UK Newswire Archive
Boycott Flor de Caña: There is no evidence linking Nicaragua Sugar to CKD
22-09-2010 16:50
The study commissioned to Boston University Public Health School in November 2008 was the result of an agreement between Nicaragua Sugar (NSEL) and the Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), the most important association of CRI patients in NicaraguaPalestine Today, 09 22 2010
22-09-2010 16:01

"Manufacturing Dissent": Anti-globalization Movement Funded by Corporate Elite
22-09-2010 11:09

The Crude Awakening Mass Action
22-09-2010 09:57
A mass action to switch off oilTHE CRUDE AWAKENING
A mass action to switch off oil
Saturday, 16 October 2010, Central London
A mass action to switch off oil
Saturday, 16 October 2010, Central London
Floods in Pakistan, drought in Russia, huge glaciers breaking up in Greenland...
Our climate system is rapidly sliding into crisis, as oil companies destroy people's lives and the environment to keep sucking up their profits.
Oil saturates every aspect of our lives. Oil profits lubricate the financial markets and its sponsorship clings like a bad smell to our cultural institutions. It flows through pipelines to the pumps, airports and factories of our cities.
The failure of the UN COP15 process showed us – if there was ever any doubt – that government and industry can’t tackle climate change. It’s up to us and it’s time to up the ante.
As a movement, our actions against coal and aviation have made a real difference. Now oil’s time is up.
Together, on October 16, let's give the oil industry a Crude Awakening.
Meet in central London. Be ready to move, to HOLD A SPACE and to leave that space in a way that shows we've been there.
Be creative. Be prepared. Be there.
Find out more, get involved and sign up for text alerts at
There are a whole host of build up events up and down the country and details can be found on the website, along with further explanation.
Twitter: @crudeawake
Part of the Climate Justice Action
Climate Justice Action global week of action for climate justice.
Supported by: Space Hijackers, Climate Camp, Plane Stupid, Rising Tide, Liberate Tate, Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, UK Tar Sands Network and Earth First
See you on the streets
Crude Awakening
Crude Awakening
22-09-2010 08:55
THE CRUDE AWAKENINGA mass action to switch off oil
Saturday, 16 October 2010, Central London
Western hypocrisy, in two parallel cases - Sakineh Ashtiani & Teresa Lewis
22-09-2010 08:15

