UK Newswire Archive
Manchester Cuts Demonstration
30-01-2011 13:23
Up to 4,000 protesters gathered peacefully in Manchester on Saturday 29th January ........
Stroud Against the Cuts video
30-01-2011 12:43
Stroud March Against the Cuts on Saturday 29th January - see video:
Egypt: Death throes of a dictatorship
30-01-2011 12:22

Saving Temple Cowley Pools at the Council - Video
30-01-2011 10:59
The video of the Full Council Meeting where members of the Save Temple Cowley Pools Campaign addressed and questioned the labour administration in full here:
From about 11 mins 15 seconds....
Complete set of hi-res cartoons for protests on behalf of Egypt (by Latuff)
30-01-2011 10:45

Egypt shuts down Al Jazeera bureau
30-01-2011 10:28
The Egyptian authorities are revoking the Al Jazeera Network's licence to broadcast from the country, and will be shutting down its bureau office in Cairo, state television has said.Cyber Action -- Urge Air Canada to Stop Transporting Monkeys for Vivisection
30-01-2011 10:20
It was recently disclosed that Air Canada are transporting monkeys for research after an employee at Toronto international airport tipped off the BUAV that a shipment of 48 monkeys, destined for Montreal, was being held at the airport after arriving from China. As Air Canada doesn't have a cargo division, all the monkeys they transport must be being carried in the cargo hold of passenger flights with people's luggage.My home broken into & all my court documents stolen.....who would gain??
30-01-2011 10:17
After being arrested by 12 counter terrorism & major investigations directorate officers from city of London police for exposing corruption at board level at guy carpenter reinsurance limited and exposing the corrupt relationship between kroll and city police, I have now had my home broken into and all my court documents stolen.I have made a new documentary exposing the corruption, who broke into my home, watch it and you decide. Interview with national newspaper below,
The Revolution Is Televised Here
30-01-2011 07:19

views but who wish to find the truth of the matter discussed,
in the exchange of their views, while applying reason and
Unlayering the Middle East War Agenda
30-01-2011 06:13
Reality is almost like an onion.InfoUsurpa 31st January - 6th February 2011
29-01-2011 23:24
InfoUsurpa brings you next weeks events happening in London's autonomous spaces and beyond...
Download, print, distribute
arts against cuts protest at british museum
29-01-2011 23:24
'arts against cuts' is a a group of artists, students, lecturers, cultural workers and others. this morning, before the student march in london, they staged a banner drop and occupation in the british museum as part of their campaign to educate the public about, and protest against, the cuts and their effects on the arts.
just before 11am , about a hundred activists gained access to the rear doors of the museum, and as they entered the grand hall from behind, others dropped an 'art strike' banner above the front entrance of the hall. the activists had banners, placards, and many leaflets to hand out, and a trumpeter, some percussion, and a few whistles all added to the effect.
security guards attempted to snatch the banner, but as photographers documented this, and the legality of the snatch was questioned, they gave up. meanwhile the activists took over a staircase, a new spot for the banner was found, and then a sit-down art class began, while the public were given leaflets.
the whole occupation lasted around half an hour, and the students packed up and left peaceably, leaving a new display of artworks on the stairs and making one last lap of the main hall before exiting.
at the front of the museum, they were greeted by the sight of three van fulls of TSG riot police who were standing by outside. they were of course not needed.
Police Turn Egypt into War Zone
29-01-2011 22:37

Hundreds of students chase Porter through Manc
29-01-2011 22:23
National Union of Students President Aaron Porter was unable to speak at the rally of today’s NUS/UCU demonstration in Manchester, after hundreds of angry students chased him off the streets.
VIDEO: short clips from #demo2011 / van blocking
29-01-2011 22:22
A few clips from today's take over of London Streets, with several thousand marching against fees and cuts to parliament, then off and away past Millbank, to show solidarity with those in Egypt fighting a repressive regime, and then off again, streets reclaimed, Boots, Topshop, Vodaphone and Banks protested, different groups marching miles around the city, blocking whitehall, splitting off, coming back together.
The video clips don't really show that, but a bit of it at any rate. It does show groups of people up for blocking police vans, and I saw a whole lot of #solidarity out on the streets today. Good effort. Solidarity to everyone out protesting in Manchester too.
Localise the protests, then come back stronger on March 29th - see you there!
29-01-2011 21:27
Welfare state is not going to come back... and we do not need it.#Demo2011: audio from January 29 demo in london
29-01-2011 21:22
A day out on a demonstration in London isn't complete without an audio recording device. Have a listen to some of the interviews and atmospheric recordings from today's quite epic journey on the streets of London...
So I went for a bit of an experimental approach and brought out some not-so-random pictures associated with the protests and asked people to take and look and talk about one that inspired them to share their thoughts with listeners. Here are some of the snippets that I got back...
Interview with protestor who pulled the 'where does UK debt lie in comparison to other countries' card...
This protestor decided to talk about the graph that shows
Interview with two of the Queer pink and black bloc right before the start of the march
Once I spotted the flash of pink and black and ran over to get two of the folks to talk about the pics - one chose a pic from indymedia ireland featuring a student demostrator holding a sign saying "DOLE OFFICE here I come" - linking it to recent statistics stating that young college graduates are more likely to be unemployed than any other . The second queer bloc-er chose a pic featuring a cop about the beat a protestor at the Milbank demo, dayx1, discussing the irony of 'the right to peaceful protest' and how it's 'enforced' by the Met...via kettling and beating people. They also told me about the Queer bloc - part of Queer Resistance, who are concerned about the cuts and how they will be effecting everyone, and building solidarity as well as looking specifically at how the LGBT population.
Interview with a protestor talking about the charles & camilla car paint-job incident
So this protestor pulled out the card featuring a picture of the aftermath of when charles and camilla's car drove past Regent St - and the protestor decided to shed light on how we, the public, ended up seeing the image of the charles & camilla's car splashed all over the main stream press front pages the day after the demos on 10 December 2010.
Interview with one of uniriot
So this one isn't a picture interview - I got lucky and ran into one of the people behind unriot and went for a bit of a straight interview. He discussed his involvement in the anti-cuts uk movement, linking it to the student movement in Italy, Europe and beyond, urging us to consider organising on a trans-national level, indicating that the struggles of unemployed, underemployed, oppressed workers transcend borders.
Interview with protestor
While walking down Whitehall, I came across a chatty, friendly guy who had a lot to say in regards tax collection, which is why - after he chose -this- card - and insists that while its pretty hypocritical that we're cutting public spending and not holding the rich to account in terms of paying into the system, tax-collection should not be the focus of the anti-cut movement's energy. He mentions his involvement in the campaign to save his local library and activities in the anti-cuts carnival coming up in Lewisham on 19 February 2011.
Other atmospheric audio...
Hare Krishnas were out, playing music and serving nice hot food at the start of the march - some audio of them...
A funny chant about privitisation and selling off public services
"No ifs, no buts..." chant at the start of the march in front of ULU
All the audio is copyleft for nonprofit purposes so feel free to use, sample, edit at will!
Gamal Mubarak in London
29-01-2011 21:04
Gamal Mubarak has fled Egypt and is now in LondonKids burning stuff at Egyptian Embassy
29-01-2011 20:22
A very quick mobile phone shot showing a bit of the atmosphere outside the Egyptian Embassy this afternoon.