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12-12-2005 19:51

The INCA centre in Timisoara, Romania is a rare example of an activist-run cultural centre in the country. Without it, alternative and activist culture in Romania will lack a focal point. The local authority is currently threatening to throw INCA onto the streets 18 months before their contract ends.

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Amendment. Venezuela; bolivarian revolution, coal and indigenous resistance

12-12-2005 19:39

Six years after Chavez was voted into power indigenous people are still fighting for their lives and for the environment.
Manchester, Sunday 18th 3pm, The basement, 24 Lever St

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Link between southern Christian fundamentalists/Texas oil interests/Russian mob

12-12-2005 18:51

Additional ties between southern Christian fundamentalists, Texas oil interests, and Russian-Israeli mobsters and weapons smugglers uncovered. According to informed Washington insiders, there is increasing evidence of financial links between key "Christian Right" GOP notables and an international ring of Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli mobsters.

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Free Trade Endangers Jobs Worldwide

12-12-2005 18:26

Free trade in agriculture means export orientation and mass production instead of giving priority to food security and qualitatively high-grade regional food production.

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Government and media provocations spark racist violence on Sydney beaches

12-12-2005 17:12

Fomenting racial divisions
Both the Liberals and the Laborites are committed to implementing deeply unpopular right-wing economic reforms--exacerbating social inequality, eliminating job security, and driving down wages and living conditions. The two parties seek to deflect opposition to their agenda by fomenting racial divisions in order to channel the insecurity and disaffection felt by millions of ordinary people into deeply reactionary channels. At the most fundamental level, that is what caused Sunday's events.

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Battle of the Beanfield Book Reviewed

12-12-2005 16:51

'On June 1st 1985, a convoy of new travellers, peace protesters, green activists and festival goers set off from Savernake Forest in Wiltshire to establish the 12th annual free festival at Stonehenge.

They never reached their destination.

8 miles from the stones they were ambushed, assaulted and arrested by a quasi-military police force of over 1,300 officers drawn from three counties and the MOD.'

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What if you had 16 hours, 29 minutes to live?

12-12-2005 16:20

What would you be thinking — what would you be feeling — if you had but 16 hours and 29 minutes left to live, knowing that you were not going to die of natural causes at some unspecified date and time, but knew that you were scheduled — that's right, scheduled — to die one minute after midnight, tonight, in California's San Quentin prison?

Note: This article is available with integrated web links via the blog at the following URL:

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Axis of Evil? How about Axis of Assholes?

12-12-2005 16:15

This is a 450 word account of my strong (very strong) feelings about the criminal assholes who get away with so much mass murder in the world. When and How can they be brought to justice? 15 labeled photos are attached

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Venezuela Film Showing tomorrow evening at the MAC (Tuesday 13th)

12-12-2005 13:24

The film 'The Revolution will not be Televised' will be showing on Tuesday at 7.00pm at the Midlands Arts Centre. It is about the failed coup in Venezuela in 2002 with apparent US support.

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Indymedia & London Rising Tide film night

12-12-2005 13:23

an evening of film & talk on Climate Change and Resistance to Big Oil.

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Brighton police 'pleased' with EDO march

12-12-2005 12:23

Superintendent Kevin Moore and Churchill Square management are unable to justify their hysterical comments in the run up to Saturday's peaceful march through Brighton centre.

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Iraq Opinion Poll: Look Past The Hype!

12-12-2005 11:48

Re. latest opinion poll from Iraq, now being frantically hyped by the armchair imperialists as another new dawn - but if you drill down into the detail:

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Harass Your*

12-12-2005 11:22

*sorry, no better not, but do contact him for lively debates and disagreement!

Lets make them do their job!

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Jack Straw lies on Radio Four (again)

12-12-2005 08:53

More lies on "extraordinary rendition"

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Fuel Depot Explosion

12-12-2005 05:28

News management of accident

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Internet censorship: protecting people from the truth

12-12-2005 04:58

December 9, 2005 -- Internet censorship. It did not happen overnight but slowly came to America's shores from testing grounds in China and the Middle East.
Progressive and investigative journalist web site administrators are beginning to talk to each other about it, e-mail users are beginning to understand why their e-mail is being disrupted by it, major search engines appear to be complying with it, and the low to equal signal-to-noise ratio of legitimate e-mail and spam appears to be perpetuated by it.

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ITALY, NO-TAV protests: 50.000 fight against the police!

12-12-2005 01:46

- the protesters managed to re-occupie the valley -

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How Thick Is The BPP's Sid Williamson

12-12-2005 01:09

And so thick he'd post THIS picture of himself!
So thick he thinks that THIS is good publicity!

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Paramilitaries murder 22 peasant farmers in Cesar, northern Colombia

12-12-2005 00:45

MINGA, the Association for the Promotion of Social Alternatives informs national and international public opinion, that paramilitaries currently engaged in so called “peace negotiations” with the Colombian government, detained, tortured and then executed 22 peasant farmers in the villages of La Mas Verde and Nuevo Horizonte, in the municipality of Curumani, Cesar.

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More Cindy Sheehan @ Parl Sq pics

12-12-2005 00:32

A few more pics from today's visit from Cindy Sheehan to Parliament Square and Downing Street.