Project Censored "censored" because of stance on 9/11 Truth!
22-09-2010 07:59

The autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca has ended
21-09-2010 23:18
translated and condensed by Nancy Davies from El Universal, and MilenioMonday, 20/09/2010 – 13:31
Afghanistan Debate 9th September 2010, The Writing on the Wall, in Gloucester
21-09-2010 19:22
"England is an open air psychiatric hospital!" (sic)Just a couple of weeks ago, on Thursday the 9th of September 2010, there took place in Westminster an important debate. It was a debate close to the hearts of many in the West Country, not least because of the thought-provoking return of Loved-Ones to Wotton Bassett. The debate was entitled, "Commons debate on UK armed forces in Afghanistan". It lasted all Thursday afternoon and many speakers spoke passionately on a subject that affects our society at a fundamental level.
From Hansard:-
"At 1.14 pm Mr Peter Bone (Wellingborough) (Con): I beg to move:- "That this House supports the continued deployment of UK armed forces in Afghanistan.""
This was a debate on a questionable "war", that has at best the support of only one quarter of the population of the UK, a debate on a topic that has affected so many in so many ways. And the importance of the debate should have ensured a nigh on full attendance from our elected representatives, those MPs that "work for you".
Also, the importance of this debate should have ensured that it was faithfully reproduced and broadcast to the British people, the majority of whom were unable to follow this debate as it happened.
So the BBC reporting on this debate later, (not on main TV News, of course), led with the story:-
"MPs have overwhelmingly backed keeping UK troops in Afghanistan, in the first vote they have held on the issue."
Overwhelmingly? How on Earth can the BBC claim that there was overwhelming support for the continued invasion of Afghanistan when only 324 MPs, less than half the 650 total MPs in Westminster, had any opinion whatsoever on this most important topic.
And if it hadn't been for a Division, a Division is called when the speaker, Dawn Primarolo in this case, has difficulty in deciding between the "ayes" or the "noes" called out by MPs, if it hadn't been for a division, the vote would even have been much less. The vote would then have only comprised of the shouts of "aye" or "noe" of those MPs who were actually there, debating the issue.
Following this vote that was so close as to make a division necessary, party whips began the usual coersion process on the MPs who may not even have taken part in the debate, or listened to the arguments for and against the troops in Afghanistan.
And after this coersion, the vote changed from an inconclusive result to a vote of 310 for the motion and 14 against.
This is our democracy in action, a democracy dominated by war hawks and the Arms Industry.
It is true that the hawks didn't get all their own way as only 324 MPs out of a total of 650 voted definitively, the rest, over half of them either abstained or absented themselves from the vote.
The problem with this distortion of policy and distortion of reporting by the BBC, is that we the masses are getting the message that democracy isn't working, that there is an unbridgable gap between the sheeple and the policymakers, and ultimately that observing due process and law is totally ineffective, a waste of time, and for wimps.
We have been led into illegal wars against our will by war criminals, some of them even subsequently profit from their crime by selling their memoirs in W H Smiths and Waterstone's in Bristol.
We have MPs who are ineffective at conveying the wishes of the people, but are experts at tax evasion and expense fiddling.
We have Bankers whose actions contributed to the bankrupting of our country yet still persist in awarding themselves grotesquely high salaries and bonuses.
And now we have an Income Tax Department clawing back millions from unsuspecting ordinary folk, all the while admitting that the Tax Office computer system had errors.
We are all affected on a fundamental level by unresolved injustices, and when we in the UK are helpless to prevent our MPs from voting with the hawks and arms dealers for the continual devastation of poor people in other lands, (its all good for business, don't you know!), well, little wonder that there is written on a wall, not a stones throw from Gloucester City Centre:-
"England is an open air psychiatric hospital."
"Shocking suicide toll on combat veterans
Britain faces a "ticking timebomb" of mental illness and suicide among young Army veterans who return from hand-to-hand combat in Afghanistan, the Conservatives will warn today."
"The US Soldier Who Committed Suicide After She Refused To Take Part in Torture
There is no harder rock for a soldier to stumble over than orders they know to be illegal; there is no harder place than the knowledge that those orders come from the White House, itself.
To be caught between that rock and that hard place...
If there is an afterlife - and soldiers have more cause to dwell upon that question than most - then I have no doubt that God gave her an Honorable Discharge from life before He promoted her on Up."
The Invisibles are Coming! Menwith Hill - Sat Oct 2nd
21-09-2010 18:22
Powerful protest at Menwith Hill from 1pm. Start at Kettlesing lay-by, HG3 2RF, for walk around the foremost US spybase in the world - and just outside Harrogate, North Yorkshire.BNP members finding favour with sonic rock sympathisers
21-09-2010 17:21

Palestine Today 09 21 2010
21-09-2010 17:09

Why Animal Rights Must Remain 100% Anti-Racist
21-09-2010 17:08
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther KingWho really benefits from 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’?
21-09-2010 16:26

Free Bradley Manning - Write a Letter, Cause a Ruckus!
21-09-2010 13:48
* Some of the footage Bradley Manning is accused of
235 stapleton rd eviction update
21-09-2010 13:22
about a dozen people there plus......a couple of squad cars, the new owner (?) and a couple of purple suited estate agents from hart (just love the hair gel guys!) all calm at mo - squatter still on roof - but that could all changee...pop down if you in the area.
Smash EDO: Fundraiser with bands from Gaza! And Hammertime update
21-09-2010 12:36
Hammertime is getting closer! 10am, Wednesday October 13thIf you have not already done so, text or email us your mobile phone number for text updates about the meeting point for the siege (

