Pics of the brutal eviction of Ungdomshuset, Denmark.
squ@t! | 01.03.2007 18:22 | Free Spaces | Repression | World
Over 20 Rallys in Germany - NOW
01.03.2007 19:11
In this evening will be more then 20 soli-rallys in germany for Ungdomshuset.
the to biggest rallys will happen from the köpi in berlin and the Rote Flora in Hamburg.
for more information
a few of them:
Berlin: 19 Uhr Koepi und Tag X+1 Kundgebung 14h Daenische Botschaft
Köln: 19 Uhr Rudolfplatz
Hamburg: 19 Uhr Rote Flora
München: 19 Uhr vor Kafe Marat
Karlsruhe: 19 Uhr Marktplatz
Göttingen: 19 Uhr Markt
Frankfurt(M): 19 Uhr Campus Bockenheim
Bremen: 19 Uhr Ziegenmarkt
Magdeburg: 17.30 Uhr am Hbf/ZOB
Hannover: 19 Uhr Steintor
Wien: 17 Uhr Dänische Botschaft, Führichgasse
Heidelberg: 16 Uhr zeitgleich gegen die eu-bildungsminister
Kiel: gemeinsame Fahrt nach Hamburg 16:40 hinter dem ServicePoint im Bahnhof
Abfahrt 16.55 Uhr Ankunft 18:19 Sternschanze
Um 17.20 - 17.23 Umstieg in Neumünster
Neumünster: gemeinsame Fahrt nach Hamburg Treffpunkt Bahnhof NMS 17:00
Zug fährt um 17:23
Wuppertal: gemeinsame Fahrt nach Köln um 17:45h im Hbf wuppertal am Ihr platz
Friday DEMO Danish Embassy LONDON
01.03.2007 19:36
Bring banners, flags...
Please circulate on www and email lists
See you there
Support the solidarity!!!
Royal Danish Embassy in London, Great Britain
55 Sloane Street
London SW1X 9SR
Great Britain
Phone: 00 44 (0)20 7333 0200
Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7333 0270

Ungdomhuset, additions from swedish television's live reports
01.03.2007 21:34
According to swedish television the situation has currently calmed down (21.22, GMT+1). After several hours of fighting, the police has fired tear gas grenades in the side streets and has been heavily criticised by parent-groups. Especially the usage of anti-terror forces and the obvious violence against anyone matching a certain visual profile has been met with little understanding, even by people not normally sympathising with autonomous projects.
Another demonstration is expected for 10pm tonight, when fighting is expected to resume.
media toad
new squatts: an old school, and a backyard house
02.03.2007 00:12
Cops wearing gas masks try to stop people carrying all kinds of materials into the big burning barricade in Blågårds street.
fight for your right!
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