Squatters Network? Want to create a safer, stronger squatting community in Bristol? Then come along to The Smiling Chair, 40 Stokes Croft at 6PM on Monday 12th September.
Together we are strong, divided we fall.
Last chance to object to Tesco in Stokes Croft - and all it takes is an email
06-09-2010 23:22
Tesco still don’t have full planning permission to open in Stokes Croft - but they have now applied for the final stage of planning permission.*** You have until 14 September to formally object***
Come along to a letter-writing workshop for more information, moral support or help writing your objections to Bristol City Council
Three letter/email-writing workshops are being held this week:
Tuesday 7th September, 7-9pm
Better Food Company cafe, Sevier St, BS2 9QS
Thursday 9th September, 7-9pm
First floor, Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, BS1 3QY
Friday 10th September, 2-5pm
First floor, Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, BS1 3QY
Food campaigner Claire Milne will bring bring us up to speed with the latest update, and Elisabeth Winkler, editor and journalist, will be at hand to help phrase objections and compose letters.
We plan to email our objections to the Council there-and-then. Job done. If you have a laptop, please bring it along.
If you can't make it to a workshop, please take 2 minutes to go to to check out a template letter, and email the council.
If you don’t want to see the proposed new Tesco opening on Stokes Croft, this is your chance to actually make your voice count.
See and for more info.
• Tesco needs permission to change the shop front before they can open.
This is normally a formality, but given Stokes Croft and Montpelier’s unique character, the Council will have to take special consideration of the impact of a Tesco shop front on local business and heritage.
• Tesco also still needs to secure a license to sell alcohol.
Stokes Croft is an area with serious street drinking problems and local traders have agreed not to sell cheap, strong cider to help ease the problem – cheap Tesco alcohol would exacerbate existing problems
The two planning meetings are on 22 September for shop front and 30 September (likely but TBC) for alcohol. If you plan to speak at either of these, you need to have registered your objection in writing by 14 September
Please pass this email on and spread the word.
Autonomous Education in the Zapatista Communities
06-09-2010 23:09
In July 2010, a European Solidarity Brigade visited the Zapatista communities and Caracoles of Chiapas and reported on the current situation there[ii]. One aspect of their reports was autonomous education, which is for the Zapatistas an important part of their “construction of autonomy and resistance to capitalism”. The school is only a part of the education process, along with “sharing and working in the community throughout life”. It is based on “the ancient and fundamental principle of caring for the earth and its natural resources. Food sovereignty depends on the principles of agro-ecology, the rejection of chemicals and the conservation of native seeds”. “Everything we take from the earth, we must return”.[iii]Do You Live Without A Car In Bristol?
06-09-2010 21:22
A new group, Carfree Bristol is setting up on 15 September.Carfree Bristol is for those who live without a car, those who would like to see carfree communities develop (like those in Europe such as in Freiburg) or anyone else who wants to share drinks, experiences and generally make life better for carfree living in Bristol.
Crash writes Carfree Bristol is for those who live without a car, those who would like to see carfree communities develop (like those in Europe such as in Freiburg) or anyone else who wants to share drinks, experiences and generally make life better for carfree living in Bristol.
If, like several of us, you have made the decision to live without a car, you have probably experienced the same mixture of amusement and frustration at organisations who assume everyone drives, or people who simply don't understand how it's possible to live happily without owning a car. Have you ever felt it would be good to mix with people who do understand?
That's one reason why a few of us have decided to set up Carfree Bristol. Our first aim is strictly social - to bring carfree people together. What if your partner has a car but you don't? What if you are driving one at the moment but are aiming to give it up? Whatever your circumstances, we aren't proposing any specific membership criteria. If you support the aims of the group, you are welcome.
Full Story | Carfree Bristol
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Our longer-term aims are a bit more challenging:
* To provide a forum for people who live without a car
* To support the creation of local carfree groups
* To promote carfree living
To campaign for:
* public bodies to make life easier for people without cars
* removing traffic from cities and neighbourhoods
* new carfree neighbourhoods
To campaign against:
* decisions which make life difficult for people without cars - like siting public buildings, or
* holding events in places difficult to get to without a car.