In the meantime...come to an exciting fundraiser with bands from Gaza!
English Defence League leaders accused of stealing money by EDL members
21-09-2010 11:36
The English Defence League leadership have been accused of stealing money by the rank and file members of the English Defence League [EDL]. At a meeting held by EDL members the leadership were accused of stealing money. The leadershipe are now saying that they will stop selling the EDL merchandise, clothing and so on following the accusations of theft and misusing EDL monies.1st Minorca Opencast Objection
21-09-2010 11:24
As the Minorca Opencast Protest Group prepares to put it's case to Leicestershire County Council on why UK Coal's Minorca Surface Mine Application should be rejected it has begun to publish it's detailed objections. This Press Release out lines the first of these.
Objectors to the Minorca Surface Mine development being proposed by UK Coal plc claim that the proposal lacks a thorough new assessment of the expected impact that Heavy Goods Vehicles will have on local roads.
In the first part of their formal objections document published today, the Minorca Opencast Protest Group (MOPG) claim that the information on traffic contained in UK Coal’s submission documentation is out of date and misleading. Wardle Armstrong on behalf of UK Coal did carry out a traffic survey in 2008 and this information formed part of UK Coal’s first submission in July 2009. However MOPG then pointed out that this survey did not take account of the opening of the new Hanson Brickworks situated on the eastern fringe of Measham and using the same road network as the HGV’s would be using serving the proposed opencast mine. This is a brickworks capable of producing 100,000,000 bricks a year and is responsible for a significant increase in local HGV movements.
However, instead of undertaking a new traffic survey to correctly assess the effect of this new HGV traffic UK Coal’s new submission ‘modelled’ the impact based on data provided by Hanson’s to support their original application and the data collected for the 2008 survey. As the Traffic Assessment Objection states
“Although Gallows Lane is classified as an HGV route a large majority of the traffic using the road was, at least until the Hanson operation started, cars and light commercial vehicles; this is because Gallows Lane links Ashby to Atherstone and Nuneaton: all minor industrial centres. Apart from employees working at the sites all the increase in traffic on Gallows Lane will be very heavy lorries. Accordingly the simple statistics of numbers of traffic movements and projected numbers of traffic movements do not give a representative picture of the impact of the heavy industrial Traffic generated by the Minorca site and the simple numbers of traffic movements do not even take account of the Hanson traffic which comprises entirely eight-wheeler mineral lorries.”
The objection also points out that the Hanson Application’s prediction of an average of 10 HGV movements an hour during the working day does not seem to be supported by witnessing actual HGV movements which seem more that 10 HGV hourly movements, especially during the early morning rush hour.
A number of traffic related issues were raised by MOPG in its first set of objections to do with road safety and three local accident black spots at the junction of Gallows Lane and Measham Road, the sharp bend on Gallows Lane at the bottom of the hill near Fields Farm and lastly the staggered junction where Gallows Lane crosses Leicester / Swepstone Road just east of Measham. These issues have not been addressed in this second submission.
In conclusion the traffic objections state that
“UK Coal and their Agents have failed to collect adequate up to date data and therefore the conclusions from their projected computer modelling are unreliable.
UK Coal and their Agents have failed to address any of the further points which were raised in the traffic assessment section of the document “MOPG Response to Application by UK Coal Mining Ltd September 2009”
The Traffic Assessment part of our set of objections can be downloaded from:
Steve Leary for MOPG said
“There is no doubt that if this planning application goes ahead it will lead to a significant increase in local HGV movements to and from the Minorca site off Gallows Lane. If this application is approved, then when this site is working there will be an additional 22 HGV movements an hour on Gallows Lane compared to the situation in 2008. Hanson’s predicted 10 extra HGV movements an hour, though MOPG think this is an underestimate especially during the morning rush hour, coupled with the extra 12 HGV movements predicted by UK Coal plc.
The only modification to the road system suggested is to widen the western last 100 yards of Bosworth Road to enable two lines of traffic to exit north and south onto Gallows Lane. This proposed modification itself is unwelcome to many local residents who do not want changes made that destroy the rural nature of the local network.
In addition, what will become a major route for HGV’s uses, in part, one of the main bus routes taking local students to secondary schools outside of Measham. I know this is a major concern of local parents who fear the consequences of this major increase in local HGV traffic.
As already stated we consider that the Traffic Assessment as submitted is unreliable and does not deal with specific traffic risks issues and therefore we are submitting this as one reason why Leicestershire County Council should reject this application” .
A decision on this application is expected to be made by Leicestershire County Council on Friday October 15th.
tel 05601 767981,
Call for International Solidarity to Comrades in Chile
21-09-2010 11:23