UK Newswire Archive
Fight for Our Land
02-03-2007 02:03

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Ungdomshuset Solidarity Demo Friday London
02-03-2007 01:15
Meet 2pm HYDE PARK CORNER, inside on park
Bring banners, flags, leaflets, noisemakers....
The Shortwave Report 3/2/07 ¡Listen Globally!
02-03-2007 00:56
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.racist empire revivalist Blair has key British 'left' doing his propaganda
01-03-2007 21:21
An interesting spectacle is occurring in Britain, with the very successful careerist as the authorised [by the state] left socialist platform grabber Viscount Stansgate [Oops! Tony Benn, how very populist sounding!] providing reliable guidance and protection for his successors Ken Livingstone and George Galloway as they find their spots as the next generation of elder statesmen doing the sales pitches for UK PLC. So close is Benn to Livingstone and Galloway that any visitor even from across the channel will be shocked to be told that these are persons of the left. They are very very happily doing the job for British military and racist propaganda that Blair could not dream of doing himself.Signs of Massive Oceanic Disruption - New Research
01-03-2007 20:38
From Science Daily, 2/28/07“Controversial” Hypocrisy: US Support for Terror Groups in Iran
01-03-2007 20:01
Sunday Telegraph quotes Fred Burton, a former State Department counter-terrorism agent: “The latest attacks inside Iran fall in line with US efforts to supply and train Iran’s ethnic minorities to destabilise the Iranian regime.” That is to say, the US is deliberately exploiting ethnic divisions in Iran to destabilize the country -- precisely what it has accused Iran of trying to do in Iraq.Full article | 5 additions | 1 comment
Police evicts social centre 'Ungdomshuset' in Copenhagen
01-03-2007 19:32
After a long political and legal battle the basis-democratic, alternative political and cultural centre 'Ungdomshuset' was forcefully evicted by riot police and airborne anti-terror squads this morning. Ensuing demonstrations have seen large-scale confrontations between protestors and heavy-handed police, here is the full story from Copenhagen.Invite to Tara
01-03-2007 19:03

The last in a series of legal challenges against the road through the
Tara -Skyrne valley has failed today. There are 72 hours left before the
road works which will not alone bisect the historic valley, but place a
land grab and ugly planning in and around the whole area will commence.
And Yes the process was corrupt.
Invitation to Trans Hack Meeting 2007 in Oslo
01-03-2007 18:41
This meeting won’t be organized by anyone else other than you: bring your workshop, your debate, the things you’ve studied this year, the things you want to talk about, the reasons and projects why you’d like to meet other hackers - and you don’t need to be a geek to be a hacker!Full article | 6 additions | 5 comments
Pics of the brutal eviction of Ungdomshuset, Denmark.
01-03-2007 18:22

Belgian firemen demonstrate in central Brussels - February 28, 2007
01-03-2007 18:12
Asbestos Watchdog - John Bridle... International Man of Mystery
01-03-2007 16:42

£600 and a pact with some men in white coats could get you travelling to Moscow, Montreal, Bankok and Budapest...
Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Perverted science"?
Ungdomshuset evicted - Protests everywhere!
01-03-2007 16:29
The police is in Ungdomshuset. Around the neighbourhood and in the rest of the city there are actions, happenings, events and fighting. There is a demonstration starting at 17.00 which has just been surrounded by police. Calls for international support!Right to Protest - 17th March
01-03-2007 15:19
Following Sussex Police's complicity in criminalising peaceful protest at EDO and their outrageous attempts to counter local accusations of over-policing last year's demonstration against Israeli aggression in Lebanon many local activist groups have responded to a call from Sussex Action for Peace to hold a 'Right to Protest' march on March 17th in Brighton.Close Down Dallas Court Reporting Centre! Monday 26 March 2007, 12pm
01-03-2007 14:55
No to state racism! Defend all asylum seekers! No to deportations! No to the racist Labour government!The next protest in the series of monthly protests at Dallas Court Reporting Centre, South Langworthy Road, Salford Quays (nearest Tram stop Broadway), will be held on Monday 26 March 2007 at 12pm - 2pm. People are kidnapped daily at Dallas Court and taken to detention centres, and racially abused and insulted by racist staff. All are urged to attend and support these protests against the oppression of asylum seekers by this racist Labour government. NWASDG has been organising these protests since May 2006. Get involved!
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NWASDG Organising Meeting, Saturday 10 March 2007, 2.00pm.
01-03-2007 14:51
There will be an organising meeting at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, from 2.00pm. This meeting is for all who want to help defend asylum seekers and refugees against Britain's racist laws. Everyone is welcome.Anti-deportation stall on Saturday 3 March 2007, 12-2pm
01-03-2007 14:48
Anti-racist activists from NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding another anti-deportation stall on Saturday 3 March 2007, 12-2pm, on Market Street, Manchester. You are invited to attend and take an active part.Acrimony in the UK: Housing privatisation, speculation & land ownership
01-03-2007 14:48
The time has come for the low income sections of society to take back what
is theirs, denied to them from when traditional land ownership patterns
were set with the invasion of William the Conqueror, and later, with the
numerous acts of enclosure which served to exclude masses of people from
the countryside.