John Peel Day 2010 - Bristol celebrates John Peel on 93.2 FM
06-09-2010 21:22
An entire tribute day of John Peel broadcastingIn October 2010 Bristol Community FM will be clearing its schedules for an entire day of broadcasting dedicated to the late great John Peel, and we want the people of Bristol to join in!
John Peel was a new music champion. His now-legendary late night Radio 1 shows and sessions have provided a musical education for generations since the 1970s. He was a pioneering broadcaster that set a benchmark for the industry and who delighted in all that life had to offer, the more quirky and challenging the better. All these qualities will be given a distinctly Bristolian interpretation from 10am to 1am on Monday October 11th - the date of his final broadcast in 2004.
In a 15-hour radio marathon, BCfm presents a cross-section of themed shows and interviews, and of course play the music that he championed over four decades. We want the people of Bristol to get involved by sharing their memories of John Peel and the impact he had on them. If you would like to contribute, please email or write to me at the address below with your contact details.
BCfm gives the city of Bristol the choice and the voice to get involved and make a difference - so get in touch and help us make this a memorable and unique day of radio!
Andrew Parsonage -
The Beacon Centre,
Russell Town Avenue,
The Atmospher Of Heaven - History Walk
06-09-2010 20:22
The Unnatural Experiments of Dr. Beddoes and his Sons of GeniusA Nitrous Oxide fuelled history walk with author Mike Jay through Clifton exploring the themes of his new book; Dr Beddoes, the Romantic Poets and laughing Gas.
The blurb from Mike Jay's new book, which is out in paperback on 28th September, reads thus:
At the Pneumatic Institution in Bristol, England, founded in the closing years of the eighteenth century, dramatic experiments with gases precipitated a revolution not only in scientific medicine but also in the modern mind.
Propelled by the energy of maverick doctor Thomas Beddoes, the Institution was both laboratory and hospital—the first example of a medical research institution. But when its researchers discovered the mind-altering properties of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, their experiments devolved into a pioneering exploration of consciousness, with far-reaching and unforeseen effects.
In this fast-paced and dramatic narrative, Mike Jay tells the story of Dr. Beddoes and the brilliant circle who surrounded him: Erasmus Darwin and the Lunar Society, who supported his experiments; Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey, who were inspired by his ideas; James Watt, who designed and built his laboratory; Thomas Wedgwood, the visionary heir to the pottery dynasty, who funded it; and Beddoes’ dazzling young chemistry assistant, Humphry Davy, who tested nitrous oxide to its limits with legendary results.
The Atmosphere of Heaven is a riveting account of the chaotic rise and fall of the Institution, and reveals for the first time its crucial influence – on modern drug culture, attitudes toward objective and subjective knowledge, the development of anaesthetic surgery, and the birth of the Romantic movement.
The walk starts at No.3 Rodney Place, off Clifton Down Road (at midday), which has a plaque to Beddoes, Davy Then down the hill, past the Polygon to Hope Square in Hotwells (plaque to Beddoes). Then the short walk down to Dowry Square (plaque to Pneumatic Institute/Davy on No.6). Then up Clifton Vale/Goldney Avenue to Lower Clifton Hill, where the Strangers Burial Ground (with Beddoes' grave) is down at the end by Bellevue Terrace.
Duration about 1 hour
Tony Blair book signing at Waterstones, Bristol
06-09-2010 20:22
War criminal on the run.Tony Blair has bottled out of his book signing in London, but a little known secret has been leaked that he may be at Waterstones in Bristol instead.
Please try to attend so as to give Tony Blair the welcome you feel that he deserves!
Date: Wednesday 8th September
Time: 12 noon to 2pm
Venue: Outside Waterstones Bookshop, Union Street, Broadmead, Bristol BS1 3XD
The End of the World As We Know it? ... and the rise of the Post-Carbon era ...
06-09-2010 20:18
Only 500 generations ago, hunter-gatherers began cultivating crops and forming their tiny communities into social hierarchies. Around 15 to 20 generations ago, industrial capitalism erupted on a global scale.
