UK Newswire Archive
Pakistan - Public meeting with prominent author Ayesha Siddiqa
13-03-2009 15:47
With war on terror moving further into Pakistan, the need to asnwer the challenges of neo-colonialism is pressing. South Asian Alliance has invited prominent Pakistani author and analyst Ayesha Siddiqa, with whom we would be discussing present situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan and people's resistance against Imperialism.National Squat Meet is ON
13-03-2009 14:54
Millions homed inside your mansions - thats our vision of expansion!Bath Bomb #20 Out Now
13-03-2009 14:26
The latest edition of Bath's monthly radical newsletter hits the high street a glancing blowImportant G20 update from the Camp for Climate Action
13-03-2009 13:29
What follows is an important update about timing and texting for everyoneattending the Climate Camp in London's Square Mile, April 1 during the G20 Please forward this to your mates and any
lists you are on.
Stop The War g20 Demo April 1st - lame picket of US Embassy
13-03-2009 13:27
"The leaders of the world’s big powers will meet at the G20 summit in London on 2 April.It is Barack Obama’s first visit to Britain. It is our chance to demand a change from Bush’s war policies."
Hence a lame picket of the US Embassy in Grosvenor Sq on April 1st. Talk about not really taking the opportunity for something better.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Report into police tactics at Kingsnorth climate change protest released
13-03-2009 13:25
A new report about the policing of the recent Camp for Climate Action at Kingsnorth was launched yesterday by, Liberal Democrat Shadow Justice Secretary, David Howarth with the climate camp legal team.Police 'turn themselves in' over abuse of power claims
13-03-2009 13:08
After yesterdays presentation in parliament of a report into the abuse of police powers during the climate camp protests at Kingsnorth in 2008, the Kent Police have taken the unusual step of reporting and turning themselves in to be investigated by the IPCC. They will investigate claims that the police engaged in a systemic campaign of phycological terror against the campers which included sleep deprivation through helicopter overflying late into the night, mock night and dawn raids by tooled up riot police, and the infamous 'Flight of the Valkyries' incident.Secret Bases - Military - Security - Politics
13-03-2009 12:46
Extra, Extra, Read all about it!Canadian Activists and Lawyers United for Justice: Canadians must prosecute
13-03-2009 12:29

and mass murder. For he is a war criminal who
lied that Saddam wouldn't let our inspectors in.
And, with Cheney, closed 911 FBI investigations
before we were finished nabbing the actual
suspects for mass murder
Info, film and banner making against immigration detention, Sunday 15th March
13-03-2009 12:28
Prisons for migrants are ugly, expensive, bad for people and extremely flammable. Let's find out how to stop the government from building more...LGC calls for independent inquiry into UK involvement in extraordinary rendition
13-03-2009 11:19
Over the past few weeks, evidence has been emerging and pressure has been growing for an independent inquiry into the UK's involvement in extraordinary rendition, both of British nationals/residents and foreign nationals with no ties to the UK, by being complicit in torture, facilitating the "rendition" (kidnap and torture) of individuals in Iraq, Pakistan, Gambia, etc. and allowing "rendition" flights to stop over, fly over or refuel on British territory. Calls have been made by politicians, including Conservative Party leader David Cameron, for an independent inquiry.Take action - write to your MP and the Foreign Office now and demand a full independent public inquiry!
From 1984/5 to Looming Bus Strikes is This The Underclass Uprising?
13-03-2009 11:08
BUS passengers across South Yorkshire could face days of disruption to their journeys after drivers voted overwhelmingly to ballot for strike action.Lawsuit Filed Against Huntingdon Life Sciences
13-03-2009 10:31
Huntingdon Life Sciences (Life Science Research) has reported the filing of a purported class action lawsuit against the Company in connection with the proposal made by Andrew baker to buy all of the outstanding shares of the company.The People's Charter For Change
13-03-2009 10:08
This could be the start of something bigger - from this better things will spring.NCADC News Service Friday 13th March 2009
13-03-2009 09:08
New Statesman: Should there be an amnesty for illegal immigrants?Online Poll @ 09:00 Friday 13th March 2009
* 33 % are saying yes
* 67 % are saying no
Cast your vote

Dialect - For The People (FTP). Bristol Pirate Radio Retrospective
13-03-2009 02:37

Tomorrow: Files for Online Sit In Against HLS- Friday The 13th- ROUND TWO!!!
13-03-2009 02:33
dfPHILIPPINES: Thousands of Women Marched to Demand Full Employment
13-03-2009 00:28

Kurdish protest outside the Syrian embassy in London
12-03-2009 22:48

Kurdish refugees from across the country held a demonstration today at the Syrian embassy in London to commemorate what has come to be known as the Qamishli Uprising. Like every year, organisers had agreed with the Metropolitan Police on a designated area opposite the embassy, but were surprised to find on arrival that this had been shifted onto a street island in the middle of the busy road, which wasn't very safe, to say the least. Protesters, however, stood mostly outside the metal barriers, waving banners and placards and shouting anti-Syrian regime slogans.
Previous protests: March 2007 | March 2008 | May 2008
Monkeys fight back against trainer, China
12-03-2009 22:36