Mark Fabbro (sadistically raped by a priest) to protest the Pope in London
06-09-2010 19:59
Mark Fabbro has been seeking justice from the Catholic Church for 14 years. He is travelling to London to find it. He was sadistically raped by a priest Fr Byrne at the age of 11 on school ground during school hours at a Jesuit School in Melbourne, Australia in 1971.Pathologist who investigated G20 police killing found guilty of misconduct
06-09-2010 19:40
On August 31, Dr Freddy Patel, the pathologist who carried out the first post-mortem examination of Ian Tomlinson, was found guilty of misconduct by the General Medical Council (GMC). Tomlinson died after being assaulted by riot police at the London G20 summit in April 2009.Tony Bliar Signs Books In Bristol
06-09-2010 19:22
After the protest in Dublin last Saturday, Tony Blair has cancelled his book signing in London. The publication of his memoirs which justify the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have outraged the millions of people across the country who oppose those wars.Blair knows he cannot appear in public without being confronted by protests over his war crimes and by attempts to make a citizen's arrest.
Fortunately, here in Bristol, Tony Bliar is happy to meet the public and will sign books outside Waterstones in Union Street on Wednesday 8th September from 12 noon to 2pm. He realises that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in untold suffering – hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans have died along with hundreds of British troops.
Come along and see Tony Bliar – have your picture taken with him, bring a book (any book) and he will sign it in …............
Bristol Stop The War Coalition are pleased to offer this chance for people in Bristol to show how offensive they find the publication of Blair's book
Date: Wednesday 8th September
Time: 12 noon to 2pm
Venue: Outside Waterstones Bookshop, Union Street, Broadmead, Bristol BS1 3XD
For further information email
Palestine Today 09 06 2010
06-09-2010 17:54

Obama: A Speech for Endless War
06-09-2010 17:44
On the last night of August, the US president used an Oval Office speech to boost a policy of perpetual war.Gibson street Plymouth, illegal eviction at number 51
06-09-2010 16:22
Squaters illegaly evicted in Plymouth on the 5th/6th of september.On the 5th/6th of september 2010 Police illegaly evicted a squated property which was being used for the weekend of Plymouth punx picnic to house some of the friendly picnicers. Around midnight on the last night of the picnic, after the Gig had finished and everyone was slowly wandering home, the police arrived in force ignoring all the legal precautions the squaters had taken (section 6) Within 15 minutes of the police arriving and without proper commuication with the occupants due mainly to the police's refusal to communicate with the friendly faced picnicers within, they turned up with 3 squad cars, 1 van and a battering ram soon after followed by the only explanation for ignoring the section 6 legal warning: that they had reports of a possible burglary at the property even though they'd been there for well over 24hours. After inquistion of the police's actions and ignoring of the law they are meant to uphold one of them, officer number 6658, is quoted to have said "i dont care about section 6" Following on from this they then proceeded to threaten and intimidate the occupants and watchers, they entered the property by force giving the occupants no chance to give them selfs up or even leave willingly. One person recorded the incident on video on their phone, only to have it seized from them, also illegally. 6 squaters were arrested for burglary and criminal damage, and held for 16hours in Charles Cross police station Plymouth. Whilst detained one of the occupants had a asthma attack in his cell and was refused a inhaler a definet sign of lack of human concern.
The event was supposidly sparked by the University of Plymouth security guards, the property is owned by the University and is aprantly used for storage space. The Secruity pulled up in 3 white cars earlyer in the day and scouted the building and occupants before bringing the police down later on into the night. This is going to become a increasing problem for squaters across the country and it seems there gearing up for the end of squating nation wide. A similar event happend recently in Bristol at 54 Freemantle road Prepare for grave times ahead for sqauters and alternative life styles as the tories up the anti and try to dull us into tax paying slaves.
The BIG BLAIR BOOK LAUNCH PARTY is still on on Wednesday evening at Tate Modern
06-09-2010 15:56
Blair is pulling out of his book signing at Waterstones on Wednesday after realising how popular he is in Dublin. However this is just a blind – the BIG BLAIR BOOK LAUNCH PARTY is still on on Wednesday evening at Tate Modern – everyone’s invited